
文摘   2024-09-11 11:30   广东  


本期推送的是城市地理与环境规划类刊物(2024年8月)的文献目录,我们对《Landscape and Urban Planning》《Urban Geography》《Urban Studies》《International Journal of Urban and Regional Research》和《Nature Cities》等主要收录环境与规划类(包括城市地理研究类)期刊的文献更新进行了整理,文献目录如下。为了便于查阅,推送将文献标题进行了翻译,其中“有关中国的研究”“来自中国学者”的文献进行了加粗和高亮处理。


一、《景观与城市规划(Landscape and Urban Planning)》

Current Issue (Volume 250)

1. The association between maintenance and biodiversity in urban green spaces: A review


2. Green enough? A dose-response curve of the impact of street greenery levels and types on perceived happiness


3. Community garden management for resilient cities: A case study in suburban Tokyo during the COVID-19 pandemic

韧性城市的社区花园管理: 新冠疫情大流行期间东京郊区的案例研究

4. After-sealing life in urban soils: Experimental evidence of resilience and efficiency of ectomycorrhizal inoculation

城市土壤封闭后的寿命: 外生菌根接种恢复力和效率的实验证据

5. How do residential open spaces influence the older adults’ emotions: A field experiment using wearable sensors

住宅开放空间如何影响老年人的情绪: 使用可穿戴传感器的现场实验

6. Comparison of the impact of school environment on body mass index, physical fitness, and mental health among Chinese adolescents: Correlations, risk factors, intermediary effects

学校环境对中国青少年身体质量指数、身体素质和心理健康影响的比较: 相关、危险因素、中介效应

7. How can networks address barriers to nature-based solutions? The case of agriculture and construction in the Netherlands

网络如何解决基于自然的解决方案面临的障碍? 荷兰的农业和建筑案例

8. Exploring the spatial trade-off effects of green space on older people’s physical inactivity: Evidence from Shanghai

探索绿地对老年人缺乏运动的空间折衷效应: 来自上海的证据

9. A content analysis of urban forest management plans in Canada: Changes in social-ecological objectives over time

加拿大城市森林管理计划的内容分析: 随着时间的推移社会生态目标的变化

10. Nature-based solutions for urban biodiversity: Spatial targeting of retrofits can multiply ecological connectivity benefits

基于自然的城市生物多样性解决方案: 改造的空间定位可以增加生态连通性的好处

11. Gaps in the implementation of urban forest management plans across Canadian cities


12. Greener view, safer drive: Using repeated field experiments and deep transfer learning technique to investigate impacts of urban road landscapes on driving performance

绿色视野,安全驾驶: 利用反复现场实验和深度迁移学习技术,研究城市道路景观对驾驶性能的影响

13. How funding scarcity and ineffective governance tools inhibit urban greenspace provision: An exploration of municipal greenspace managers’ insights

资金短缺和无效的治理工具如何抑制城市绿地供应: 对城市绿地管理者洞察力的探索

14. The relationship between urban greenery, mixed land use and life satisfaction: An examination using remote sensing data and deep learning


15. Public perceptions of multiple ecosystem services from urban agriculture


16. Shaping city soundscapes: In situ comparison of four sound installations in an urban public space

塑造城市声景: 城市公共空间中四种声音装置的原位比较

17. Liveability in large housing estates in Germany – Identifying differences based on a novel concept for a walkable city


18. How does spatial structure affect psychological restoration? A method based on graph neural networks and street view imagery

空间结构如何影响心理恢复? 一种基于图神经网络和街景意象的方法?

19. Aesthetic experience of raingardens: The role of affordance


20. Corrigendum to “Association of urban green space with metabolic syndrome and the role of air pollution” [Landsc. Urban Plann. 248 (2024) 105100]


二、《城市研究(Urban Studies)》

Current Issue (Volume 61, Issue11)

21. What is local government financialisation? Four empirical channels to clarify the roles of local government

什么是地方政府金融化? 阐明地方政府角色的四个实证渠道

22. Accommodating ‘generation rent’: Unsettling dominant discourses on rental housing reform in Catalonia and Spain


23. Unbundling tenure security and demand for property rights: Evidence from urban Tanzania

将产权分解为土地保有权安全性和保有权需求: 来自坦桑尼亚城市的证据

24. The politics of drains: Everyday negotiations of infrastructure imaginaries in Accra

排水渠的政治: 阿克拉基础设施意象的日常谈判

25. Commuting to the urban tech campus: Tech companies’ and their elite workers’ co-production of South Lake Union, Seattle

通勤到城市科技园区: 西雅图南湖联盟科技公司及其精英员工的合作生产

26. Reimagining the municipal economy: The emancipatory politics of the people’s budget movement

重新想象市政经济: 人民预算运动的解放政治

27. Is hiding my first name enough? Using behavioural interventions to mitigate racial and gender discrimination in the rental housing market

