
文摘   2024-09-09 11:30   广东  

本期推送的是2024年8月社会文化地理研究方向的文献目录,我们对《Social & Cultural Geography》《Cultural Geographies》《Environment and Planning D》《Gender, Place and Culture》《Emotion Space and Society》和《Children’s Geographies》等主要收录社会文化地理研究方向期刊的最新文献进行了整理,照例我们也对涉及中国的研究来自中国的学者进行了高亮处理。


《社会与文化地理(Social & Cultural Geography)》

Current Issue (Volume 25, Issue 7)

1. Custodians of a resort island: Standing by between oblivion and restoration

作者:Uma Kothari, Tim Edensor

单位:Migration and Postcolonial studies, Global Development Institute, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom; etc.

2. ‘Like yelling bomb in an airport’: Bed bugs and more-than-human geographies of migrant farm worker hostels

作者:Kaya Barry

单位:Griffith Centre for Social and Cultural Research, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia

3. The decolonial wor(l)ds of Indigenous women Los mundos (y palabras) decoloniales de las mujeres indígenas

作者:Walaa Alqaisiya

单位:Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Venice, Italy; etc.

4. ‘When this thing hit’: Examining the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in the blues-based cultural economy of Clarksdale, Mississippi

作者:Mandy Truman, Eric Sarmiento

单位:Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas, USA

5. Night-time bedroom soundscapes: Embodied geographies of housing and home

作者:Katie Walsh

单位:Department of Geography, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK

6. Construction as a ‘building event’: Exploring the role of project architects and their practices of intermediation during the construction of global architecture

作者:Venetsiya Dimitrova

单位:History and Theory of the City, HafenCity University Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

7. The domestic bathroom: A strongbox for gender performativity and transgression

作者:Júlia Pascual-Bordas

单位:The Inter-Universitary Doctoral Program in Gender Studies, enrolled in the Universitat de Barcelona (UB), Barcelona, Spain

8. Queer Latinx Worldmakings: Geographies of food, love and familia in prison

作者:Lorena Munoz

单位:Ethnic and Race Studies, California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, CA, USA

9. ‘Now there’s just a different feel’: Spatiotemporal commitments & commercial racialization as markers of rural belonging

作者:Cristina L. Ortiz

单位:Anthropology, University of Minnesota Morris, Morris, USA

《社会与文化地理(Social & Cultural Geography)》

Online First

10. Minding the emptiness of nothing: Methodological nothingness and the spatial anthropology of futility

作者:Les Roberts

单位:Department of Communication and Media, School of the Arts, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK

11. Emotional journeys: The pathways of African students to a Chinese higher education institution and performances of ‘emotion work’

作者:Daisy Binfang Wu

单位:School of Foreign Languages, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, Hangzhou, China

12. ‘All my friends here are ghosts’: Everyday geo-legalities in a rural poultry town

作者:Cynthia S. Gorman

单位:Department of Geology & Geography, West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia, USA

13. Ferals and gentrification in urban Australia: Place, death and memory

作者:Duncan McDuie-Ra, Kate Senior

单位:School of Humanities, Creative Industries and Social Sciences, University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW, Australia

14. Revealing activist experiences through film-viewing: Emotional geographies at the border of Ceuta and Melilla

作者:Silvia Almenara-Niebla

单位:ECHO/BIRMM, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium


《文化地理(Cultural Geographies)》

Online First

15. The long way round: Drawing to know by ‘not knowing’

作者:Deirdre Macleod

单位:University of Edinburgh, UK

16. Reckoning with landscape tensions, reflecting on creative methodologies

作者:Amy Robson

单位:Durham University, UK

17. ‘We live to write, from our life, the best of stories’: Exploring Colombian women’s embodied narratives of displacement through body mapping

作者:Risa Whitson, Nancy R Gómez, Camilo Pérez Quintero

单位:Ohio University, USA; Universidad del Norte, USA; Regis University, Colombia

18. Affective authoritarianism as joyful ‘oeuvre?’ Godly Subjects and Suburban Gladiators

作者:Jason Luger

单位:Northumbria University, UK

19. Digital ecologies in practice

作者:Oscar Hartman Davies, Jonathon Turnbull, Adam Searle

单位:University of Oxford, UK; University of Nottingham, UK

20. ‘The Song of the Innuit’: Circulating Arctic ethnographic knowledge through verse

