
文摘   2024-09-18 11:30   广东  


本期推送的是2024年8月份政治地理研究方向的文献目录,我们对《Political Geography》《Geopolitics》《Environment and Planning C》和《Territory Politics Governance》等期刊的最新文献进行了整理,照例我们也对“有关中国的研究”“来自中国学者”的文献进行了高亮处理。

一、《政治地理(Political Geography)》

Current Issue( Volume113)

1. United States Senate malapportionment: A geographical investigation

作者:J. Clark Archer, et al.

单位:Geography Program, School of Global Integrative Studies, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE, 68588-0368, USA

2. A world model: On the political logics of generative AI

作者:Louise Amoore, et al.

单位:Department of Geography, Durham University, UK

3. Temporality, nationalism and the territorialisation of public space - Commemorational presences in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv

作者:Mattias Kärrholm

单位:Lund University, Sweden

4. Prison expansion in the plains grasslands: Coloniality, ecological injustice and carceral sprawl

作者:Emma K. Russell

单位:La Trobe University, Plenty Rd and Kingsbury Dr, Bundoora, VIC, 3086, Australia

5. Scientific nationalism and museums of the future in Germany and the UAE

作者:Natalie Koch

单位:Department of Geography and the Environment, The Maxwell School, Syracuse University, 144 Eggers Hall, Syracuse, NY, 13244, USA

6. Containing the intertidal island: Negotiating island onto-epistemological visibility and plurality

作者:Elena Burgos Martinez

单位:Area Studies, Leiden University, Matthias de Vrieshof 3, 0.02a, 2311, BZ, Leiden, the Netherlands

7. The production of political liminality in Macao

作者:Chuyue Ou, Zhongxuan Lin

单位:School of Journalism and Communication, Jinan University, Guangzhou, China

8. From conflict to coexistence: Reaffirming belonging and property rights through the ‘sons of village’ discourse in post-conflict Kenya

作者:Fredrick Ajwang

单位:Department of Political Economy, King's College London, Bush House, North East Wing, 30 Aldwych, London, WC2B 4BG, UK

9. A moral economy of pastoralists? Understanding the ‘jihadist’ insurgency in Mali

作者:Tor A. Benjaminsen, et al.

单位:Department of International Environment and Development Studies, Faculty of Landscape and Society, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås, Norway

10. De-risking, re-balancing and recentralising: Intra-state relations in Chinese-backed transport infrastructure projects in Europe

作者:Giles Mohan, et al.

单位:The Open University, UK

11. An urban political ecology of populism

作者:Joris Gort

单位:Department of Geography, King's College London 40 Bush House, North East Wing, Aldwych, London, WC2B 4BG, United Kingdom

12. On the move: Autocratic leaders, security, and capital relocations

作者:Carl Henrik Knutsen

单位:Department of Political Science, University of Oslo, Moltke Moes Vei 31, 0851, Oslo, Norway

13. The blatant phenomenon of 'election-driven legalization of informality

作者:Elvina Merkaj, et al.

单位:Marche Polytechnic University, Italy

14. Streets of memory: Urban practices of civil antimafia resistance

作者:Giuseppe Muti

单位:Department of Theoretical and Applied Sciences (DiSTA), University of Insubria, Varese, Italy

15. Dissent is the word: New evidence on municipal turnout after amalgamation

作者:Silvia Bolgherini

单位:University of Perugia, Italy

16. Blooming activism in a drying land: Water justice movements along river Tigris in Iraq

作者:Andrea Rizzi

单位:University of Bologna, DiSCi, Geography Section, Via Guerrazzi, 20, Bologna, 40125, BO, Italy

17. Cybernetic States: Communication, control, and state-space in the advanced research projects agency

作者:Brian Jordan Jefferson

单位:Department of Geography and Geographic Information Science, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 2062 Natural History Building, 1301 W. Green St, Urbana, IL, 61801, USA

18. Place-based resentment in an egalitarian welfare state

作者:Kiran Rose Auerbach

单位:Dept. of Political Science, University of Zurich, Affolternstrasse 56, 8050, Zurich, Switzerland

19. Sudden weather disasters as triggers for ethnic protest in autocracies?

作者:Viktoria Jansesberger

单位:University of Konstanz Department of Politics and Public Administration, Cluster of Excellence “The Politics of Inequality”, Universitätsstraße 10, 78464, Konstanz, Germany

20. The ethnic-spatial conservation fix: Contradictory tensions between restitution and enclosure within communally owned protected areas in South Africa

作者:Oscar Mthimkhulu, Adrian Nel

单位:University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

21. Intersectional praxis for social-ecological transformations: Lessons from North Macedonia's grassroots Green Deal

作者:Simona Getova, et al.

单位:Research Group on Health Inequalities, Environment – Employment Conditions Network (GREDS-EMCONET), JHU-UPF Public Policy Center, Departament de Ciències Polítiques i Socials, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Spain

22. From frontier-making to world-making: The enduring power of frontiers in South Asia

作者:Nivi Manchanda

单位:Queen Mary University of London, UK

23. Digital geographies of diplomacy: The uneven digital mediation of spaces and encounters at the UN Human Rights Council

作者:Alex Manby, Fiona McConnell

单位:School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford, Oxford, OX1 3QY, UK

24. On pipelines, readiness and annotative labour: Political geographies of AI and data infrastructures in Africa

作者:Kerry Holden, et al.

单位:School of Geography, Queen Mary, University of London, UK

25. What’s the purpose of teaching political geography?

作者:Igor Okunev

单位:Newcastle University, England, UK

26. Reading Algorithmic reason: The new government of self and other, Oxford University Press, Oxford

作者:Rocco Bellanova, et al.

