奖学金考试,ICAS 考试和精英学校考试作文文体一览表

文摘   2024-09-16 18:02   云南  


Dear Parents, are you only familiar with the common styles of writing such as narrative and argumentative essays? In reality, writing is a comprehensive skill that encompasses a wide range of content forms. Whether it's emails, blog posts, advertising copy, complaint or appreciation letters, application letters, campaign speeches, news reports, instructions, book reviews, film reviews, or various evaluative texts, these are all different manifestations of writing.



Attention! Exams are evolving!

Many important exams, such as ICAS and the entrance tests for numerous elite schools, have begun to emphasize the assessment of students' proficiency in diverse writing styles. If your child is still confined to traditional styles, perhaps it's time to re-examine the concept of "writing style."


2023 年VCE 高考里都加入了一个新的文体 ‘crafting a text”(crafting a text介绍详文末彩蛋视频),  就是给学生一个主题,然后让学生选择任意文体去写,只要作品可以体现出规定的主题就可以。有的写作文体掌握的多的同学,在这个项目上往往会得比较高的分数。

In the 2023 VCE exams, a new genre called 'crafting a text' was introduced. In this task, students are given a theme and can choose any genre to write in, as long as the piece reflects the required theme. Students who have mastered more writing genres tend to score higher in this section.

一些QS 的学生就选择了悼念文还有歌词。


For example, some QS students chose to write eulogies or song lyrics.Imagine a teacher who is used to grading narrative essays suddenly encountering a unique genre—this would certainly stand out.QS School’s specialized certainly stand out.

QS school 英语专项特色课程均从不同角度解决以上需求

词汇在写作作用的运用应用班(Vocabulary Application in Writing)

·适合:1-3年级 (Level A) 4-6年级 (Level B) 学生

语法在写作中的应用班(Grammar Application in Writing)


Y8-10写作和词汇运用班(Y8-10 Writing & Vocabulary Application



QS School’s specialized English courses (including vocabulary usage in writing, grammar in writing, and writing and vocabulary for Year 8-10) have summarized key genres and their basic structures for parents.Insert photo here.↓↓↓

QS 语法词汇写作班,就是一个讲解多文体的课程。

学生在报名一科的同时,还可以专项学习词汇,语法+各种不同的文体。而且每一个文体都是非常细致的讲解。从结构,逻辑,用词加语法各种角度讲解不同文体。如果你想让孩子学习更多,更广的写作文体,打开写作思路,学习如果将高级词汇用到低价词汇里去,学习各种语法技巧和写作的关系,那么QS 的语法词汇写作班,将会是你最佳的选择。

QS’s Grammar and Vocabulary Writing Class is a course that explains multiple genres of writing. 

When students enroll, they can also specialize in learning vocabulary, grammar, and various writing genres. Each genre is explained in great detail, covering structure, logic, word choice, and grammar usage.If you want your child to learn more writing genres, broaden their writing perspectives, and understand how to use advanced vocabulary within simpler texts, as well as explore the relationship between grammar techniques and writing, QS's Grammar and Vocabulary Writing Class will be your best choice.



🚀 September holidays are here! We’ve launched a special

 4-day QS Holiday QS Intensive Training Program designed for students in grades 4-6 to boost their Grammar Application in Writing. Holidays are the best time to gain energy and skills. Join our course now and don’t miss this great chance to improve your English!

彩蛋~crafting a text

Easter egg~


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中小学教育, 高分高能, 情商+学术,奖学金。Qs School,澳洲领先的学生与家长培训专校, 培养心智快乐, 高分高能人才。我们提供精华教育资讯, 实现:情商+学术=卓越成长+快乐人生;提高学习动力和效率; 激发卓越潜能