Qs 2024 Term 3 模拟考试九校区排名

文摘   2024-08-20 13:27   四川  

Qs 2024 Term 3  Level 4 - 8 Empower/Elite 模拟考试已于第5周完成。Mock Tests是奖学金/选拔考试模拟测试,测试融汇贯通了大量的选拔考试所需知识点,问题深入,难度较大。关注学习的过程而非结果,运用Qs大数据分析提炼出各项知识点的掌握情况,制定有效的学习目标和计划。

Qs 2024 Term 3 Level 4 - 8 Empower/Elite Mock Tests have been completed in week 5. Mock Tests are challenging regarding the depth and width of the knowledge points. The purpose is to help students build up their own achievable goals, accumulate more experience in exam conditions, and improve their time management。

Qs 9 月假期班

Qs九月假期班报名已经开启!名师授课,重点难点专项突破,充分备考接下来的奖学金和精英高中选拔考试,信心满满迎接新学期!请登陆www.qsschool.com.au 查看各分校的具体上课时间和课程安排。

Qs 2024 September Holiday Program offers four days of offline courses, helping you to prepare for the upcoming selective exams and spend a fulfilling and rewarding holiday. Please visit www.qsschool.com.au to view the timetables of Qs campuses.

Qs 九月假期班,4天集训突破,快速提升!

试卷查看 Test Review


We sincerely hope every parent takes the time to go through the tests and the analysis report with their child, see their strengths, and figure out a way to further improve.

客观题 Objective Test


*Please take note that offline students can review the test papers and analysis reports in the online school after they have received their results from Qs School.

Level 4

Level 5

Level 6

Level 7

Level 8

九月假期班和 Term 4 报名火热进行中,请尽快联系各校区咨询及报名以确保位置。

Enrollments for the September Holiday Program and Term 4 are currently open and filling up fast. Please contact your nearest campus for any enquiries and registration to secure your spot as soon as possible.



Qs Term4 重要通知!

喜讯! 女儿获得顶尖私校奖学金,背后离不开QS三大关键助攻!


维州三百学霸的party: Qs直击"州长奖"颁奖现场



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中小学教育, 高分高能, 情商+学术,奖学金。Qs School,澳洲领先的学生与家长培训专校, 培养心智快乐, 高分高能人才。我们提供精华教育资讯, 实现:情商+学术=卓越成长+快乐人生;提高学习动力和效率; 激发卓越潜能