单位:Law, Science, Technology and Society (LSTS), Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium


Online First

27. The ‘Cultural Life’ of democracy in Sri Lanka (and beyond)

作者:Benedikt Korf

单位:Department of Geography, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland

28. Conjuring a blockchain pilot: Ignorance and innovation in humanitarian aid

作者:Margie Cheesman

单位:Digital Economy, Department of Digital Humanities, King’s College London, London, UK

29. The geoeconomics of regional currency contest: How bilateral swap arrangements of India and Japan counter the rise of RMB

作者:Yaechan Lee, et al.

单位:College of Asia Pacific Studies, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Beppu, Japan

30. The ‘Green War’: Geopolitical metabolism and green extractivisms

作者:Erik Post

单位:Department of Geography, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

31. Les identitaires’ impact on french foreign policy during the 2015 crisis of the European Asylum System

作者:João Carvalho

单位:CIES-ISCTE, ISCTE-I, Lisboa, Portugal


(Environment and Planning C)》

Online First

32. Repair, maintenance, and ordinary politics: Patronage relations in the Mexico City public markets’ network

作者:León Felipe Téllez Contreras

单位:University of the West of Scotland, UK

33. Recentralization, reconfiguration, and re-marketization in China’s city-region-building: Multi-relational rescaling in Jiangbei state-level new area

作者:Yu Gao, et al.

单位:PhD Candidate, Nanjing University, China

34. Uncertain living: Pestering displaceability in a neighbourhood regeneration process

作者:Hila Zaban

单位:Kinneret College on the Sea of Galilee, Israel

35. Spatial politics and struggle for hegemony: The role of Komala in the revolutionary movement of Iranian Kurdistan

作者:Hamed Saidi

单位:Leiden University, Netherlands

36. Politicising Space, (In)visibilising Grief: Pandemic commemoration and the UK’s “National COVID Memorial Wall”

作者:Kandida Purnell

单位:Richmond, American University London, UK

37. Becoming knowledgeable stakeholders: Enacting political and epistemic authority in a Swedish strategic urban planning project

作者:Hannah Saldert, et al.

单位:University West, Sweden

38. Levelling Up, affective governance and tensions within ‘pride in place’

作者:Michael Howcroft

单位:University of Glasgow, UK

39. Insurgent climate adaptation in Santiago de Cali: Resisting and reshaping flood-risk resettlements

作者:Hugo Sarmiento

单位:Columbia University, USA

40. Decoy politics: How settler states deflect Indigenous threats

作者:James Collie, et al.

单位:The University of Western Ontario, Canada

41. Detention, death, and deportation: (Re)bordering Brazilian migrants under Bolsonarism and the pandemic

作者:Gustavo Dias

单位:State University of Montes Claros, Minas Gerais, Brazil

42. Decentralisation advocacy and inter-government coordination: A local government association perspective

作者:Steven R Henderson

单位:Independent researcher, Leicester, UK

43. Megaprojects: Beyond the managerial and activist traps

作者:Ander Audikana, et al.

单位:Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland

44. How wars don’t end: A response to Gerard Toal’s analysis of ceasefire negotiations in Ukraine

作者:Veronica Anghel

单位:Robert Schuman Center for Advanced Studies European University Institute, Italy

45. Geographical storylines and the Russian invasion of Ukraine: Narrative power and narrative taboos, a (difficult) conversation

作者:Luiza Bialasiewicz

单位:University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

46. Locality under the deepening reach of the state: The industrial park regeneration in Quanzhou city

作者:Wenshi Yang

单位:Tongji University, China

47. Debating the war in Ukraine: In defense of the conventional wisdom

作者:Michael Kimmage

单位:Catholic University, USA

四、《领域 政治 治理(Territory Politics Governance)》

Online First

48. The territorial politics of nation branding: Marketing education in the UK and Scotland

作者:Hannah Moscovitz

单位:Danish School of Education, Aarhus University, Copenhagen, Denmark

49. Regional ambassadors or state agents? Representing Welsh interests in the British Parliament and Cabinet

作者:Alejandro Peinado García, et al.

单位:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto de Políticas y Bienes Públicos, Madrid, Spain

50. La femme fait la maison: The Accumulation of Surplus Value through Family Planning in Burkina Faso1

作者:T.D. Harper-Shipman , Katian Napon

单位:Africana Studies, Davidson College, Davidson, NC, USA

51. Transhumance Urbanism as an Urban Otherwise: Inhabiting Agrarian Incompletion at the Intersections of Extended Urbanisation-Extended Ruralisation

作者:Nitin Bathla

单位:Department of Architecture, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland

52. A global era of disposability: The Anthropocene, the apotheosis of waste

作者:Mohammed Rafi Arefin, et al.

单位:Department of Geography, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada

53. The social reproductive roots of agrarian contention: Gendered labor amid peasant struggles in Tunisia

作者:Dhouha Djerbi           

单位:International Relations & Political Science, Geneva Graduate Institute (IHEID), Geneva, Switzerland

54. Bulbs and biopower: Managing produce and price in the age of agri-logistics

作者:Tanya Matthan

单位:Department of Geography and Environment, London School of Economics, London, UK

55. Making space for the maritorio: Raizal dispossession and the geopoetic imagination in the San Andrés Archipelago

作者:Julie Cupples

单位:School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK

56. Uneven development through profit repatriation: How capitalism's class and geographical antagonisms intertwine

作者:Christof Parnreiter, et al.

单位:Department of Geography, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

57. Sports cages as social infrastructure: Sociality, context, and contest in Hackney's Cages

作者:Luke Billingham, et al.

单位:Social Policy & Criminology, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK



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