“家长读书会” ——《非暴力沟通》活动回顾

文摘   2024-07-30 19:07   澳大利亚  







2024 Term2读书会共开展了六场,是一次难得的自我探索与自我成长之旅。


Term2 家长读书会的宣传海报














"Parent Book Club" 

– Review of the "Nonviolent Communication" Event

How to Better Handle Conflict How to Engage in Deeper Communication How to Better Observe and Feel How to Promote Self-Growth

With these questions and explorations in mind, the "Together" Parent Community organized a group reading of Marshall Rosenberg's classic work, "Nonviolent Communication," during the second semester of 2024.

Overview of the Book Club

The Term 2, 2024 book club was held five times and was a rare journey of self-exploration and self-growth. The event took place offline, where parents gathered weekly to share their reading impressions and insights. Through role-playing, group discussions, and case studies, participants deeply explored the core concepts and practical applications of "Nonviolent Communication." Parents were not just passive readers and listeners; they actively engaged in interactions, sharing their real-life experiences and challenges in family and work.

Reflections and Gains from the Book Club

1. Relearning the Power of Communication :"Language is not just a tool for conveying information; it's a bridge that connects hearts. Previously, I often ignored others' feelings during communication, focusing more on my own views and needs. This book taught me how to express my thoughts while also considering and understanding others' feelings and needs, making communication more effective and warm."

2. Enhancing Empathy:"The book repeatedly emphasizes the importance of empathy. The discussions in the book club made me realize that empathy is not only about understanding others' emotions but also about respecting their needs. In real life, many conflicts and disagreements can be resolved when we sincerely understand others' feelings."

3. Choice of Language :"Through reading and discussions, I learned how to use 'nonviolent' language in communication. Expressing without judgment or aggression makes it easier for others to accept my opinions and suggestions."

4. Strong Community Support:"The book club is not just a learning platform but also a supportive and encouraging community. Here, we share our feelings and experiences, support each other, and grow together. This collective learning atmosphere gives me great strength and motivates me to practice and adhere to the principles of nonviolent communication."

The "Nonviolent Communication" book club was more than a reading event; it was a profound spiritual journey. Parents found the key to resolving communication issues in the book and established deep friendships through interaction and exchange.

Our parent book club will continue to be held each semester, benefiting more parents, children, and families, and creating a harmonious and beautiful family environment together.

Look forward to this semester's book club and welcome parents to join the "Together" Parent Community. Together, we explore the growth of life and build civilized families.

Qs “在一起” 家长社区,这是一个致力于分享教育资源、沟通亲子教育、提升自我成长、升级文明生活的文化平台。我们的目标是陪伴每一位家长,帮助他们应对孩子的教育挑战,实现父母自我价值与自我成长,共同建设文明和谐的家庭环境。

Welcome to the Qs "Together" Parent Community. This cultural platform is dedicated to sharing educational resources, facilitating parent-child communication, enhancing personal growth, and upgrading to a civilized lifestyle. Our goal is to accompany every parent in tackling the challenges of their children's education, realizing their own value and personal growth, and jointly building a civilized and harmonious family environment.

家长学Parent Academy

家长学院是社区的核心部分,旨在为家长们提供一个持续学习和成长的平台,帮助他们更好地支持孩子的成长和发展。The Parent Academy is the core part of our community, aimed at providing parents with a platform for continuous learning and growth, helping them better support their children's development.


1. 主题聚会:定期举办各种主题的家长聚会,如教育理念分享、亲子沟通技巧、学习方法交流等。这些聚会不仅提供了一个互相学习的机会,也让家长们可以在轻松的氛围中交流心得体会。


2. 读书会:每学期组织读书会,精选与教育、生命、心理学、家庭关系等相关的书籍。家长们可以通过阅读和讨论,深入了解教育的本质,以及对自我内在成长的方向,从而更好地应用到实际生活中。


3. 工作坊:定期举办工作坊,如性格色彩、情绪管理、自我生命成长、家庭教育策略等,帮助家长们通过理念和践行等方式,达到内在的开启和自我的成长,从而更好的助力孩子的成长。

1. Thematic Gatherings: We regularly host various themed parent gatherings, such as sharing educational concepts, parent-child communication techniques, and learning methods. These gatherings not only provide opportunities for mutual learning but also allow parents to exchange insights and experiences in a relaxed atmosphere.

2. Book Clubs: Each semester, we organize book clubs featuring selected books related to education, life, psychology, family relationships, and more. Through reading and discussion, parents can gain a deeper understanding of the essence of education and the direction of their inner growth, enabling them to better apply these insights in real life.

3. Workshops: We regularly hold workshops on topics such as personality colors, emotional management, personal growth, and family education strategies. These workshops help parents through concepts and practical exercises to achieve inner awakening and personal growth, thereby better supporting their children's development.

我们相信,教育不仅仅是孩子的成长之路,也是家长自我提升的过程。加入 Qs “在一起家长社区,让我们“在一起”相互启迪,互相为伴,共同成长。

We believe that education is not just a journey for children but also a process for parents to improve themselves. Join the Qs "Together" Parent Community, where we "together" inspire each other, support one another, and grow together.







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中小学教育, 高分高能, 情商+学术,奖学金。Qs School,澳洲领先的学生与家长培训专校, 培养心智快乐, 高分高能人才。我们提供精华教育资讯, 实现:情商+学术=卓越成长+快乐人生;提高学习动力和效率; 激发卓越潜能