Qs校长vs私校校长: 人文教育成就青少年心理健康?

文摘   2024-09-15 14:00   澳大利亚  

Qs Teacher Talk


9月12日周四晚,Qs Teacher Talk系列座谈会第一场“人文教育与wellbeing”完满结束~ Qs经验丰富的英语老师、同时也是著名私校中学部校长的Anthony和Qs School校长陈焱老师谈论了教育在为学生未来做好准备中所扮演的角色,不仅仅是学术上的成功,更是在人生中如何保持幸福感和提升人文素养。让我们一起来回顾一下关键点吧!

On the evening of Thursday, September 12, the first session of the "Qs Teacher Talk" series, titled "Humanity Education and Well-being," successfully concluded. Anthony, Qs's experienced English teacher and principal of a well-known private school, along with Principal Chen Yan of Qs School, discussed the role of education in preparing students for the future. The discussion emphasized not only academic success but also how to maintain well-being and enhance humanity education. Le's review the key points!

Students' wellbeingin Schools


澳洲青少年的心理健康问题日益严重,虽然焦虑、抑郁和逃学现象可能因新冠疫情加剧,但这些问题早在疫情之前就已经逐渐显现。所以学校不仅仅是教授学术知识,还应关注学生的wellbeing (身心健康、福祉)

Themental health issues among Australian teenagers are becoming increasinglysevere. Although anxiety, depression, and school avoidance may have beenexacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, these problems had already begun toemerge long before the pandemic. Therefore, schools should not only focus onteaching academics but also on addressing students' well-being. 


Anthonystressed that schools' well-being programs should focus on students' emotionalneeds, helping them learn how to manage stress, build resilience, and maintainemotional balance. Schools should encourage students to look beyond short-termgoals or distractions like games and social media, and instead reflect onlife’s greater meaning and purpose.


Thepandemic has exacerbated differences in students' academic progress, the impact of the lockdown acted as a catalyst, revealing disparitiesin students' learning abilities. Progress often depended on the supportenvironment provided by families and the students' independence andadaptability to remote learning. 


Changes in students' well-being and academic performance are not confined to the school environment. Many young people are also showing uncertainty and lack of motivation outside of school. Some students, even those from privileged backgrounds, question the meaning of life, leading to feelings of emptiness and a lack of purpose. This reflects a broader societal issue: wealth and material success do not necessarily bring happiness or fulfillment.

TheRole of Family and Parents



BothAnthony and Principal Chen emphasized the critical role parents play insupporting their children's well-being and academic development. Principal Chenmentioned that families should focus on creating an environment where childrenfeel loved, valued, and supported. She pointed out that families should notonly be a place of laughter and gratitude but also where children learnresponsibility and empathy. 


Anthonyadvised parents to actively engage with school life, ensuring that the school'swell-being program aligns with family values. When choosing a school, hesuggested that parents not only look at academic results but also considerwhether the school's well-being program fosters holistic development. Thisinvolves setting high expectations for children while ensuring they are notoverwhelmed, thus allowing well-being and academic success to complement eachother. 


Anthony also discussed the concept of "eustress," or positive stress, which can motivate students to challenge themselves and grow. Well-being programs should be designed to help students learn how to manage stress positively, rather than making life too easy or overly challenging.

TheRole of Family and Parents



Theimportance of humanity education in cultivating future leaders was a centralfocus of the seminar. MHS recently announced that starting next year, Year 11students will be required to take a VCE humanities subject, reflecting thegrowing recognition of the value of humanities in fostering well-roundedindividuals.

精英高中新政争议: VCE人文学科必修, 机遇还是挑战?


BothAnthony and Principal Chen supported this move. Anthony pointed out thathumanities subjects, such as history, philosophy, and the arts, teach criticalthinking, emotional intelligence, and interpersonal skills. He emphasized thatfuture leaders will need these skills to navigate an increasingly complexworld, especially as technology, including AI, rapidly evolves. Humanityeducation helps students understand not only themselves but also the broadersocial, political, and cultural contexts they operate within. 

Qs School的中小学Empower、Elite课程都会配备一本EQ book(情商书),用课上的10分钟左右的时间指导学生如何面对压力、与人交流,将软实力的培养融于课堂之中。陈老师表示明年的EQ book将会再升级、更加向提升人文素养方面贴近,以顺应时代变化。

Qs School's Empower and Elite courses in primary and secondary schools include an EQ book (emotional intelligence book), where students spend around 10 minutes in class learning how to deal with stress and communicate effectively, integrating the cultivation of soft skills into the classroom. Principal Chen mentioned that next year's EQ book will be further upgraded, with a greater focus on enhancing humanity education to align with the changing times.

TheRole of AI and Technology



Inthe final part of the seminar, the speakers discussed the impact of AI oneducation and well-being. Anthony expressed concerns about how AI is changingthe online world in which students live. Although technology offers manyopportunities, it also brings new challenges, particularly regarding mentalhealth. Today’s children not only live in the physical world but alsosimultaneously in a virtual world, and they must learn how to navigate both. 


Theteachers emphasized the importance of teaching students to think criticallyabout their online experiences and encouraging them to seek help from trustedadults when necessary. They suggested that parents build open and trustingrelationships with their children, ensuring that they feel safe seeking helpwhen they encounter negative online experiences. This open communication iscrucial for preventing issues such as cyberbullying, addiction, or manipulationthrough AI-enhanced content.


Asthe world becomes more complex, with rapid technological advancements andincreasing mental health challenges, students need to not only cope withacademic pressure but also with emotional and social challenges. By placinggreater emphasis on well-being programs, receiving support from parents, andrefocusing on humanity education, schools can help students grow intowell-rounded individuals who thrive in both their personal and professionallives. 

感谢两位老师的精彩交流!Qs School不仅仅关心我们孩子的学术成就,更加关注培养同理心、韧性和对学习的热爱,帮助学生在人生的各个阶段取得成功~ 敬请关注未来更多精彩活动!

Thank you to both teachers for their insightful discussion! At Qs School, we not only care about our students’ academic achievements but also focus on cultivating empathy, resilience, and a love of learning, helping them succeed at every stage of life.

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中小学教育, 高分高能, 情商+学术,奖学金。Qs School,澳洲领先的学生与家长培训专校, 培养心智快乐, 高分高能人才。我们提供精华教育资讯, 实现:情商+学术=卓越成长+快乐人生;提高学习动力和效率; 激发卓越潜能