隐藏我的名字是否足够? 使用行为干预来减少租房市场中的种族和性别歧视

28. Conceptualising aesthetic power in the digitally-mediated city


29. Heterogeneous neighbourhood effects on the educational attainments of native Norwegian and immigrant-descendant female and male young adults


30. Urban poverty and the role of UK food aid organisations in enabling segregating and transitioning spaces of food access


31. Book review: How Cities Can Transform Democracy


32. Book review: Climate Change and Urban Environment Sustainability

书评: 气候变化与城市环境可持续性

《城市研究(Urban Studies)》

Online First(2024/7/28-2024/8/27)

33. Urban mobilities in Mumbai: Towards worker-centric platformisation beyond ‘urban solutionism’

孟买的城市流动性: 走向超越“城市解决方案主义”的以工人为中心的平台

34. Supplementary rental supply? The digital market for low-cost and informal housing in Sydney, Australia

补充租赁供应? 澳大利亚悉尼低成本和非正式住房的数字市场

35. Migration across the urban hierarchy: Has China’s urbanisation transitioned from the primate city stage to the secondary city stage?

跨城市等级的人口迁移: 中国的城市化进程是否已从首位城市阶段过渡到次级城市阶段?

36. Firm dynamics in urban neighbourhoods and innovation: A microgeographic analysis

城市社区企业动态与创新: 微观地理学分析

37. Navigating between resistance and unintentional collaboration: The role of left-wing grassroots associations in the tourist city

在抵抗与无意合作之间导航: 旅游城市中左翼基层协会的作用

38. Delivering suburban densification: Diverse resident groups and strategies of support and resistance

提供郊区密集化: 多样化的居民群体和支持与抵抗的策略

39. Proximity to gentrification and order maintenance policing: How the diffusion of urban renewal amplifies formal social control

毗邻绅士化街区和维持秩序的警务: 城市更新的扩散如何放大正式的社会控制

40. Local familiar strangers in digitalising urban neighbourhoods in Seoul


41. Gentrification and neighbourhood satisfaction: A study of Philadelphia

绅士化与邻里街区满意度: 费城的研究

42. Temporary temporariness? The (mis)use of tactical urbanism from the ‘open city’ framework


43. Book review – Lessons from Existing Smart Cities: Living Labs, Smart-green initiatives, and Citizen Participation

书评-现有智慧城市的经验教训: 生活实验室,智能绿色倡议和公民参与

三、《城市地理(Urban Geography)》

Online First (2024/7/28-2024/8/27)

44. Working toward infrastructural citizenship: State-society relations and community waste labor in Cape Town

努力实现基础设施公民权: 开普敦的国家-社会关系和社区垃圾劳动

45. Living with, or despite, organized abandonment: Social reproduction and real estate speculation on Chicago’s Large Lots

与有组织的遗弃共同生活: 芝加哥大地产的社会再生产和房地产投机

46. Rural idyll in a global creative city: Gentrification, cultural governance and creative placemaking

全球创意城市中的乡村田园: 绅士化、文化治理和创意地方营造

47. Infrastructure in formation: The politics and practices of making progress with infrastructure


48. Whose sidewalk is it? Street vendors and the battle for San Diego’s foodscape

这是谁的人行道? 街头小贩和圣地亚哥美食之战

49. Culture-led regeneration and the contestation of local discourses and meanings: The case of European maritime port cities


50. Compassionate revanchism, homelessness, and the divided local state: The case of Spokane, WA

富有同情心的复仇主义、无家可归和分裂的地方政府: 斯波坎的例子

四、《国际城市和区域研究杂志(International Journal of Urban and Regional Research)》

Online First (2024/7/28-2024/8/27)

51. The persistence of Peenya: Examining Industrial Space in Global Bangalore

佩尼亚的坚持: 全球班加罗尔产业空间考察

52. Elsewheres of the unbuilt: The Global Effects of Transnational Energy Infrastructure Projects

未建成的其他地方: 跨国能源基础设施项目的全球影响

53. The partnership question as a scale question: Extending the Theorization of Entrepreneurial Urbanism in China

作为尺度问题的伙伴关系问题: 企业主义城市理论在中国的拓展

五、《自然·城市(Nature Cities)》

Current Issue(Volume 1,Issue 8)

54. Drawing local insights with a diversity of methods


55. Copy-and-paste fixes can’t decarbonize Global South cities


56. Never too local for science advice


57. Seeing Durban as a Global South counter-city


58. Social cohesion from urban heritage


59. Scholars studying urban Latin America discuss the region’s future


60. Neighboring rural areas provide cities with ‘green clothes’ that reduce urban heat islands


61. Recent progress in indoor CO2 capture for urban decarbonization

用于城市脱碳的室内 CO2捕获技术研究进展

62. Big mobility data reveals hyperlocal air pollution exposure disparities in the Bronx, New York


63. Mitigating urban heat island through neighboring rural land cover


64. Publisher Correction: What three decades of city networks tell us about city diplomacy’s potential for climate action

更正: 30年的城市网络告诉我们城市外交在气候行动方面的潜力

65. Revisiting Buenos Aires’s collective power





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