
文摘   2024-09-16 15:20   中国澳门  



A. The impact of Russian missile strikes on Kyiv and Poltava.

B. The celebration of the first day of school in Zaporizhzhia amidst ongoing conflict.

C. The evacuation of students from Ukrainian schools due to safety concerns.

D. The role of the Associated Press in reporting on the war in Ukraine.


A. Because they are the only ones who remained in the city.

B. Because local officials banned large gatherings due to frequent Russian strikes.

C. Because the school wanted to honor students starting and finishing their education.

D. Because the school's bomb shelter can only hold 250 people.


A. About 800.

B. About 300.

C. Around 250.

D. Approximately 75.


Schoolchildren in the southern Ukrainian city Zaporizhzhia celebrated the traditional first day of school on Sunday. The ceremonies began just hours after warnings of Russian air raids sounded through the city. Zaporizhzhia is just 40 kilometers from the war's front. That danger is never far from the minds of teachers and families at one of the city's schools. Russian artillery and missiles strike there so often that local officials were forced to ban large gatherings. Only students starting their first and last years could take part in the ceremony. The Associated Press is not identifying the school for security reasons. The children wore traditional Ukrainian clothing and carried flowers. Each first year student held the hand of a final year student in a small parade. The school once had 800 students but about 300 fled the city seeking safer places. The remaining children alternate one week of study at school with one week of online study. That is because the school's bomb shelter can hold only around 250 people. That shelter is about 75 meters away from the main school building, across an open playground. School director Kostiantyn Lypskyi said the youngest students work in a classroom just above the underground shelter. The rest of the school operates in the main building. Russia launched large numbers of missiles and drones on the capital Kyiv Monday, wounding three people and damaging schools. On Tuesday, Russian missiles killed at least 41 people and wounded over 180 in Poltova, a city in the central eastern part of Ukraine.

Question 1: What is the main idea of the news report?

Question 2: Why are only first and last year students allowed to participate in the school's opening ceremony in Zaporizhzhia?

Question 3: How many students have fled the school in Zaporizhzhia seeking safer places?






Question 1: B

Question 2: B

Question 3: B




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