Term 3 模拟考试通知

文摘   2024-08-03 10:24   四川  

Qs Level 4-8 Empower/Elite 学生Term 3 模拟考试将于第5周( 8月10日至8月16日)在课堂上进行。

In week 5 (Aug 10 - 16), Qs Level 4 - 8 Empower/Elite students will sit for their term 3 mock tests in class. 

考试安排      Test Schedule

Mock Tests是奖学金模拟测试,知识面涉及较广泛和深入。旨在帮助学生检测学习进度,制定学习目标,加强时间管理能力并提高做题速度,积累更多考试经验。具体安排请参阅下方说明。

Mock Tests are challenging in terms of the depth and width of the knowledge points. The purpose is to help students build up their own achievable goals, accumulate more experience in exam conditions, and improve their time management and writing speed. Please review the information below for the test schedule. 

考试指引 Test Guide

线下学生 Offline Class

线下学生请在考试周的上课时间到校参加考试。All students will sit for the mock tests in class during test week.

答题纸 Answer Sheet 

  • 客观题请在答题纸上用2B铅笔涂写

  • 请不要折叠

  • 改变答案选项时请擦除干净

  • 请勿在答题卡上留下不必要的涂画

  • Use a 2B pencil

  • Do not fold or bend the answer sheet

  • Erase clearly before any changes

  • Make no other marks

  • Please shade correctly

线下作文 Offline Writing 

请当堂在作文答题纸上书写。Writing Tests will be written on the composition answer sheets in class.

线上学生 Online Class

线上学生请在家里于考试周上课时间进入实时课堂进行考试请大家一定不要提前考试. 更多详情请查阅下方指引。

All students will sit for their mock tests in class at home during test week. Please do not start the test ahead of schedule. Please check the following guidelines for more details. 

线上测试 Online Test

客观题 Objective

线上作文 Online Writing

登陆学生的网校,进入Qs "学生线上写作+老师线上批改" 栏目。请选择考试一栏在上课时间完成。

Once you have logged onto your student account, click on the “Online Writing” section in the drop-down menu on the left, choose the Test and click ‘Start'Please do the test in class.

复制下方链接至网页可查看指引。Please copy the link below to the web page to view the guide.


预祝同学们考试顺利,有任何需要,欢迎和我们联系。We wish you good luck. If you have any enquiries, you are welcome to contact us.

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