
文摘   2024-07-31 11:30   广东  

本期推送的是城市地理与环境规划类刊物(2024年6月)的文献目录,我们对《Landscape and Urban Planning》《Urban Geography》《Urban Studies》和《International Journal of Urban and Regional Research》等主要收录环境与规划类(包括城市地理研究类)论文的文献更新进行了整理,文献目录如下。为了便于查阅,推送将文献标题进行了翻译,其中“有关中国的研究”“来自中国学者”的文献进行了加粗和高亮处理。



《景观与城市规划(Landscape and Urban Planning)》

Current Issue (Volume 249)

1. Limitations of existing park quality instruments and suggestions for future research


2. Land subdivision in the law's shadow: Unraveling the drivers and spatial patterns of land subdivision with geospatial analysis and machine learning techniques in complex landscapes

法律阴影下的土地细分: 通过地理空间分析和机器学习技术揭示复杂景观中土地细分的驱动因素和空间模式

3. Unhoused users in parks and public greenspace: An intergroup conflict approach

公园和公共绿地中的流浪者: 一种解决人群间冲突的方法

4. Multiuse Trails, Gentrification, and heterogeneity of neighborhood change


5. A novel full-resolution convolutional neural network for urban-fringe-rural identification: A case study of urban agglomeration region


6. More green, less depressed: Residential greenspace is associated with lower antidepressant redemptions in a nationwide population-based study

更加绿色,更少抑郁: 一项全国性人口研究显示居住区绿地与抗抑郁药的使用率降低相关

7. Comparison of urban green space usage and preferences: A case study approach of China and the UK


8. How the COVID-19 pandemic changed forest visits in Switzerland: Is there a back to normal?


9. Spatial configuration of green space matters: Associations between urban land cover and air temperature


10. Multi-scaled green infrastructure optimization: Spatial projections and assessment for dynamic planning and design

多尺度绿色基础设施优化: 动态规划和设计的空间预测和评估

11.Historical park planning is associated with modern-day patterns of bird diversity in cities


12. How can urban green space be planned for a ‘happy city’? Evidence from overhead- to eye-level green exposure metrics



《城市研究(Urban Studies)》

Current Issue (Volume 61,Issue 8 )

13. Urban Studies Best Article 2023


14. The urbanisation of controlled environment agriculture: Why does it matter for urban studies?

受控环境农业的城市化: 为什么对城市研究很重要?

15. Rezoning a top-notch CBD: The choreography of land-use regulation and creative destruction in Manhattan’s East Midtown

重新区划一流的 CBD: 纽约市中城东土地使用管制和创造性破坏的编排

16. Mapping policy pathways: Urban referencing networks in public art policies

图绘政策路径: 公共艺术政策中的城市参考网络

17. Fences, seeds and bees: The more-than-human politics of community gardening in Rotterdam

篱笆、种子和蜜蜂: 鹿特丹社区花园的超人类政治

18. Differentiated grassroots: Navigating sustainability transitions in conservative political contexts

差异化的基层: 在保守的政治背景下引领可持续性转型

19. Density and pandemic urbanism: Exposure and networked density in Manila and Taipei

密度和流行病城市主义: 马尼拉和台北的暴露和网络密度

20. Analysing a private city being built from scratch through a social and environmental justice framework: A research agenda

通过社会和环境正义框架分析正在从零开始建设的私人城市: 研究议程

21. Race and perceptions of revitalisation in the ‘District of Gentrification’


22. Social ties in and out of the neighbourhood: Between compensation and cumulation

邻里街区内外的社会联系: 补偿与积累之间

23. Belling the cat: Designing collective action institutions for natural resource management in the peri-urban interface

挺身而出: 为城市郊区的自然资源管理设计的集体行动机构

24. Book review: Atlas of Informal Settlement: Understanding Self-Organized Urban Design

书评:《非正规住区地图集: 理解自组织的城市设计》

25. Book review: The Sanctuary City: Immigrant, Refugee, and Receiving Communities in Postindustrial Philadelphia

书评: 《庇护城市: 后工业Philadelphia 的移民、难民和接收社区》

26. Book review: Urban Food Deserts in Japan

书评: 《日本的城市食物荒漠》


《城市研究(Urban Studies)》

Current Issue (Volume 61,Issue 9 )

27. Reimagining hope through the political: A post-foundational reading of urban alternatives beyond postpolitics

通过政治重新想象希望: 对超越后政治的城市替代方案的后基础性解读

28. Housing movement coalitions in the United States: Trends from big networks among urban civil society leaders

美国住房运动联盟: 来自城市民间社会领导人大型网络的趋势

29. The changing social class structure of London, 2001–2021: Continued professionalisation or asymmetric polarisation?

2001-2021年伦敦不断变化的社会阶层结构: 持续的职业化还是不对称的两极分化?

