
文摘   2024-09-25 09:45   中国澳门  



A. An increase in the number of Black students in all colleges.

B. A drop in the number of Black students in some incoming classes.

C. The introduction of new affirmative action policies.

D. Improved financial aid processes for Black students.


A. 1 percentage point.

B. 2 percentage points.

C. Nearly 3 percentage points.

D. 5 percentage points.


A. It decreased from 30% to 24%.

B. It increased from 40% to 47%.

C. It remained the same at 40%.

D. It dropped significantly to 30%.


Some top universities in the United States are reporting drops in the number of Black students in their incoming classes. At other colleges, including Princeton University and Yale University, the share of Black students changed little. This fall's class is the first admitted since a Supreme Court ruling barred affirmative action in higher education. Several schools have seen changes in numbers of Asian, Hispanic and Native American students, but trends are still unclear. Experts and colleges say it will take years to measure the full effect of the ruling. The end of affirmative action is not the only possible reason for the changing numbers. Some colleges are changing requirements, making test results more important. Earlier this year, there was a problem with the federal government's college financial aid process. On September 5, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC) reported drops in enrollment among Black, Hispanic and Native American students in its incoming class. It was one of the colleges at the center of the Supreme Court case. The population of Black students dropped nearly 3 percentage points this fall, to 7.8 percent. Hispanic student enrollment fell from 10.8 percent to 10.1 percent, while the incoming Native American population fell half a percentage point to 1.1 percent, according to the university. The incoming Asian student population rose 1 percentage point to 25.8 percent. The share of white students, at 63.8 percent, hardly changed. Changes in enrollment for other demographic groups were more mixed. At MIT, for example, the percentage of Asian students increased from 40 percent to 47 percent. However, its Hispanic and Latino percentage dropped from 16 percent to 11 percent. And MIT's percentage of white students stayed about the same. But at Yale, the percentage of Asian students fell from 30 percent to 24 percent. White students at Yale went from 42 percent of the class to 46 percent. Hispanic and Latino students saw an increased representation of 1 percentage point. Colleges have started looking for other ways to preserve the diversity they say is critical to university life.

Question 1: What is the primary issue reported regarding Black students in U.S. universities this fall?

Question 2: What was the percentage drop of Black students in the incoming class at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill?

Question 3: How did the percentage of Asian students change at MIT?


1. enrollment: Enrollment refers to the process of registering or officially signing up for a course, program, or institution, such as a school or university.注册




Question 1: B

Question 2: C

Question 3: B




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