
文摘   2024-08-27 15:29   四川  

Qs School的Special Writing课程一直备受好评,帮助孩子们突破写作瓶颈,激发他们的写作热情,提升写作技巧。该课程通过每周一次,每次90分钟的专项训练,不仅包含阅读活动,更重要的是,它专注于提升写作技巧,培养孩子们的作家思维,教会他们如何创作高质量文章,提高写作的效率和影响力。

Qs School Special Writing Course has earned high praise for helping children overcome writer's block, ignite their passion for writing, and enhance their writing skills. This 90-minute weekly session combines reading activities with a strong focus on improving writing techniques, nurturing a writer's mindset, and teaching students how to craft high-quality pieces. The course is designed to boost both the efficiency and impact of their writing.



Why should you consider enrolling your child in the special writing course?



随着孩子们的成长,从小学升入中学,写作技能的重要性日益凸显。Qs School深知孩子们成长中的需要,精心打造了Special Writing课程来应对这一挑战。

该课程不仅适合写作能力较弱的学生,也适合那些希望提升自己能力的熟练写作者。通过对特定文体或文本类型的深入探究,以及每周的写作任务、反馈和持续练习,Special Writing课程确保了学生在写作上的持续进步,为他们的学习和未来的职业生涯奠定坚实的基础。

Core Strengths: A Key Transition from Elementary to Secondary School

As children progress from elementary to middle school, the importance of strong writing skills becomes increasingly apparent. Understanding this, Q's School has carefully designed the Special Writing curriculum to address the evolving needs of growing students.

The course caters to both students who may struggle with writing and those who are already skilled but wish to advance further. By delving into specific styles or text types and assigning weekly writing tasks, students receive continuous feedback and practice, ensuring steady improvement. This solid foundation supports their academic journey and future endeavours.


Special Writing课程的一大亮点是其独特的学期结构,将学期分为两部分,每部分连续五周深入探究一个特定文体或文本类型。

这种专注和深入的学习方式,结合定期的写作练习和个性化反馈,帮助学生不断提升写作技能,即便不能保证完美,也能见证显著的进步。我们为不同需求的学生提供从Level 4到Level 7的加强写作课程,确保每位学生都能在适合自己的水平上获得成长。

Course Highlights: Deep Learning for Continuous Progress

A standout feature of the Special Writing curriculum is its unique structure, dividing the semester into two parts, each focused on a specific style or text type for five consecutive weeks.

This targeted approach, combined with regular practice and personalised feedback, enables students to consistently refine their skills and make noticeable progress. We offer intensive writing courses from Level 4 to Level 7, tailored to different student needs, ensuring growth at every level.


通过参加Special Writing课程,那些最初在写作上显得害羞或缺乏自信的学生,如今已经变得自信、充满创造力,并且乐于尝试新的写作技巧。他们的进步不仅体现在课堂上,更在各类考试和比赛中展现出来,包括奖学金和NAPLAN考试的优异成绩。

Remarkable Results: Excellence in Grades, Confidence, and Creativity

Students who once felt shy or unsure about their writing have gained confidence, become more creative, and are now eager to explore new techniques. Their progress is evident not only in the classroom but also in exams and competitions, where they have achieved outstanding results, including success in scholarships and NAPLAN exams.

温馨提醒 Steve老师授课时间

Reminder: Upcoming Classes with Mr. Steve

Box Hill

Level4 Special Writing Tuesday 4:30-6:00pm

Level5 Special Writing Tuesday 6:10-7:40pm

Level6 Special Writing Thursday 6:10-7:40pm

level7 Special Writing Thursday 4:30-6:00pm


Level6 Special Writing Monday 4:30-6:00 pmonline

Level7 Special Writing Monday 6:10-7:40 pmonline

Point Cook

Level5 Special Writing Wednesday5:00-6:30pm

Level6 Special writing  Wednesday6:40-8:00pm

Yarra Valley

Level5 Special Writing Sunday1.30-3pm

Level8 Special Writing Sunday3-4.30pm

九月假期班和 Term 4 报名火热进行中,请尽快联系各校区咨询及报名以确保位置。Enrollments for the September Holiday Program and Term 4 are currently open and filling up fast. Please contact your nearest campus for any enquiries and registration to secure your spot as soon as possible.



Qs 九月假期班,4天集训突破,快速提升!

Qs Term 4好课来袭,感恩家长送"厚礼"


喜讯! 女儿获得顶尖私校奖学金,背后离不开QS三大关键助攻!

联系我们 Contact us

中小学教育, 高分高能, 情商+学术,奖学金。Qs School,澳洲领先的学生与家长培训专校, 培养心智快乐, 高分高能人才。我们提供精华教育资讯, 实现:情商+学术=卓越成长+快乐人生;提高学习动力和效率; 激发卓越潜能