30. ‘Volviendo a Vivir’ (coming back to life): Urban trauma, activism and building emancipatory futures

‘ Volviendo a Vivir’(回归生活) : 城市创伤、行动主义和建设解放的未来

31. Deconstructing the urban viewpoint: Exploring uneven regional development with Nancy Fraser’s notion of justice

解构城市观点: 用南希·弗雷泽的正义观探索区域不平衡发展

32. Informality through the state: How overregulation and tolerance shape informal land development in metropolitan Brazil

政府干预下的非正规性: 过度管制和宽容如何塑造巴西大都市的非正规土地开发

33. Caring and commoning in political society: Insights from the Scugnizzo Liberato of Naples


34. Navigating spatial inequalities: The micro-politics of migrant dwelling practices during COVID-19 in Antwerp

穿越空间不平等: 安特卫普2019新冠期间移民居住实践的微政治

35. Sanitation configurations in Lilongwe: Everyday experiences on and off the grid

利隆圭的卫生设施配置: 电网内外的日常体验

36. Suburbanisation in East Germany


37. Book review forum: Politics and the Urban Frontier: Transformation and Divergence in Late Urbanizing East Africa

书评论坛: 《政治与城市前沿: 东非城市化后期的转变与分歧》

38. Book review: The Routledge Handbook of Urban Design Research Methods

书评: 《城市设计研究方法Routledge手册》

39. Book review: Food Sovereignty and Urban Agriculture: Concepts, Politics, and Practice in South Africa

书评:《食物主权与都市农业: 南非的概念、政治与实践》

40. Book review: Governing Neighborhoods in Urban China: Changing State–Society Relations

书评:《中国城市社区治理: 国家与社会关系的变迁》

Online First (2024/5/28-2024/6/27)

41. Local state leadership: State-leading groups in governing urban China

地方政府领导: 治理中国城市的政府领导小组

42. Places to be young: The dispossession of public space in Old Havana

年轻人的地方: 对哈瓦那老城区公共空间的剥夺

43. Targeting the centre and (least) poor: Evidence from urban Lahore, Pakistan

公共品供给瞄准城市中心和最不穷的人: 来自巴基斯坦城市拉合尔的证据

44. ‘Lines of flight’ in city food networks: A relational approach to food systems transformation


45. Small is beautiful? Making sense of ‘shrinking’ homes

小即美? 让紧凑型房屋有意义

46. Communities built on political trust: Theory and evidence from China

建立在政治信任基础上的社区: 理论与中国的证据

47. Review essay: Recent books on urban India

评论文章: 近期关于印度城市的书籍

48. Book review: Urban Surfaces, Graffiti, and the Right to the City: Space, Materiality and the Normative

书评: 城市表面、涂鸦和城市权利: 空间、物质性和规范性

49. Customary land management systems and urban planning in peri-urban informal settlements


50. Housing the historical bloc: Civil society contestation of authoritarian neoliberalism in England

住房的历史集团: 威权新自由主义在英国的公民社会争论


《城市地理Urban Geography)》

Current Issue (Volume 45,Issue 5 )

51. Insourcing the smart city: Assembling an ideo-technical ecosystem of talent, skills, and civic-mindedness in Singapore


52. Shaping smart cities: Problem framing, vertical selection and governance in UK smart cities


53. “Fixing” finance? The dialectical publics of resilient disaster governance in Mexico city


54. Tinkering with malleable grassroots infrastructures: Kenyan local currencies in informal settlements

修补具有可塑性的草根基础设施: 肯尼亚非正规住区中的地方货币

55. Community stakeholders, communicative geography, and the urban policy process


56. Assembling place-based transitions: Capitalist logics of green building in Vancouver, Canada


57. Rethinking vacancy within the urbanization process: Towards a new research agenda


58. Why does urban Artificial Intelligence (AI) matter for urban studies? Developing research directions in urban AI research