作者:Peter R. Martin

单位:University of Nottingham, UK

21. Heritage as threshold: An autoethnographic exploration of the porticoes of Bologna (Italy)

作者:Stefania Bonfiglioli

单位:University of Bologna, Italy

22. Public art’s counter-temporalities, the case of the Garden Library, south Tel Aviv

作者:Mor Cohen

单位:University of Sheffield, UK

23. On the post-human political potential of puppets: A case study of Storm, an eco-activist

作者:Rosa Thomas, Janet Banfield

单位:The University of Edinburgh, UK; Oxford University Centre for the Environment, UK

24. The comfortable endurance of sustainable practices: Values, affect and community dynamics in Catalan eco-communities

作者:Elisa Schramm

单位:University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands

25. Relearning black presence in Amsterdam through guided tours: Teaching beyond the classroom

作者:Caleb Johnston, Jen Bagelman in conversation with Jennifer Tosch

单位:Newcastle University, UK

26. Running as a catalyst for environmental data inquiry: Closing the distance between ‘everyday’ and ‘expert’ knowledges

作者:Aideen M Foley

单位:Birkbeck, University of London, UK

27. Territorial imagination: Social media, visual images, and affect in Iranian Kurdistan

作者:Sanan Moradi

单位:University of Oregon, USA


《环境与规划D辑:社会与空间(Environment and Planning D: Society & Space)》

Online First

28. Architectures of disavowal and enduring acts of refusal

作者:Casper Laing Ebbensgaard

单位:University of East Anglia, UK

29. Neighborhood over nation: Place-based state-making of the middle-class in Mumbai

作者:Kamalika Banerjee

单位:Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Singapore

30. Eco-coloniality and the violent environmentalism of the UK–France border

作者:Thom Davies, Tesfalem H Yemane, Joe Turner, Lucy Mayblin, Arshad Isakjee

单位:University of Nottingham, UK; University of Liverpool, UK; University of York, UK; University of Sheffield, UK

31. Terra infirma: On the base map in urban cartography and GIS

作者:Clancy Wilmott, Alexis E Wood

单位:University of California, Berkeley, USA; University of California, Berkeley, USA

32. Planetary media: Decolonizing the space industry through Indigenous ownership

作者:Adam Fish

单位:University of New South Wales, Australia

33. Contingent autonomy: Robotic encounters in an uncertain world

作者:Shanti Sumartojo, Leimin Tian, Pamela Carreno-Medrano, Robert Lundberg, Dana Kulić, Michael Mintrom

单位:Monash University, Australia


《性别、地方与文化(Gender, Place and Culture)》

Current Issue (Volume 31, Issue 8)

34. From tourism to solidarity: Transnational feminism and world music in the UK

作者:James Nissen

单位:Music Department, The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK

35. European women’s gaze on both Ottoman Istanbul and the(ir) other

作者:Bengi Su Ertürkmen-Aksoy

单位:Architecture, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey

36. ‘You ensure your own safety’: Gender, fear and tourism labour in the gig economy in Turkiye

作者:Fiona Bakas, Duygu Salman

单位:Tourism Department, Lusófona University, Lisbon, Portugal; Tourism Department, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkiye

37.From women’s sections: Place affordances and women’s sense of place in American mosques

作者:Hassnaa Mohammed

单位:The Design School, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA

38. Neither Black nor Queer: Evangelicalism and groundless theology in Brazil

作者:Andrea S. Allen

单位:Department of Anthropology, Centre for Diaspora and Transnational Studies, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

39. Gender dimension and semiotic ideology of tradition. Crafting the Russian folk

作者:Varvara Kobyshcha

单位:Doctoral Programme in Social Sciences, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland

40. ‘The Buddha in the home’: Dwelling with domestic violence in urban Sri Lanka

作者:Asha L. Abeyasekera

单位:Centre for Women’s Studies, Department of Sociology, University of York

《性别、地方与文化(Gender, Place and Culture)》

Online First

41. Towards feminist geographies of livelihoods: Introduction

作者:Jennifer C. Langill

单位:Department of Geography, McGill University, Montreal, Canada

42. Gender, space, and resistance: street vendors of Dhaka city

作者:Meheri Tamanna, at el.

