日校Prep和 year 1的学生,维州教学大纲你必须知道的重点

文摘   2024-09-09 20:38   云南  

从prep 一直到year 6, 整个小学阶段其实都是把英语的拼读和发音放到了非常重要的部分。当然到了四年级以后phonics 的学习比率会减少。

我们来看一下维州教学大纲小学1年级的对于英语部分的详细描述,大家可以看见 Phonics and word knowledge 部分在阅读,写作和口语听力下面三项分别出现了3次,这是维州教学大纲中低年龄段唯一反复强调和学习的知识点,而且是在听说读写三项反复出现

From Prep to Year 6, throughout the entire primary school stage, phonics and pronunciation are given significant emphasis in English learning. Of course, after Year 4, the focus on phonics will gradually decrease.

Let's take a look at the detailed description of the English component for Year 1 in the Victorian Curriculum. You can see that the Phonics and Word Knowledge section appears three times under reading, writing, and speaking and listening. This is the only knowledge point that is repeatedly emphasized and studied in the lower grades of the Victorian Curriculum, and it is emphasized across all three areas: speaking, listening, reading, and writing.

低年段学生的家长都知道学习发音 (phonics)重要,但是你知道教学大纲里的word knowledge 指的是什么吗?当然,除了常规的单词拼写外,这里还包括了一些拼读规则的学习。单纯学习phonics 而没有学习拼读规则,其实对于单词的发音的认识还是会打折扣

Parents of lower-grade students all know that learning phonics is important, but do you know what word knowledge in the curriculum refers to? Of course, aside from regular spelling, this also includes learning certain phonics rules. Simply learning phonics without understanding phonics rules can actually lead to gaps in word pronunciation.


For example, let’s take a look at this rule:

examples   硬 G (hard g)的规则  

Rules for Hard G

当 G 后面跟着元音 a, o, u 时,通常发出的音和字母在gate /g/里的一样 

When G is followed by the vowels a, o, u, it usually makes the hard sound, as in the word gate with the /g/ sound.

例子 Examples:go 、 garden、gum

软 G (soft g)的规则  Rules for Soft G 

当 G 后面跟着元音 e, i, y 时,通常发出软音

When G is followed by the vowels e, i, y, it usually makes the soft sound, similar to the sound of the letter j.

例子:giraffe 、 giant 、 gym

类似这样的拼音规则还有非常多,学习了phonics 之外,还要进一步学习这些规则,孩子才会在拼读上轻松很多。否则,就会出现,‘g’这个字母到底要发什么音的问题。

There are many phonics rules similar to this. Beyond learning phonics, students need to further study these rules to make reading and spelling much easier. Otherwise, they may face the issue of not knowing what sound the letter 'g' should make.

另外,除了发音、拼读规则,还需要进一步加强这些知识的运用  For example, let’s take a look at this rule:


Gina has a big garden behind her house. She loves to play in the garden every day, planting flowers and watering the plants. One sunny afternoon, a tall giraffe walked into the garden. Gina was very surprised but happy to see the giraffe.

She decided to give the giraffe some fresh leaves from her favorited tree. The giraffe was very gentle and ate the leaves slowly. After that, Gina and the giraffe played together, running around the garden. They had a great time, and the giraffe promised to visit Gina again soon.

在这篇小文章里,进一步加强了孩子们对hard g and soft g 的实际运用想学好英语的第一步就是phonics.但是单纯的phonics 的学习是不够的正确的学习phonics 的方法是:

Phonics 学习+ 拼音规则学习+阅读的运用

This short article further reinforces children's practical use of hard g and soft g.

The first step to mastering English is learning phonics. However, simply learning phonics is not enough. The correct approach to learning phonics involves:

Phonics learning + phonics rules learning + application in reading.


If you ask whether learning is typically done this way, most schools focus mainly on teaching phonics, but they don't place much emphasis on the pronunciation rules.

QS 学习的发音在阅读里的运用课 Phonics Application in Reading 就是这样一门课程,把发音,拼音规则+多篇阅读应用结合起来。就是报名一科,学习多科了。发音,规则+阅读, 三加一,好成绩带回家。

The Phonics Application in Reading course at QS School is designed to address this gap by combining phonics, phonics rules, and multiple reading applications. It's like enrolling in one course but learning multiple subjects—phonics, rules, and reading. Three in one, bringing good results home!



🚀 September holidays are here! We’ve launched a special

 4-day QS Holiday Phonics Application in Reading course designed for students in grades 1-3 to boost their phonics reading skills. Holidays are the best time to gain energy and skills. Join our course now and don’t miss this great chance to improve your English!


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