
文摘   2024-08-29 08:24   美国  




04:01 党代会气氛如何?民主党对危机管理格外重视?
08:48 巴以问题在党代会中被淡化
17:11 美国党代会逐渐远离“开放”,靠近模范化?
23:04 围绕特朗普展开的共和党党代会,前领导人都未出席
31:24 共和党邀请众多工人代表、劳工领袖参会
36:38 演讲顺序,有按照“黄金时间”规划吗?
43:13 党代会对两党支持率有什么影响
48:24 部分民调预测哈里斯领先于特朗普,该如何看待?
0:59:10 党代会上,哈里斯更多喊口号少提具体政策,是一种策略吗?
1:18:00 接下来,决定大选走向的最大变数是什么?特朗普犯错还是哈里斯犯错?


【 What We Talked About】
The Democratic National Convention was held at the United Center in Chicago from August 19 to 22. In this episode, we sit down with our guest, Xiang Yang, to unpack the convention's vibe, key moments, and how it stacked up against the RNC last month. We also analyze Harris's strategic choices in her acceptance speech and her campaign, and forecast the potential game-changers in the final stretch to Election Day.
This program is jointly produced by The American Roulette and Vistopia. Subscribe to "The U.S. Election and Global Shifts" program on Vistopia for more insights.
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04:01 What's the vibe at the convention? Is the Democratic Party paying extra attention to crisis management?
08:48 The Israel-Palestine issue downplayed at the convention
17:11 Are U.S. party conventions moving away from "openness" and towards normalization?
23:04 RNC centered around Trump, with former leaders absent
31:24 RNC invited worker representatives and labor leaders to the convention
36:38 Is there a "prime time" strategy for the speech order?
43:13 How do the conventions impact the approval ratings of both parties?
48:24 Some polls show Harris leading Trump - how should we interpret this?
59:10 Harris focuses more on slogans and less on specific policies - is this a strategy?
1:18:00 What's the biggest wildcard - a Trump misstep or a Harris blunder?
【Who We Are】
The American Roulette is a podcast dedicated to helping the Chinese-speaking community understand fast-changing U.S. politics.
Our Hosts and Guests:
王浩岚 (Haolan Wang): American political enthusiast, chief writer at Lán Mù WeChat Official Account, and peddler of information
Talich:Aficionado of American politics, culture, and history
曹起曈 (Thomas Cao): Assistant professor at the Tufts Fletcher School
向杨:PhD candidate in Sociology at the University of Chicago, Bilibili creator “向杨Alan君”
向杨Alan君 https://space.bilibili.com/495979610/

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