为什么城市人工智能(AI)对城市研究很重要? 在城市人工智能研究中发展研究方向

59. The City after Property: A conversation on critical geographies of race and property


60. Trust the people: A lesson in listening, learning and following the lead of Black people in The City after Property

信任人民: 《现代产权制度之后的城市》关于倾听、学习和跟随黑人领导的启示

61. Towards a world of “living otherwise” in The City after Property


62. People after property: beyond relations of extraction

现代产权制度之后的人: 超越榨取的关系

63. The legacy of Black Power, the future of abolition, and the urban land question in The City after Property


64. Of plots and plantations, wilderness and frontiers in The City after Property


65. On writing The City after Property


Online First (2024/5/28-2024/6/27)

66. Consequential urban development of sustainable strategies


67. The limits of right-sizing: Analyzing social housing strategies in French shrinking cities

正确规模的局限性: 分析法国收缩城市的社会住房策略

68. Does public rental housing foster social ties? A study of the everyday social lives of rural migrants in Chongqing, China

公租房是否促进了社会联系? ——对重庆农民工日常社会生活的研究

69. Filling the void: Arts and culture institutions as socio-political actors in East Jerusalem

填补空白: 在东耶路撒冷作为社会政治行动者的艺术和文化机构

70. An analysis of diverse gentrification processes and their relationship to historic preservation activity in Chicago


71. “There’s nothing left to tax”: The effects of automobility on the downtowns of America’s mid-size cities 1913–2013

“没有什么可以交税的了”: 1913-2013年汽车对美国中型城市市中心的影响

72. Digital platforms and the spatial transformation of urban villages in southern China: A case for platform-urban villagism?


73. Offshore campus development and the worlding of Dubai as an international education hub




International Journal of Urban and Regional Research)》

Current Issue (Volume 48,Issue 3 )

74. Neo-pentecostal urban infrastructures in Lagos, Nigeria: Ontology, Politics, Poetics

尼日利亚拉各斯新五旬节时期的城市基础设施: 本体论、政治学、诗学

75. Sociospatial formation of middle-class distinction: The Educated Middle Classes in Neo-urban India

中产阶级差异的社会空间形成: 印度新城市中受过教育的中产阶级

76. Residualized public housing in Romania: Peripheralization of ‘the Social’ and the Racialization of ‘Unhouseables’

罗马尼亚公共住房的剩余化: “社会”的边缘化和“无住房者”的种族化

77. Prefiguring pragmatically? Prefigurative Politics and the Constellation of People Power Strategies for Winning Affordable Housing in Cape Town


78. The housing-welfare regime and third-sector housing in Hong Kong and South Korea: A Historical Institutionalist Perspective

香港和韩国的住房福利制度与第三部门住房: 一个历史制度主义的视角

79. Unravelling the roles of active residents in a politically challenging context: An Exploration in Cairo

在政治挑战的背景下解开活跃居民的角色: 在开罗的探索

80. Gray governance at border checkpoints: Regulating Shadow Trade at the Sino-Kazakh Border

边境检查站的灰色治理: 中哈边境影子贸易规制

81. Between dreams and survival: The (Dis)Embeddedness of Neoliberalism among Entrepreneurial Workers from São Paulo's Peripheries

在梦想与生存之间: 新自由主义在圣保罗周边企业工人中的(去)嵌入

82. From Budapest To Brussels: Discursive and Material Failure in Mobile Policy

从布达佩斯到布鲁塞尔: 移动政策的话语失误和物质性失误

Online First (2024/5/28-2024/6/27)

83. Heritagization as an authoritarian urban practice in China: Insights from Lijiang


84. Neighbourhoods against the state: Reversing Territorial Stigma in Casablanca and Beyond

反对国家的邻里关系: 扭转卡萨布兰卡及其他地区的领土耻辱

85. Planetary Gentrification and Urban Authoritarianism


86. Unveiling urban dispossessions through a feminist lens: Social Reproduction, Gentrification and Authoritarian Neoliberal Urbanism

透过女性主义视角揭示城市剥夺: 社会再生产、绅士化与威权新自由城市主义

87. State-led gentrification against the backdrop of urban authoritarian practices


88. Climate-just housing: A Socio-spatial Perspective on Climate Policy and Housing

气候正义住房: 气候政策与住房的社会空间视角









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