【Y7-10请注意】AIMO 报名开始啦!全澳数学集训机会等你拿!

文摘   2024-08-07 12:36   澳大利亚  


AIMO, the Australian Intermediate Mathematics Olympiad, is a four-hour contest designed to stretch talented students. It is suited to years 7 to 10 level in particular。

机会 Opportunity


AMT also use the Australian Intermediate Mathematics Olympiad (AIMO) as one of the competitions to determine which students are selected to several invitation-only events, including other mathematics competitions, enrichment classes and training schools. It allows talented students to be recognised and to participate in activities that will enhance their enjoyment and knowledge of mathematics.

评奖 Award

AIMO按照参加学生的总数比例进行评奖(PRIZE和High Distinction)。分数排名靠前的学生(全澳不超过30人可以收到AMT组织的全澳集训(AMOC School of Excellence)的邀请。每年都有多名Qs学生获得PRIZE和HD并参加了全澳集训(AMOC School of Excellence)

AIMO awards (PRIZE and High Distinction) in proportion to the total number of students participating. Students with the highest scores (no more than 30 people in Australia) will receive invitations to the AMOC School of Excellence organised by AMT. In the past five years, Qs students have won PRIZE and HD and participated in the AMOC School of Excellence every year

报名 Registration



  • Qs报名截止日期 :

    Registration closes on:

    Tue 22/08/2024

  • 日校7-10年级学生

    Year 7 to 10 in day school

  • 报名费 Fee:$25

  • 考试时间:

    Date of Competition:

    Thu 12/09/2024 4:30pm-8:30pm

  • 考试地点:


    18 Ellingworth Parade, Box Hill VIC 3128

Qs School是AIMO的指定考点。Qs School is one of the test centres of AIMO.

2018 AIMO 试卷及答案

Reference:  AMT


AIMO registration is now open. You are welcome to contact us to register before 22/08/2024. Through the competition, students have an opportunity to participate in activities that will enhance their enjoyment and knowledge of mathematics.


Term 3 模拟考试通知

Lauriston, Camberwell Grammar,Scotch College等22所私校开放日【最全总结】


Yarra Valley Grammar 2026年取消奖学金,关注QS最新奖学金信息,抓住更多机会

维州三百学霸的party: Qs直击"州长奖"颁奖现场

联系我们 Contact us

中小学教育, 高分高能, 情商+学术,奖学金。Qs School,澳洲领先的学生与家长培训专校, 培养心智快乐, 高分高能人才。我们提供精华教育资讯, 实现:情商+学术=卓越成长+快乐人生;提高学习动力和效率; 激发卓越潜能