巴以前线对话 | 国际法与加沙种族灭绝的全球抗争

2024-12-17 17:30   荷兰  

活动背景 Intro




12月22日,和平实验室将举办“巴以前线对话”系列的第三场活动。加哥大学人类学家、法学学者李之诒(Darryl Li)将参与线上访谈,探讨巴勒斯坦问题上国际法失能的根源、巴勒斯坦民族自决斗争的合法性与界限、国际法与反种族灭绝抗争之间的关系等问题,重新审视国际法在人道主义援助、国家主权和社会动员中的角色。

Since the escalation of the Israel-Hamas conflict on October 7, 2023, more than 44 thousand people have been killed and over 1.9 million displaced in Gaza. 

The prolonged siege and warfare in Gaza have not only challenged the core principles of international human rights and humanitarian law but also exposed the limitations of international law under the shadow of colonial legacies.

On Dec. 22, Darryl Li, an anthropologist and legal scholar from the University of Chicago, will dig into the roots of the lag of international law regarding the Palestinian problem, and rethink the role of international law in humanitarian aid, sovereignty, and social mobilization. 

This event is part of a PeaceLab activity series on the Israel-Palestine conflict called "Frontline Talk". This series invites activists, scholars and cultural workers to discuss the political dilemma and prospects of the Israel-Palestine problem, the lives and aspirations of the Palestinian and Israeli public, as well as the myriad social issues impacted by the conflict, including cultural preservation, environmental sustainability, gender equality, and community development.

嘉宾简介 Panel

主讲人 Speaker


Darryl Li is an anthropologist, legal scholar, and lawyer teaching at the University of Chicago. Before entering academia, he worked for several human rights organizations in Palestine, and lived in the Gaza Strip for a year. He has been active in the Palestine solidarity movement in the United States for 25 years.

与谈人 Discussant 

◼ 程靖,国际新闻记者,关注方向包括冲突、人道主义、发展中国家的转型与发展。

Cheng Jing is an international news reporter who focuses on conflict, humanitarian issues, and the transformation and development of developing countries.

主持人 Moderator

◼ Ryan,国际新闻记者,关注种族灭绝、人道法与国际刑法。

Ryan is a news reporter covering international affairs, with special interests in genocide studies, humanitarian law, and international criminal law.

参与方式 Tune-in

时间 Time

◼ 北京时间12月22日(周日)20:00-21:30

Dec. 22, Sun., 20:00-21:30 Beijing Time

平台 Platform

◼ ZOOM 请扫码注册

Scan the code to register.

语言 Language

◼ English 配有中文同传

译员 Interpreter:朱柠 Zhu Ning

注意事项 Note

◼ 请尊重嘉宾及主办单位对本场活动音像内容拥有的版权,不要私自对活动进行录音、录像及传播。

Please respect the audio-video copyright of the guests and the organizer, and don't record without permission.


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文案 | 俞又祺

美术设计 | Yancy

编辑 | Hadi


