Scotch 奖学金考试今天开放报名!考试类型及备考方案

文摘   2024-09-03 11:32   四川  

Scotch College  学术奖学金考试申请2024年9月3日已开放,入学年级2026年7,9,10年级,为今年的5,7,8年级学生提供机会。考试类型为AAS,考试时间为2024年10月26日。

Scotch College academic scholarships are offered for students in Years 5, 7 and 9 in 2024 for entry into Years 7, 9 and 10 in 2026.  The test type is AAS this year, and the test date is 26 October 2024.

Scotch 奖学金考试

如何申请 How to apply?

考试日期 Test Date:

Saturday 26th October, 2024

考试类型 Test Type:AAS

申请截止 Application Close:


考试地址 Test Venue:

Scotch College

如何申请 How to apply:

Year 7 Scholarships:
Year9 and10 Scholarships:


Scholarship application numbers are limited. Once we have reached maximum capacity applications will close and this may be prior to Monday 14 October 2024.



Scotch 希望看到学生能够利用有限的资源,在有效的时间内找到最佳解决方案。其奖学金考试题型丰富, 阅读看重深度理解和思考,比如人文哲学类,包括社会常见问题的关注,历史、政治、法律等等都有可能相应出现在考卷里。

Scotch College seeks to see students efficiently utilise limited resources in a new environment to find optimal solutions within a constrained time frame. The scholarship exam encompasses a rich array of question types;  reading emphasises deep comprehension and critical thinking. Topics such as humanities, philosophy, societal issues, history, politics, and law may all potentially appear in the exam.



The AAS focuses on both cultural literacy and test-taking speed, requiring not only deep analytical skills but also a broad range of knowledge.




时间限制:40 - 45分钟

每题时间:大约40 - 45秒


Abstract Reasoning and Problem Solving

Number of Questions: Approximately 60 multiple-choice questions

Time Limit: 40 - 45 minutes

Time Per Question: About 40 - 45 seconds

This section to be a measure of general ability. According to the official AAS website, the test "assesses the ability to reason with and analyze information using verbal, mathematical, figural, and spatial concepts." This means that you can expect questions related to verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, and pure abstract reasoning.





Written Expression

Number of Questions: One essay

Time Limit: 25 minutes

Typically an argumentative or narrative essay; originality, depth of thought, and breadth of knowledge are crucial.



时间限制:40 - 45分钟

每题时间:大约53 - 60秒



Reading Comprehension

Number of Questions: Approximately 45 multiple-choice questions

Time Limit: 40 - 45 minutes

Time Per Question: About 53 - 60 seconds

Students are asked to read or review a variety of media from non-fiction texts like interviews and articles to fiction texts like narratives. Students are asked to answer questions based on texts presented. This test isn’t straightforward where you look at the question and search through the text for the answer.



时间限制:40 - 45分钟

每题时间:大约53 - 60秒


Mathematics Achievement and Reasoning

Number of Questions: Approximately 45 multiple-choice questions

Time Limit: 40 - 45 minutes

Time Per Question: About 53 - 60 seconds

According to the Academic Assessment Services website, “for primary and junior secondary students these tests assess curriculum-related mathematics tasks and mathematical reasoning tasks. Middle and senior secondary students are assessed on mathematics reasoning tasks.


通过寻求教育专家或经验丰富的导师提供针对性的考试冲刺指导,以确保在答题质量与解题速度等方面获得系统性、专业化、有针对性的训练Tailored Professional Tutoring: By seeking guidance from educational experts or experienced tutors who offer targeted exam-preparation strategies, students can ensure systematic and specialised training in aspects like answer quality and problem-solving.

Qs九月假期班Scotch AAS奖学金冲刺班

Qs September Holiday Program:AAS Trial Test

课程根据Scotch 奖学金考试最新要求专业定制,为学生们考试冲刺提供强有力的支持!

  • 模拟考试,熟悉考试类型;

  • 老师讲解,及时答疑解惑;

  • Qs网校大数据分析,动态调整学习战略;

  • 网校错题集,课堂后集中精力训练需加强内容

Qs 九月假期和Term 4 均开设模拟考试班,不断训练和突破)

Customised Curriculum Aligned with Latest Exam Requirements: The course is professionally tailored to the latest Scotch scholarship exam requirements, taking into account the characteristics of the AAS exam and Scotch's admissions criteria, providing robust support for students' exam preparations.

  • Trial tests to familiarise students with the exam format;
  • Instructor-led explanations to address queries and clarify doubts;
  • Dynamic learning strategies adjusted by Qs Online School's big data analytics;
  • Incorrect Question Review to focus on areas that need strengthening post-class. 

(Qs offers Trial Test classes during both the September holiday and Term 4, allowing for continuous training and breakthroughs.)

Qs 9月假期加强写作课程

Qs 9月假期班加强写作 Special Writing 课程,奖学金A+标准制定的教材,资深写作老师授课,注重培养学生的深度理解和思考能力,助力学生考前冲刺,快速提高。

Qs September Holiday Special Writing Course: Utilising curriculum designed to meet A+ scholarship standards, taught by experienced writing instructors. The course emphasises the cultivation of students' deep understanding and critical thinking skills, providing a boost for students' last-minute exam preparations and rapid improvements.

温馨提醒 Tips

1. 生活规律,并确保充足的睡眠。

2. 尽量保持放松,做必要的准备,劳逸结合。

3. 合理制定学习计划,合理分配时间,集中精力重点突破。

4. 寻求适当的辅导或学习资源,以提高准备效率和学习质量。

5. 培养良好的学习习惯和应对压力的心理素质:比如积极的学习氛围,相互支持和鼓励。家长引导孩子关注准备的过程而非结果,不施加不必要的压力,以避免产生焦虑而影响到考试成绩。您的支持对孩子至关重要。


Korowa Anglican Girls' School.Lauriston Girls SchoolScotch College、MelbourneGrammar、Camberwell Grammar、Ruyton Girls' School.Melbourne Girls Grammar等学校都在用AAS考试题型!

更多学校信息持续更新中,敬请关注Qs 公众号或者心仪学校官网。School information is continuously being updated. Please pay attention to the Qs official account or the school's website.

九月假期班 Term 4 报名仅余少量位置,请尽快联系各校区咨询及报名。Enrollments for the September Holiday Program and Term 4 are currently open and filling up fast. Please contact your nearest campus for any enquiries and registration to secure your spot as soon as possible.



Qs Term4 重要通知!

Qs 九月假期班,4天集训突破,快速提升!



Qs Term 4好课来袭,感恩家长送"厚礼"

联系我们 Contact us

中小学教育, 高分高能, 情商+学术,奖学金。Qs School,澳洲领先的学生与家长培训专校, 培养心智快乐, 高分高能人才。我们提供精华教育资讯, 实现:情商+学术=卓越成长+快乐人生;提高学习动力和效率; 激发卓越潜能