
文摘   2024-08-12 11:33   广东  

本期推送的是城市地理与环境规划类刊物(2024年7月)的文献目录,我们对《Landscape and Urban Planning》《Urban Geography》《Urban Studies》和《International Journal of Urban and Regional Research》等主要收录环境与规划类(包括城市地理研究类)论文的文献更新进行了整理,文献目录如下。为了便于查阅,推送将文献标题进行了翻译,其中“有关中国的研究”“来自中国学者”的文献进行了加粗和高亮处理。



《景观与城市规划(Landscape and Urban Planning)》

Current Issue (Volume 250)

1. Measuring urban nature for pedestrian health: Systematic review and expert survey

测量城市自然对行人健康的影响: 系统综述和专家调查

2. Monitoring and perception of allergenic pollen in urban park environments


3. A three-dimensional future land use simulation (FLUS-3D) model for simulating the 3D urban dynamics under the shared socio-economic pathways


4. A dose of nature to reduce sexual crimes in public outdoor spaces: Proposing the landscape-sexual crime model


5. Linked spatial and temporal success of urban growth boundaries to preserve ecosystem services


6. Higher tree species richness and diversity in urban areas than in forests: Implications for host availability for invasive tree pests and pathogens

城市地区树种丰富度和多样性高于森林: 入侵树木病虫害和病原体对宿主可利用性的影响

7. HashGAT-VCA: A vector cellular automata model with hash function and graph attention network for urban land-use change simulation

HashGAT-VCA: 一种基于 Hash 函数和图形注意网络的城市土地利用变化模拟向量元胞自动机模型

8. Anthropogenic pressure in Czech protected areas over the last 60 years: A concerning increase

过去 60 年来捷克保护区的人为压力:令人担忧的增长


《城市研究(Urban Studies)》

Current Issue (Volume 61,Issue 10 )

9. Constitutive outsides or hidden abodes? Totality and ideology in critical urban theory


10. Diverging mobility situations in Greater Mexico City: Exploring the factors behind the mobility situations of public transport commuters

大墨西哥城差异化的交通状况: 探索公共交通乘客交通状况背后的因素

11. Back to the suburbs? Millennial residential locations from the Great Recession to the pandemic

回到郊区? 从大萧条到大流行的千禧一代住宅区

12. Local policy-making within the multilevel system: A study of governance in peripheral(ised) medium-sized cities undergoing socio-economic transformation in Saxony, Germany and Lower Silesia, Poland

多层次体系下的地方政策制定: 对萨克森和下西里西亚正在经历社会经济转型的边缘化中型城市治理的研究

13. Proximity as urban democratic legitimacy: Strategies of participation in Buenos Aires

作为城市民主合法性的邻近性: 布宜诺斯艾利斯的公众参与战略

14. Hukou type, hukou place and labour market vulnerability in Chinese megacities: The case of Beijing in the COVID-19 pandemic


15. Doing sonic urban ethnography: Voices from Shanghai, Berlin and London

声音城市民族志: 来自上海,柏林和伦敦的声音

16. Neighbourhood structure and environmental quality: A fine-grained analysis of spatial inequalities in urban Germany

邻里结构与环境质量: 德国城市空间不平等的精细分析

17. Those who leave: Out-migration and decentralisation of welfare beneficiaries in gentrified Paris

那些离开的人: 绅士化巴黎福利受益人的外流和去中心迁移

18. Smart cities at the intersection of public governance paradigms for sustainability


19. Review essay: Recent books on urban India

评论文章: 近期关于印度城市的书籍

20. Book review: Urban Surfaces, Graffiti, and the Right to the City: Space, Materiality and the Normative

书评:《城市表面、涂鸦和城市权利: 空间、物质性和规范性》

21. Book review: Streets in Motion: The Making of Infrastructure, Property, and Political Culture in Twentieth Century Calcutta

书评:《运动中的街道: 二十世纪加尔各答基础设施、财产和政治文化的形成》

Online First (2024/6/28-2024/7/27)

