Yarra Valley(Ringwood)Campus 九月线上假期班报名倒计时!

文摘   2024-09-07 12:22   四川  




Seize the last chance to sign up! The Qs Yarra Valley (Ringwood) Campus 2024 September Online Holiday Program offers four days of in-person courses to help your child prepare for selective exams and have a rewarding holiday. With intensive training, they’ll master key exam skills, overcome learning challenges, and improve their abilities! Expert teachers will break down tough topics step by step. Personalized one-on-one guidance and performance analysis will ensure a study plan tailored to help them aim for scholarships and elite high school entrance exams!

高级写作班 Special Writing:





•Tailored textbook for selective exam standards
• Key subjects for scholarship eligibility
•Master efficient high-quality essay writing, using selective exam grading criteria
•Rapidly enhance advanced writing skills for improved scores

模拟考试班 Trial Test:






•Authentic practice: Realistic tests, English, Verbal Reasoning, Mathematics, Numerical Reasoning & Writing
Daily tests under examination conditions
•On-The-Spot marking and review of tests
•Teachers with many years of experience and strong track records

Yarra campus 在线假期班优势突出:

· 精准备考,高效定位模拟考试直击奖学金及精英高中考试的重点,明确学生的优劣势。

· 个性化辅导一对一成绩分析,为每个孩子制定专属学习计划,精准提升。



名额有限,报名即将截止! 立即行动,抢占名师席位!




Yarra Campus Online Holiday Program stands out with its advantages:
 Targeted exam preparation, efficient focus: Trial test cover key points of scholarship and elite high school entrance exams, clearly identifying students' strengths and weaknesses.
 Personalized analysis: One-on-one performance analysis helps create a tailored study plan for each child, ensuring precise improvement.
This September, let your child make a significant leap forward during the holidays, reaching higher goals!
Suitable for students in grades 4, 5, 6, and 7, this program helps them fully prepare for upcoming exams, become their best selves, and face the new school term with confidence!
Limited spots available! Registration is closing soon! Act now to secure a place with expert teachers! For more information, please contact customer service.



Qs Term4 重要通知!

Qs 九月假期班,4天集训突破,快速提升!

Scotch 奖学金考试今天开放报名!考试类型及备考方案


Qs Term 4好课来袭,感恩家长送"厚礼"

联系我们 Contact us

中小学教育, 高分高能, 情商+学术,奖学金。Qs School,澳洲领先的学生与家长培训专校, 培养心智快乐, 高分高能人才。我们提供精华教育资讯, 实现:情商+学术=卓越成长+快乐人生;提高学习动力和效率; 激发卓越潜能