
文摘   2024-08-09 07:02   澳大利亚  


Why is it recommended that middle school students in Victoria choose at least one VCE science subject (Chemistry, Biology, or Physics)? There are two main reasons: firstly, many university programs require students to have studied one of these three sciences. Without choosing a science subject, students may miss out on the opportunity to enter certain programs. Secondly, these three sciences are 'bonus subjects' in the VCE. If students achieve excellent results, it can make their ATAR more competitive.


For example, these popular university programs all require students to achieve a score of 25 or above in VCE Science Units 3&4:

墨尔本大学 科学学士:如果没有同时选择中数和高数,则必修生物、化学或物理

莫纳什大学 工程学士:必修化学或物理

莫纳什大学 药学学士:必修化学

墨尔本大学 口腔科学学士:必修生物或化学

墨尔本大学 生物医药学士:必修化学


VCE Chemistry is a prerequisite subject for medical schools. Many medical students also reflect that the first year of study have been much easier becuase they had taken VCE Biology. Therefore, the combination of Chemistry + Biology is definitely a good choice for students who wish to pursue a career in the healthcare / biomedicine.

近期活动 Qs Seminar


✅ 介绍VCE物理、生物、化学特点和学习策略 

✅ 强调VCE科学学科对一些大学专业的重要性 

✅ 指导学生如何做好VCE科学学科学习

报名链接Registration link: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_f-BtgyKjQISUlIxq72Pa6A#/registration





Why Chemistry?

化学通常被视为中心科学,它与物理、数学、生物学和医学联系在一起, 成为许多职业的必学科目,比如医学工作者、科学家等;

Chemistry is linked to physics, mathematics, biology and medicine, and is an essential subject for many careers, such as medical practitioners, scientists etc.

VCE 化学帮助学生探索事物的表象与本质;对化学复杂性和多样性的理解有助于学生将化学知识与其他科学知识相关联、建立思维导图;

VCE Chemistry helps students to explore the appearance and nature of things; an understanding of the complexity and diversity of chemistry helps students to relate their knowledge of chemistry to other sciences and to build a mindmap;


VCE Chemistry is a scale-up subject.




化学的学习设计涵盖了许多高难度的概念,被视为最难的 VCE 科目之一;同时,它也是要求最高的科目之一。

The Chemistry Study Design covers many difficult concepts, it is considered one of the most difficult VCE subjects; at the same time, it is one of the most demanding.


Chemistry is a difficult subject to master because it requires both an understanding of concepts and an understanding of how to do the calculations.


New key concepts can be very time-consuming to learn, so learning methods and time management skills are crucial in the study.





Why Biology?


Biology is the study of living things and provides insight into the natural world, past and present; if you have a strong interest in this area then this could be the right subject for you to study.

在VCE 生物学学习的过程中,学生将学习如何将理论知识和实践应用相结合,这是他们在未来的与科学相关的学习和工作中所必备的良好基础和重要技能。

During the course of their VCE Biology studies, students will learn how to combine theoretical knowledge with practical application, which is a good foundation and important skill they will need for their future science-related studies and work.


VCE Biology is a scale-up subject. If you want to study a science-related subject at university in the future, having a foundation in VCE Biology will make your university studies relatively easy.

有些学校允许学生跳过生物1&2的学习,在 11 年级直接学习生物3 & 4,为学生在这门学科节省了一年的学习时间。而生物1&2的某些关键知识的掌握会非常有利于学生学习生物3 & 4,在高考中取得好的成绩。

Some schools allow students to skip Biology Unit 1 & 2 and study Biology Unit 3 & 4 directly in Year 11, saving students a year of study in this subject. The mastery of certain key knowledge in Biology 1 & 2 will be very beneficial to students studying Biology 3 & 4 and achieving good results in VCE exams.




大多数学生对 VCE 生物的学习存在一个误解,他们认为生物学起来很容易,只要死记硬背就可以了。事实上,生物学确实有很多科学术语和知识点需要记忆,而如何把这些术语和知识点融会贯通地运用到真正的考题中也同样重要。所以,如何记笔记,以及清楚了解需要记忆的知识点是什么,就成为学好VCE生物的关键所在。

Most students have a misconception that studying Biology for VCE is easy and that memorisation is all that is required. In fact, biology does have a lot of scientific terms and points to memorise, and it is equally important to know how to apply these terms and points in a coherent way to real exam questions. Therefore, taking notes and knowing exactly what you need to memorise is key to learning VCE Biology well.





Why Physics?


Physics allows students to develop and extend a range of scientific inquiry skills, including practical experimentation, research, analytical skills, problem-solving, and communication skills. This prepares students for a variety of academic and professional fields.


Students explore significant ideas that have shaped physics, such as relativity and quantum physics, and learn to apply these concepts to explain and quantify phenomena on both subatomic and macroscopic scales.


VCE Physics is a scale-up subject. If you want to study engineeringt at university in the future, having a foundation in VCE Physics will make your university studies relatively easy.





VCE Physics is heavily dependent on mathematical skills. Students need a strong foundation in mathematics to successfully grasp and apply physics concepts, which can be challenging for those who struggle with math.


Understanding and applying complex theories, such as quantum physics and relativity, can be difficult and require a high level of abstract thinking and problem-solving abilities.

近期活动 Qs Seminar


✅ 介绍VCE物理、生物、化学特点和学习策略 

✅ 强调VCE科学学科对一些大学专业的重要性 

✅ 指导学生如何做好VCE科学学科学习

报名链接Registration link: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_f-BtgyKjQISUlIxq72Pa6A#/registration

每年第四学期,Qs School推出VCE科学预备专项课程,适合9-11年级学生为来年Units 1&2或Units3&4学习打好坚实的基础!欢迎大家咨询报名。

Every Term 4, Qs School offers a VCE Science Preparation Course designed for students in Grades 9 to 11. This course lays a solid foundation for their studies in Units 1&2 or Units 3&4 in the following year. We welcome inquiries and registrations!

VCE Study Hub

Qs VCE6:30-8:30VCE

Qs VCECentreprovidedplentifulresourcesforstudents,suchasWeChatClassGroupQ&A,VCEMathsandSciencesStudyHub(everyTuesday6:30-8:30).Wehopeeveryonecanparticipate!


New structure: 1 hour past paper practice + 1 hour Q&A session


Qs Secondary contacts

Qs SchooI

Phone: (03) 9898 6048

Email: boxhill@gsschoolgroup.com.au

Address: 18 Ellingworth Parade

                Box Hill, VIC 3128

Website: www.qsschool.com.au

联系我们 Contact us

中小学教育, 高分高能, 情商+学术,奖学金。Qs School,澳洲领先的学生与家长培训专校, 培养心智快乐, 高分高能人才。我们提供精华教育资讯, 实现:情商+学术=卓越成长+快乐人生;提高学习动力和效率; 激发卓越潜能