22. Invisible fish: The selective (dis)connection of elite Chinese gated community residents from urban public space

隐形鱼: 中国精英门禁社区居民对城市公共空间的选择性(不)连接

23. Castro, Soho, Chueca, Le Marais. An international approach to queer urban spaces of symbolic capital accumulation


24. Preference for internet at home in a disadvantaged neighbourhood


25. Seeking opportunity or socio-economic status? Housing and school choice in Sweden

寻找机会还是社会经济地位? 瑞典的住房和学校选择

26. A conceptual framework for understanding neighbourhoods in the digital age


27. Access to the exclusive city: Home sharing as an affordable housing strategy

进入排他性城市: 共享租房作为一种社会福利住房策略

28. Examining collaborative planning processes and outcomes in urban regeneration: A deliberative turn in China?

审视城市更新的协作规划过程和结果: 中国的协商转向?

29. Book review: How Cities Can Transform Democracy

书评: 《城市如何改变民主政体》

30. Racial capitalism in urban studies: From spaces of victimisation to spaces of benefit

城市研究中的种族资本主义: 从受害空间到利益空间

31. (De)Financing remunicipalisation


32. Proptech and the private rental sector: New forms of extraction at the intersection of rental properties and platform rentierisation

物业科技和私人租赁部门: 租赁物业和平台再利用交织的新形式租金抽取

33. The creative city’s swan song? The individualisation of the music scene in Bologna, UNESCO City of Music

创意城市的绝唱? 联合国教科文组织音乐之城博洛尼亚的音乐场景个性化

34. Unequal access to childcare in cities: Is equal public funding sufficient?

城市育儿机会不平等: 平等的公共资金是否足够?

35. Bridging ‘infrastructural solutions’ and ‘infrastructures as solution’: Regional promises and urban pragmatism

结合被动的“基础设施解决方案”和主动的“基础设施作为解决方案”: 区域承诺和城市实用主义

36. From communal places to comfort zones: Familiar stranger encounters in everyday life as a form of belonging

从公共场所到舒适区: 从与熟悉的陌生人的日常生活邂逅中获得归属感


《城市地理(Urban Geography)》

Current Issue (Volume 45,Issue 6 )

37. The entrepreneurial shadow state delivering a smart city


38. Localizing India’s global smart cities: A multi-scalar analysis of cities yet-to-come

印度全球智慧城市的地方化: 未来城市的多尺度分析

39. The ivory tower in China’s speculative urbanism: Instrumentalizing the university-healthcare nexus

中国投机性城市主义中的象牙塔: 大学与医疗保健关系的工具化

40. Of scale and discourse: China’s ecological civilization and the struggle for development in Anshun


41. “Art district without artists”: Urban redevelopment through industrial heritage renovation and the gentrification of industrial neighborhoods in China


42. How common is greening in gentrifying areas?


43. Negotiating infrastructural citizenship beyond the state: Philanthropy, non-profit organizations, and the Flint Water Crisis

谈判国家以外的基础设施公民权: 慈善事业,非营利组织,以及弗林特水危机

44. Subordinate housing financialization: Tracing global institutional investment into Lisbon’s urban development

次级住房金融化: 追踪全球机构投资进入里斯本的城市发展

45. Cities on the new silk road: The global urban geographies of China’s Belt and Road Initiative

新丝绸之路上的城市: 中国一带一路的全球城市地理

46. Digital platforms and the spatial transformation of urban villages in southern China: A case for platform-urban villagism?


Online First (2024/6/28-2024/7/27)

47. Offshore campus development and the worlding of Dubai as an international education hub


48. A welcoming city and nowhere to live: Private hospitality and the urban politics of reception in Bologna

一个受欢迎的城市与无处居住: 私人住宿和博洛尼亚的城市接纳政治

49. Shelter in place: Neighborhood policing of homelessness in Montreal, Canada

就地容身: 加拿大蒙特利尔无家可归者的社区治安

50. The slow violence of waiting in the unmaking of public housing


51. Neoliberalism and the splintering of city-regionalism: The case of Denver’s regional transit agency in times of COVID-19 urban austerity