单位:Gender and Development Studies, Department of Development and Sustainability, School of Environment, Resources and Development, Asian Institute of Technology, Khlong Nueng, Thailand; etc.


《情感、空间与社会(Emotion Space and Society)》

Current Issue (Volume 52)

43.Feeling and interpreting the changing streetscape: Capturing experiences of urban atmospheres in Cuba street, Wellington

作者:Andreas Wesener

单位:School of Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Environment, Society and Design, Lincoln University, Lincoln, New Zealand

《情感、空间与社会(Emotion Space and Society)》

Current Issue (Volume 53)

44. Goodbye Yellow Brick Road: Nostalgia and mobility perceptions of informal dementia carers

作者:Thomas A. Lowe

单位:Population Research Centre, Faculty of Spatial Sciences, University of Groningen, Landleven 1, 9747 AD, Groningen, NL, the Netherlandsl


《儿童地理(Children’s Geographies)》

Current Issue (Volume 22, Issue 4)

45. Re-imagining child-nature relationships in ecotourism: Children’s conservation awareness through nature play and nature-based learning

作者:Heli King, Harriot Beazley, Leah Barclay, Amanda Miller

单位:School of Law and Society, University of the Sunshine Coast, Sunshine Coast, Australia

46. ‘ … nice to get some alone time’: Children’s spatial negotiation of alone time needs in the family home

作者:Sandra Costa Santos, Rosie Parnell, Husam Abo Kanon, Emily Pattinson, Alkistis Pitsikali, Heba Sarhan

单位:Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Dundee, Dundee, UK

47. Picturing broader socioeconomic conditions: introducing demographic data to participatory photo mapping in order to help youth understand community stratification

作者:Michael C. Lotspeich-Yadao, Kimberly Trevino-Boissel

单位:Department of Sociology, Baylor University, Waco, TX, USA

48. Children’s emotional geographies at a boarding school in rural China

作者:Qiushi Zhou

单位:The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, People’s Republic of China

49. Voices in a pandemic: Using deep mapping to explore children’s sense of place during the COVID-19 pandemic in UK

作者:Amanda D. Webber, at el.

单位:Science Communication Unit, University of the West of England (UWE), Bristol, UK; etc.

50. Identifying clientelism in orphanages: A conceptual model

作者:Rebecca Nhep

单位:Law Futures Centre, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia

51. ‘The world is your oyster’: Mothers’ perspectives on the value and purpose of an independent Forest School provision

作者:Samantha Friedman, Linda Allin, William Gray

单位:Social Work, Education and Community Wellbeing, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK; etc.

52. Youth dis/comforts in everyday spaces: An intersectional and mixed methods approach in Catalonia

作者:Maria Rodó-Zárate, Gloria García-Romeral, Gerard Coll-Planas

单位:Department of Political and Social Sciences, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain; etc.

53. Category construction and knowledge production in childhood studies: Rethinking ‘left-behind children’ through the case of ‘liushou children’ in China

作者:Kaidong Guo, Spyros Spyrou

单位:Social Research Institute, UCL, London, UK; Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, European University Cyprus, Engomi, Cyprus

54. Generation and gender: Theorising social reproduction in rural West Africa

作者:Karen Wells

单位:School of Social Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Birkbeck University of London, London, UK

《儿童地理(Children’s Geographies)》

Online First

55. ‘I felt as if I was overflowing’: Transitions to adulthood in the aftermath of the Colombian armed conflict

作者:Diana Carolina García Gómez

单位:Childhood Studies Department, Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, MA, USA

56. Children and young people’s unaccompanied mobility: The role of the built and social environments in an unequal Latin American Metropolis

作者:Natan Waintrub,Peter Jones, Nick Tyler

单位:Centre for Sustainable Urban Development, CEDEUS, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile; etc.

57. Growing up in the ‘Ghetto’: Children's ambiguous attachment in racialised communities in Denmark

作者:Asger Martiny-Bruun

单位:Department of Early Childhood and Social Education, University College Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark

58. Toddlers’ engagements with preschool playgrounds: Ethnographic insights from Sweden

作者:Johanna Annerbäck, Annika Manni, Håkan Löfgren, Fredrika Mårtensson

单位:Department of Thematic Studies – Child Studies, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden; etc.








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