喜讯! 女儿获得顶尖私校奖学金,背后离不开QS三大关键助攻!

文摘   2024-08-10 10:11   四川  

我女儿从小就是一个对自我学习有高要求的孩子,我们一直希望可以找到合适她的补习机构可以让她的学习潜力得到充分发展,直到遇到了Qs。无论是疫情期间的网课,还是后来的线下课,Qs一直保持着稳定高质量的师资团队,完善的教学架构和丰富的网校资源。通过这三年多在Qs Preston校区的学习,女儿终于获得了两个心仪的一线私校的奖学金,为她的小学生涯画上了完美的句号。Qs对她的学习成绩提升也是非常显著的,主要是通过以下三个方面:


Special Writing 王牌课程的加持
她除了参加主课Empower 以外,还参加了Steve老师的王牌写作班Special Writing。Steve老师善于运用幽默生动的语言去激发学生的写作兴趣,通过有趣的练习和互动,提高孩子的写作热情。写作课程常常涉及各种主题的阅读材料,帮助学生开阔视野,增加对不同领域的了解。通过系统的写作训练,女儿掌握了各种高级的写作技巧,包括句子结构、段落组织、论证方法等。慢慢地女儿的写作自信心逐步增强,最后在Acer考试中交出了A+的亮眼作文成绩单,从而顺利获得了奖学金。


Qs每个学期都有Mock test 和term test考试。其中Mock test更是对标奖学金类型的题目,让女儿有更多机会接触练习这种题型,同时每一次考试学校提供的个人大数据分析报告让家长和孩子非常全面地了解到目前的学习情况,可以做到有针对性提高成绩。女儿还参加了Qs的假期trial test模考班,模考班提供了真实的考试环境和重点题型练习,具有丰富教学经验的老师帮助孩子掌握考试技巧,提高时间管理能力。同时让孩子熟悉考试流程,减轻考试焦虑,提高考试时的心理素质。尤其是一月份的假期班,为女儿的最后冲刺垫下了坚实的基础。假期班后的一对一免费报考策略咨询服务也让我们更清晰报考的方向和选择。
开学第一周:盘点Qs School的“考试及试题类相关”资源






这里我重点感谢一下Qs Preston校区的西西和Daisy老师,她们总是耐心,及时和有效的反馈我们家长提出的问题,协调各种突发状况,解决了我们家长的后顾之忧。尽可能为家长提供各个学校的信息,及时更新各类奖学金考试的院校的情况,我们受益良多,也在两位老师的身上看到作为教育人的真诚和担当,在这里我们家长再次对两位老师表示感谢,感谢曾经一起走过,感谢遇见,感谢我们还在一起为孩子们的成长努力。


强势助力维州北区教育—Qs School preston校区引领孩子走向卓越

My daughter has always been a highly self-motivated learner. We hoped to find a suitable tutoring institution to help her reach her full potential, and then we discovered Qs. Whether through online classes during the pandemic or offline classes later, Qs has consistently provided a stable, high-quality teaching team, a well-structured curriculum, and rich online resources. After more than three years with Qs, my daughter earned scholarships from her two favourite private schools, marking a successful end to her primary school years. Qs significantly improved her academic performance through the following aspects:

1.Special Writing Ace Course: In addition to her main course, Empower, she participated in Teacher Steve's ace writing class, Special Writing. Teacher Steve uses humorous and vivid language to spark students' interest in writing and engages them with fun exercises and interactions. The writing courses often include reading materials on various topics, broadening students' horizons and understanding of different fields. Through systematic writing training, my daughter mastered advanced writing skills, such as sentence structure, paragraph organisation, and argumentation methods. Gradually, her confidence in writing grew, leading to an A+ in the Acer exam and winning the scholarship.

2.Extensive Exam Training: Qs conducts Mock tests and term exams each semester. The Mock tests, designed to mimic scholarship-type questions, provided my daughter with ample practice. The personal big data analysis report for each exam allowed us to understand her learning progress comprehensively and target areas for improvement. She also attended Qs' holiday trial test model class, which offered a realistic test environment and key question exercises. Experienced teachers helped her master test skills and time management, reducing her exam anxiety and improving her psychological readiness. The January holiday class laid a solid foundation for her final sprint, and the one-on-one application strategy consultation afterward clarified her application direction and choices.

3.Cultivating Independent Learning Habits: The Qs learning system is highly organised, requiring children to complete and proofread homework online. Instant feedback helps children quickly correct mistakes and promotes self-assessment and reflection. If questions arise, they can watch homework explanation videos repeatedly to deepen their understanding of concepts and problem-solving skills. One-on-one homework explanation sessions provide personalised support. Previews before class also enhance learning efficiency and participation. This system has helped my daughter learn to plan and execute her own learning tasks, fostering her independent thinking and problem-solving skills. This autonomous learning ability has been invaluable for her future studies and life.

Throughout this journey, My daughter was fortunate to meet excellent teachers and like-minded friends at Qs. The warm and supportive environment brought together outstanding educators and children, enabling My daughter to thrive.

We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to Qs Preston Campus teachers Xixi and Daisy. They consistently provided patient, timely, and effective feedback, coordinated various emergencies, and resolved our concerns. Their dedication and responsibility as educators were evident in their efforts to keep us informed about various schools and scholarship exams. We deeply appreciate their hard work and commitment to our children's growth. Thank you for walking this journey with us and contributing to my daughter's success.

加入Qs School Preston,成就非凡未来

Join Qs School Preston for an Extraordinary Future

在Qs School Preston,我们相信每个学生都具备无限潜力。我们的使命是帮助学生发现并实现这一潜力。无论你的孩子目前面临何种学术挑战,我们都将提供最专业的指导和支持,勤勤恳恳助力他们走向成功的未来。

At Qs School Preston, we believe every student has unlimited potential. Our mission is to help them discover and achieve that potential. No matter what academic challenges your child may be facing, we are here to provide the most professional guidance and support, paving the way for their successful future.


Contact us today to learn more about our programs !



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Haileybury, Toorak College等私校奖学金考试信息,模拟考试班助孩子率先夺魁

维州三百学霸的party: Qs直击"州长奖"颁奖现场


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中小学教育, 高分高能, 情商+学术,奖学金。Qs School,澳洲领先的学生与家长培训专校, 培养心智快乐, 高分高能人才。我们提供精华教育资讯, 实现:情商+学术=卓越成长+快乐人生;提高学习动力和效率; 激发卓越潜能