线下networking少量余位! 精英中学offer holders来认识校友

文摘   2024-09-06 06:00   澳大利亚  


Congratulations to the Qs students who successfully gained admission to selective schools this year! Are you both excited and a bit anxious about the upcoming life at your new school? Would you like to meet new friends and hear the success secrets from your seniors who have already excelled at these top schools?

我们诚挚邀请您及一位家人参加9月7日周六下午4点到6点)的Box Hill Campus线下分享会——已经在精英中学就读的优秀学长学姐将与大家探讨交流学习经验。

Congratulations to the Qs students who successfully gained admission to selective schools this year! We sincerely invite you and a family member to attend our in-person sharing session on 4PM-6PM Saturday, September 7th at Box Hill Campus. 


We also welcome students who aim to attend a selective high school in the future, as well as those who are already studying at a selective high school to join us with your parents. Limited places, hurry up and let your friends know!


Outstanding students from four selective high schools in Melbourne will share their experiences with future students, including the challenges they faced, the strategies they used, the secrets to successfully transitioning from a regular school to a selective school, as well as advice on VCE subject selection and study methods!


This is an excellent opportunity for networking, asking questions, and meeting new friends from your future school. There will also be various fun activities and delicious snacks waiting for you!



4:00-4:10PM: 签到&欢迎介绍 Welcome


Students and guests arrive, sign in, and grab a welcome pack. Light refreshments will be available. Welcome by the host, outlining the agenda and introducing the guest speakers.


4:10-5:00PM: 嘉宾panel discussion


Speakers shares their journey, including challenges, strategies, and tips for succeeding in the transition from high school to selective schools. 

  • 精英中学的学术氛围和校园文化是怎样的?学校里有哪些传统或活动?学校提供哪些课外活动和社团?What is the academic atmosphere and campus culture like at a selective school? Are there any traditions or events at the school that I should look forward to? What extracurricular activities and clubs are available at the school?

  • 开学前学生应该做哪些准备?What preparations should I make before starting school?

  • 精英中学的学习节奏和方向如何?What is the pace and direction of learning at selective school?

  • 在高压环境中,可以做些什么来避免倦怠或过度压力?What can I do to avoid burnout or excessive stress in a high-pressure environment?

  • ……


5:00-5:20PM: 问答环节 Q&A


Open floor for attendees to ask the speakers questions about their experiences, study habits, school environment, school learning structure or curriculum, VCE subjects’ selection and any other relevant topics.


5:20-5:50PM: 互动 Workshop


Learn more about goal setting, time management, and mental health through fun games with your peers!


5:50-6:00PM: 总结与感谢


Qs Principal Kevin in conclusion and word expectation/encouragement.


This is not just a sharing session; it’s a platform to broaden your horizons and inspire your thinking. You’ll have the opportunity to connect with those who have already navigated the path you're on, drawing wisdom from their experiences to lay a solid foundation for your own future.

赶快行动起来!扫描海报上的二维码或点击最下方阅读原文链接报名,9月7日,我们相约Qs School Box Hill,不见不散!

Scan the QR code on the poster or click the link at the bottom to register. We'll meet on September 7th at Qs School Box Hill. Don’t miss it!

爆款课程 Holiday Workshops


🔹课程时间: 2024年9月23日至9月26日






九月假期班课程表 Sep HPTimetable

第四学期课程表 Timetable

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Phone: (03) 9898 6048

Mobile: 0493 241 366

Email: boxhill@gsschoolgroup.com.au

Address: 18 Ellingworth Parade

                Box Hill, VIC 3128

Website: www.qsschool.com.au

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中小学教育, 高分高能, 情商+学术,奖学金。Qs School,澳洲领先的学生与家长培训专校, 培养心智快乐, 高分高能人才。我们提供精华教育资讯, 实现:情商+学术=卓越成长+快乐人生;提高学习动力和效率; 激发卓越潜能