
文摘   2024-09-12 19:24   中国澳门  



A. The northern bald ibis population has fully recovered without human intervention.

B. Humans are guiding northern bald ibises on their migration routes to help them survive.

C. The northern bald ibis is no longer a migratory bird due to climate change.

D. The Waldrappteam is focusing on saving various bird species from extinction.


A. The birds do not have the instinct to migrate.

B. Climate change has confused their natural migration patterns.

C. There are no wild-born birds to guide them on the migration path.

D. The birds are too young to migrate on their own.


A. He studied the migration patterns of Canadian geese.

B. He observed the successful work of Bill Lishman with other bird species.

C. He discovered a new migration route in southern Spain.

D. He wanted to be the first to reintroduce a migratory bird species to Europe.


Humans hunted and killed almost all northern bald ibis birds by the 17th century. But breeding and rewilding efforts over the last 20 years helped grow the bird population. However, the birds do not know which direction to fly to migrate without the guidance of wild-born birds. So, humans are helping the birds learn their migration path. The northern bald ibis once flew over North Africa, the Arabian Peninsula and much of Europe, including southern Germany's Bavaria. People liked eating the migratory birds, and they disappeared from Europe. A few groups of the birds survived in other places. In 2002, a conservation and research group based in Austria stepped in to help. The group is called Waldrappteam; the birds are called Waldrapp in German. Scientists at Waldrappteam raise the birds and teach them how to fly to warmer areas. Johannes Fritz is a biologist working with the team. He said, "We have to teach them the migration route.” Fritz and the Waldrappteam have increased the number of northern ibis in Central Europe from zero to almost 300 since the start of their project in 2002. Fritz said the group's work is the first attempt to reintroduce a continentally extinct migratory bird species. He said his team found that, when released, the birds raised by humans flew in the wrong direction and died in the winter. The humans have led the birds now for 17 years to places like Tuscany, Italy. Due to climate change, they have had to change the route to a winter home. Now they help the birds fly to Andalusia in southern Spain. To prepare them for travel, the humans begin working with the baby birds, or chicks, when they are just a few days old. The foster parent humans want the birds to connect with them so they will trust them along the migration route. Fritz knew his work would be possible because he saw the work of Canadian inventor and naturalist Bill Lishman. Lishman taught Canadian geese to fly alongside his small plane beginning in 1988. He later guided endangered whooping cranes through safe routes. Fritz's team efforts have worked. The first bird independently migrated back to Bavaria from Tuscany in 2011. The team hopes the Central European population will be more than 350 birds by 2028 and will not need human help to migrate. This year, the route to Spain is longer than last year's path. Earlier this month from an airfield in upper Bavaria, the team guided 36 birds along one stage through blue skies and a wind from behind them that increased their speed. The full journey to Spain could take up to 50 days. Fritz said the effort is bigger than just the northern bald ibises. He hopes the group's work offers a possibility for helping other threatened migratory species to fly.

Question 1: What is the main idea of the news report?

Question 2: Why do the northern bald ibises need human assistance for migration?

Question 3: How did Johannes Fritz become inspired to help the northern bald ibises?


1. migratory: A migratory bird or animal is one that migrates (= travels to a different place, usually when the season changes) 迁徙的(指候鸟或其他动物的季节性迁徙特征)


就在现在,欧洲上空正在进行一场不可思议的壮举——4名人类开着2架滑翔伞飞机,正带着一群鸟向南迁徙。被飞机带着飞的鸟叫隐鹮(Geronticus eremita),20年前,动物学家就开飞机带着它们迁徙——因为它们在野外的处境已经岌岌可危。 隐鹮又名北方秃头鹮,过着群居生活,栖息在荒漠、半沙漠或岩石环境,跟朱鹮是同一个科的亲戚。隐鹮曾广泛分布在中东、北非及南欧,然而,到了近代,由于过度放牧和捕猎,隐鹮的野外个体数量急剧减少。1990年,隐鹮被列为极度濒危物种,大多数隐鹮都在动物园过着人工饲养的生活。动物行为学家约翰内斯·弗里茨(Johannes Fritz)想要改变隐鹮的处境,恢复更多野外隐鹮种群。弗里茨成立了隐鹮迁徙团队(Waldrappteam),从2004年起,他们就开始尝试开飞机带领幼年隐鹮迁徙到野外越冬。这些幼鸟都是从各个动物园收集的,他们会将鸟儿从破壳养到秋天羽毛丰满,然后带它们回归野外。 团队每年都会带领隐鹮从阿尔卑斯山北部的春季繁殖地出发,向南飞往越冬区——位于意大利托斯卡纳南部的奥尔贝泰洛湖保护区,隐鹮就在这里被放归。(背景知识来自于https://m.thepaper.cn/kuaibao_detail.jsp?contid=24448238


Question 1: B

Question 2: C

Question 3: B


17世纪时,人类几乎猎杀殆尽了所有的北方秃鹮。然而,在过去20年中的繁育和重返野外的努力帮助这个鸟类种群逐渐恢复。然而,这些鸟类如果没有野生鸟类的引导,就不知道该朝哪个方向飞行以迁徙。因此,人类正在帮助这些鸟类学习它们的迁徙路线。北方秃鹮曾飞越北非、阿拉伯半岛以及包括德国南部巴伐利亚在内的欧洲大部分地区。人们喜欢吃这种迁徙鸟类,导致它们在欧洲消失。少数鸟群在其他地方幸存下来。2002年,总部位于奥地利的一个名为Waldrappteam的保护和研究组织介入了这个问题。这个组织的名字在德语中意味着秃鹮Waldrappteam的科学家们饲养这些鸟类,并教它们如何飞往温暖的地区。 Johannes Fritz是一名与该团队合作的生物学家。他说:我们必须教它们迁徙路线。2002年项目启动以来,FritzWaldrappteam已经将中欧的北方秃鹮数量从零增加到近300只。Fritz说,这是首次尝试重新引入一种在大陆上灭绝的迁徙鸟类。他表示,团队发现,当被放生时,由人类饲养的鸟类会朝错误的方向飞行,并在冬季死亡。人类如今已经引导这些鸟类飞行了17年,目的地包括意大利的托斯卡纳。由于气候变化,他们不得不更改路线,现在他们帮助这些鸟类飞往西班牙南部的安达卢西亚。为了让这些鸟做好旅行准备,人类在这些小鸟刚出生几天时就开始与它们合作。充当养父母的人类希望这些鸟类能与他们建立联系,以便在迁徙路线上信任他们。 Fritz知道他的工作是可能的,因为他看到了加拿大发明家和自然学家Bill Lishman的工作。Lishman1988年开始教加拿大鹅跟随他的小飞机飞行。他后来又引导濒危的美洲鹤通过安全的路线迁徙。Fritz的团队努力取得了成效,第一只鸟在2011年独立从托斯卡纳迁徙回巴伐利亚。团队希望到2028年,中欧的鸟群数量能超过350只,并且不再需要人类帮助来迁徙。 今年的迁徙路线比去年的更长。本月初,团队从巴伐利亚上部的一个机场起飞,在蓝天和顺风的帮助下引导了36只鸟类完成了其中一段旅程,这股顺风增加了它们的飞行速度。前往西班牙的全程可能需要多达50天。Fritz说,这项工作不仅仅是为了北方秃鹮。他希望团队的工作能为帮助其他受威胁的迁徙物种提供可能性。


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