
文摘   2024-08-26 11:30   广东  

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       本期推送的是2024年7月份地理教育研究方向的文献目录,我们对《Journal of Geography》《Journal of Geography in Higher Education》《International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education》《The Geography Teacher》《Geography》等主要收录地理教育类论文的最新文献进行了整理,文献目录如下。


一、《地理杂志(Journal of Geography)》

Current Issue(Volume 123, Issue 2-3)

1. GeoCapabilities approach to climate change education: Developing an epistemic model for geographical thinking

作者:Yujing He, Sirpa Tani, Mikko Puustinen

单位:Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland

摘要:Multiple perspectives on geographical thinking are lacking in the teaching of climate change in school geography. This study establishes an epistemic model through a co-construction design to support geography teachers’ curriculum making with respect to climate change. We developed the preliminary model with four main geographical perspectives, including natural scientific, humanistic, social scientific, and posthuman perspectives, by drawing on studies in academic geography. Based on interviews with nine geography education researchers who have been involved in the GeoCapabilities project, we examined the educational potentials of multiple geographical perspectives in developing student’s capabilities to react to climate change.

2. The impact of teaching geographical causal diagrams on students’ geographical interrelationships thinking

作者:Chunyu Ma, Xiaoxu Lu

单位:College of Teacher Education, Faculty of Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China

摘要:Thinking about the interactions among geographical elements, referred to here as geographical interrelationships thinking, is a crucial part of geographical synthetic thinking. Causal diagrams are commonly employed in geography to cultivate students’ geographical synthetic thinking. To test the hypothesis that teaching with geographical causal diagrams can enhance students’ geographical interrelationships thinking, the author designed a teaching experiment. A total of 37 high school students participated in the one-month four-lesson teaching experiment. The results showed a significant improvement in students’ geographical interrelationships thinking. There was a significant positive correlation between students’ proficiency in drawing causal diagrams and their geographical interrelationships thinking.

3. Antiracist pedagogy through historical archives: A geographic approach

作者:Carrie Mott

单位:Geographic and Environmental Sciences, University of Louisville

4. An appeal for the re-incorporation of heartland and rimland theories into the Advanced Placement® course & exam description

作者:Kyle Tredinnick

单位:School of Global Integrative Studies, University of Nebraska Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA; Department of Geography, University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha, Nebraska, USA

5. Pocket-sized strategies: Nature activities for mental health and wellbeing

作者:Kimi Waite

单位:California State University, Los Angeles, California, USA


6. Elevating teacher-faculty professional development to move secondary geography education forward: A Southeast Texas case study

作者:Ross J. Guida, Velvet Nelson, John B. Strait

单位:Department of Environmental and Geosciences, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas, USA

二、《地理高等教育杂志(Journal of Geography in Higher Education)》


三、《地理与环境教育国际研究(International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education)》

Online first

7. Opportunities and challenges of using geospatial technologies in teaching school geography in Kazakhstan

作者:Laiskhanov Shakhislam, Issakov Yerlan, Aliaskarov Duman, Nurbol Ussenov, Kai Zhu

单位:Faculty of Natural Sciences and Geography, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

8. Assessing conceptions of climate change: An exploratory study among Japanese early adolescents

作者:Kelvin Tang

单位:Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Kashiwa City, Chiba, Japan

9. Reading landscape by high school graduates in Czechia: The perspective of high school teachers and academic geographers

作者:Tomáš Měkota

单位:Department of Social Geography and Regional Development, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague, Czechia

10. The interrelationship between global mindedness and global awareness in explaining variability in global self-efficacy: A cross-country comparison

作者:Jehanzeb R. Cheema, Suzanne E. Hiller

单位:Department of Information Systems and Operations Management, Costello College of Business, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, USA

11. Discovering and exploring conceptions of geography teaching: A teacher education starter pack

作者:Michaela Spurná, Petr Knecht

单位:Department of Geography, Faculty of Education Masaryk University, Brno, Czechia

12. The influence of inductive activities on pupils’ conceptualization and attitudes to the greenhouse effect and climate change

作者:Lucia Kováčová, Ľubomír Held, Katarína Kotuľáková

单位:Faculty of Education, Trnava University, Trnava, Slovakia

13. Diversity unveiled: A critical analysis of geography textbooks and their global representation

作者:Leoni Dörfel, Rieke Ammoneit, Carina Peter

单位:Department of Geography Education, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Marburg, Germany

14. Thinking. Speaking. Producing. Maps: Linking cartographic concepts and cartography-specific language use

作者:Neli Heidari, Knut Schwippert, Sandra Sprenger

单位:Faculty of Education, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

15. Influences on the task-setting practices of geography teachers: Orientations and curriculum contexts

作者:Uwe Krause, Tine Béneker, Jan van Tartwijk, Duygu Güngör

单位:Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands; Department of Geography Education, Fontys University of Applied Sciences, Tilburg, The Netherlands

四、《地理教师The Geography Teacher)》

Current Issue(Volume 21, Issue 2)

16. Become an NCGE placemaker: A model for member engagement driving geography education to the future

作者:Thomas Larsen, Kyle Tredinnick

单位:Department of Geography, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa, USA

17. Tour of a map-reader’s brain, part 6: Spatial analogies, scaffolds, and spinoffs

作者:Phil Gersmehl

单位:Consultant for Ottawa and Wexford-Missaukee School Districts, Oshtemo, Michigan, USA

18. Graphic novels: A pedagogical device for understanding key concepts in global migration and encouraging empathy for the experiences of displaced persons

作者:Emily Skop

单位:Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA

19. Exploring the displaced persons crisis and the international refugee regime in alpha: Abidjan to Paris

作者:Frida Foss, Emily Skop

单位:Urban and Regional Planning, UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs, Los Angeles, California, USA

20. Exploring the geographical lens, citizenship, and belonging in the graphic novel: Baddawi by Leila Abdelrazaq

作者:Ryan Brown

单位:Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, College of Letters Arts & Sciences, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA

21. Exploring identity in the graphic novel seeking refuge by Irene Watts

作者:Rachel Hopper

单位:Geography and Environmental Studies, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA

22. Exploring citizenship and belonging in the graphic novel soviet daughter by Yulichka “Julia” Alekseyeva

作者:Larry Mackey Jr.

单位:Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, College of Letters Arts and Sciences, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA

23. Exploring the geographical lens and the spatial perspective in welcome to the new world

作者:Hannah Rach

单位:Geography and Environmental Studies, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA

《地理教师(The Geography Teacher)》

Online first

24. Travel as a Human Geography lesson

作者:Justin M. McCrackin, Abigail E. Chow, Alexis Lund

单位:History, Jenks High School, Jenks, Oklahoma, USA

25. Promote environmental awareness and care by creating a virtual reality tour for the local community

作者:Hsiao-Ping Hsu

单位:School of STEM Education, Innovation and Global Studies, Institute of Educations, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland

26. Teaching and learning in the world of AI

作者:Samantha Serrano

单位:Social Sciences, James B. Conant High School, Hoffman Estates, Illinois, USA

27. Meteorology and myth: A fair candlemas

作者:Dennis J. Edgell

单位:Geology and Geography Department, University of North Carolina at Pembroke, Pembroke, North Carolina, USA

28. Geography beyond boundaries: Teaching redistricting as an entry point to the broader discipline of geography

作者:Christopher S. Fowler

单位:Department of Geography, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, USA



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