新自由主义和城市区域主义的分裂: 丹佛市区域交通局在新冠疫情城市紧缩时期的案例

52. Diversity our strength? Exploring the influence of power dynamics on shaping suburban ethnic strips and place-making

多元化的力量? 探索权力动态对塑造郊区民族地带和地方营造的影响

53. Interrogating narratives of urban change: Disinvestment and development in two neighborhoods in Baltimore, MD

城市变迁的质疑叙事: 马里兰州巴尔的摩两个社区的撤资和发展

54. The modern and the Monster: Heritage activism in the post-socialist city between performance and performativity


55. The need to design a nocturnal 15-min city




International Journal of Urban and Regional Research)》

Current Issue (Volume 48,Issue 4 )

56. Rewilding bangkok: Critical zones and the cosmoecology of parks and protests

再野化曼谷: 关键区域和公园与抗议的宇宙生态学

57. Green informalities as socially just ecological infrastructure: Enduring with dignity at the edges of resilient development in Dhaka

作为社会公正生态基础设施的绿色非正式组织: 在达卡韧性发展的边缘保持尊严

58. How local practices of sociopolitical innovation develop: And why this matters for urban transformations

社会政治创新的地方实践如何发展: 为什么这对城市转型很重要

59. Agency and power of coastal communities: Assembling micro infrastructures as everyday resistance and resilience in North Jakarta's Port

沿海社区的能动性和权力: 在雅加达北部港口拼装日常抵抗和韧性的微型基础设施

60. Climate-just housing: A socio-spatial perspective on climate policy and housing

气候正义住房: 气候政策与住房的社会空间视角

61. Did India ever have a right to the city movement? Rethinking housing justice in violent times

印度有权参与城市运动吗? ——重新思考暴力时代的住房公正

62. Insurgent co-production: Conflict, cooperation and the dialectics of scale in Thailand's Baan Mankong Program

叛乱的联合生产: 泰国 Baan Mankong 计划中的冲突、合作与尺度辩证法

63. State-led gentrification against the backdrop of urban authoritarian practices


64. Neighbourhoods against the state: Reversing territorial stigma in Casablanca and beyond

反对国家的邻里关系: 扭转卡萨布兰卡及其他地区的领土耻辱

65. Heritagization as an authoritarian urban practice in china: Insights from Lijiang


66. Unveiling urban dispossessions through a feminist lens: Social reproduction, gentrification and authoritarian neoliberal urbanism

透过女权主义视角揭示城市剥夺: 社会再生产、绅士化与威权新自由城市主义

67. Planetary gentrification and urban authoritarianism


Online First (2024/6/28-2024/7/27)

68. The power of uncertified urban land


69. Local initiatives in shrinking cities: On normative framings and hidden aspirations in scholarly work

收缩城市中的地方倡议: 学术工作的规范框架与隐藏的愿望

70. The persistence of peenya: Examining industrial space in Global Bangalore

佩尼亚的坚持: 全球班加罗尔产业空间考察


《自然·城市(Nature Cities)》

Current Issue (Volume 1,Issue 7 )

71. City lines and city skies


72. Social and spatial mobility opportunities provided by small cities


73. Access to multiple urban centres is now the norm for billions


74. What three decades of city networks tell us about city diplomacy’s potential for climate action


75. Contribution of concrete nitrogenation to global NOx uptake


76. Worldwide delineation of multi-tier city–regions


77. Outsourced carbon mitigation efforts of Chinese cities from 2012 to 2017


78. Publisher correction: Assessing global urban CO2 removal

出版商更正: 评估全球城市二氧化碳排放量

79. Safeguarding Saint Petersburg’s skyline


Online First (2024/6/28-2024/7/27)

80. Mitigating urban heat island through neighboring rural land cover


81. Big mobility data reveals hyperlocal air pollution exposure disparities in the Bronx, New York


82. Neighboring rural areas provide cities with ‘green clothes’ that reduce urban heat islands


83. Recent progress in indoor CO2 capture for urban decarbonization

用于城市脱碳的室内 CO2捕获技术研究进展

84. Scholars studying urban Latin America discuss the region’s future









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