聚焦精英中学"Qs校友会"现场! 揭秘独有校园氛围

文摘   2024-09-08 15:03   澳大利亚  

昨天下午Qs School邀请了最近收到精英中学offer的同学和家长参与精英高中毕业学长学姐的线下分享会,全场满座,精彩纷呈!希望大家都能有所启发和收获,一起回顾一下活动的重点&亮点吧~

Yesterday afternoon, Qs School invited students who recently received offers from selective high schools and their parents to an offline sharing session with graduates from these schools. The event was packed and full of excitement! We hope everyone left feeling inspired and gained valuable insights. Let’s take a moment to recap the key highlights of the event!

闪耀未来的你! 学长诚邀您共同探讨从精英中学起始的成功之路


Melbourne High School 的学术氛围和校园文化是怎样的?



I think studying at MHS is more challenging than at regular high schools, not only academically but also in terms of the overall atmosphere. Everyone works hard to achieve higher scores. In selective high schools, everyone is very competitive, and this also motivates you to work harder.

Kevin:我认为在MHS的学生都很会进行批判性思考, 这得益于MHS一开始上的哲学相关课程,即便我刚开始觉得上这样的课没有意义,但是到了12年级以后才发现这对我的英文写作、口才都很有帮助。我想对所有人说的是,不要被第一年的困难吓退。我本人在第一年入学的时候考试只有60%,你可能不敢相信,但这很正常,因为这是你在成长的过程

I believe that students at MHS are very good at critical thinking, thanks to the philosophy-related courses we take from the start. Even though I initially thought such courses were pointless, by Year 12, I realized how helpful they were for my English writing and speaking skills. What I want to say to everyone is, don't be discouraged by the challenges in the first year. Personally, when I first started, I only scored 60% in exams. You might not believe it, but that's completely normal, as it's part of your growth process.



Eric:我看到了MHS关于人文课程的调整,但实际上这个课程只是在Unit 1&2必修一门,其实不会影响到你的ATAR。而且人文课程包含很多,像是政治、艺术之类的内容会帮助到你的VCE英语。

I noticed the adjustments MHS made to the Humanities curriculum, but in reality, it's only compulsory for one subject in Unit 1 & 2, so it won't actually affect your ATAR. Moreover, the Humanities curriculum covers a lot, including topics like politics and arts, which can help improve your VCE English.

精英高中新政争议: VCE人文学科必修, 机遇还是挑战?


Actually, Mac.Rob offers IB courses that include writing essays, conducting surveys, and other aspects related to Humanities, which I think is helpful for balancing the logical aspects of Science. Selective schools have always placed a high value on music. MHS and Mac.Rob collaborate annually on an orchestra concert, with tickets sold to the public. Although most of the attendees are parents, this event is very important for fostering collaboration between the schools and enhancing students' sense of achievement.

近期活动 Qs Seminar

9月12日周四晚7点,Qs School陈焱校长和资深英语老师Anthony做客“听Qs老师谈”系列线上讲座,共同探讨人文学科的重要性,以及疫情后的AI时代学生如何建立和培养更全面的心态应对未来挑战。




Kevin:MHS有很多clubs,比如我参加了排球俱乐部,在大学期间也保持了这个爱好。即使在俱乐部中,MHS学生也非常competitive,但这种竞争是友好的。我刚入学时以为 MHS 的学生都是书呆子,但事实并非如此,大家不仅学习优秀,在课外活动中也很出色。

MHS offers a list of clubs to join, such as the volleyball club I joined, and I continued this hobby through university. Even in clubs, MHS students are very competitive, but the competition is friendly. When I first started, I thought MHS students were just bookworms, but that's not the case. Not only are they excellent in academics, but they are also impressive in extracurricular activities.

Eric:MHS 有一个非常有名的 Old Boys Association,我们毕业后也会继续保持联系。除了学习之外,这个协会能帮助你在未来找工作或其它方面找到 MHS 的联系。墨尔本有30%的医药学生来自 MHS,所以可以看出这样的人脉对你未来有多大的帮助。

MHS has a very well-known Old Boys Association, and we continue to stay in touch after graduation. Besides academics, this network can help you with job searches or other opportunities in the future. For example, 30% of medical students in Melbourne come from MHS, so you can see how valuable such connections can be for your future.

Annie:在 Mac.Rob,大家都忙于学习,因此基本不会出现霸凌现象。而且我们学校位于市中心,所以女生们会一起去喝奶茶、逛街等,氛围很好。

At Mac.Rob, everyone is busy with their studies, so there's no bullying. Additionally, since our school is in the city, girls often hang out for bubble tea, shopping, and other activities, creating a great atmosphere.

Jason:Nossal 的情况与 MHS 和 Mac.Rob 类似,也有音乐相关的俱乐部,你可以入学时报名参加小提琴或钢琴俱乐部,但因为这些俱乐部很受欢迎,可能会优先考虑高年级的学生。虽然 Nossal 没有像“兄弟会”这样的组织,但一旦你进入了精英中学,就能认识其他精英中学的学生。

Nossal is similar to MHS and Mac.Rob in that it also has music-related clubs. You can sign up for violin or piano clubs in Year 1, but because these clubs are very popular, they might prioritize older students over freshmen. Although Nossal doesn't have organizations like "fraternities," once you join a selective school, you'll meet students from other selective schools.



For me, the biggest reward was participating in many extracurricular activities, such as debating. I’ve been honing my public speaking skills through debate practice, including facial expressions and body language, which I think will be very helpful in the future. Besides that, the most challenging part was when I first entered MHS, but this is all part of the growth process. I hope future students entering selective schools will not be afraid of initial failures.


I think my biggest reward is my friends. Our fellowship will support me for a long time in the future. The biggest challenge for me was during the pandemic, especially during lockdown when self-study was required. That was a very tough time for me, so I definitely recommend that unless you are highly self-motivated, it’s better to make friends and study with peers as it’s more effective.


爆款课程 Holiday Workshops


🔹课程时间: 2024年9月23日至9月26日






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中小学教育, 高分高能, 情商+学术,奖学金。Qs School,澳洲领先的学生与家长培训专校, 培养心智快乐, 高分高能人才。我们提供精华教育资讯, 实现:情商+学术=卓越成长+快乐人生;提高学习动力和效率; 激发卓越潜能