行业认为经历了长期的库存削减之后,半导体供需双方的平衡得到了改善,市场需求逐渐恢复。其中FCBGA封装市场将受AI推动成为增长的主要推手,开始蓬勃发展。行业认为,未来几年全球FCBGA封装技术市场将继续快速增长,预计到2026年市场规模将超过200亿美元(约合1424亿元人民币)。面对这样一个极具潜力的机遇,越来越多的企业开始加大力度开发FCBGA封装技术,不断促进其创新和升级。三星电机预估到2026年,其用于服务器和人工智能的高端倒装芯片球栅阵列(FCBGA)基板的销售份额将超过50%。除三星外,美光(Micron)、英飞凌(Infineon)和恩智浦(NXP)等IDM公司在FCBGA封装领域进行了广泛的研究和开发,而ASEGroup、JCET和Amkor等专业封装和测试公司也开发了各种FCBGA技术。另外包括英特尔、高通、英伟达、AMD和三星在内的众多国际大型半导体公司也都在使用FCBGA技术。FCBGA(FlipChipBallGridArray,意为“倒装芯片球栅阵列封装”)是一种封装技术,这种封装方式将芯片倒置并连接到封装基板上,然后使用球形焊点将封装固定到基板上。FCBGA最早出现于1990年代初。1997年,英特尔公司将FCBGA封装技术首次应用于处理器,这是FCBGA技术历史上的一个重要里程碑。1999年英特尔推出了第一款使用FCBGA封装技术的芯片,即PentiumIII500处理器。更高的密度:因为FCBGA封装技术可以在同样的封装面积内安装更多的芯片引脚,从而实现更高的集成度和更小的封装尺寸。更好的散热性能:FCBGA能允许芯片直接连接到散热器或散热片上,从而提高了热量传递的效率。更高的可靠性和电性能:因为它可以减少芯片与基板之间的电阻和电容等因素,从而提高信号传输的稳定性和可靠性,也可以提高信号传输的速度和准确性。FCBGA封装技术具有高集成度、小尺寸、高性能、低功耗等优势,FCBGA适用于多种种类的芯片,其常用于CPU、微控制器和GPU等高性能芯片,还适用于网络芯片、通信芯片、存储芯片、数字信号处理器(DSP)、传感器、音频处理器等等。目前越南已签署16个双边或多边的自由贸易协定,与全球主要经济体建立了广泛的自由贸易关系,构建了越南面向全球的自由贸易区网络,受贸易壁垒影响低,为其原产地产品出口提供了极高的市场增量空间,区域经济往来日趋密切。随着全球地缘政治及贸易格局的新变化,越南依靠人口红利的劳动力成本优势和外资投资优惠政策措施,通过其二十多年出口导向型经济模式获得较快经济发展所打下的基础,吸引了全球电子产业巨头纷纷赴越南建立先进技术的电子生产基地,高技术生产从中国转至越南的步伐加剧,令得越南快速成为亚洲地区电子代工制造中心之一及全球供应链转移落脚点的“新宠”,在全球电子产业链重构过程中处于崛起趋势。现越南电子产业蓬勃发展的势头正盛,电子产品出口量由2001年的第47位跃升到2020年的第10位,美国和中国是越南电子产品的两大出口市场,一定程度上已对中国制造形成了出口替代;越南正成为全球电子手机制造基地,其手机出口量目前位列全球第二,全球制造出货量占比20%。由于越南本土工业基础较为薄弱及缺乏完整的供应链体系,尽管每年越南电子产品出口额超1000亿美元,但其电子组件和软件基本依赖进口,95%出口额由外资加工企业及其供应链附属供应商掌控。同时,越南作为全球最具投资吸引力的新兴消费市场中30个经济体之一,其拥有年龄在18-60岁主力消费群体占总人口60%以上的超亿人口体量,对电子产品年需求近百亿美元,为业界外贸企业提供了增量市场广阔拓展空间。越南连续颁布实施《到2030年第四次工业革命国家战略》、《至2030年创新与科技发展战略》等,将电子工业、信息及电信列入《越南工业发展战略(2030至2045年阶段)》十大重点优先投资发展产业之一,鼓励外国投资商在具备必要的基础设施和物质设施的电子工业集群、指定工业区中投资兴业,并力争到2030年成立10万家数字技术公司。《2021-2030年越南工业贸易结构调整提案》提出至2023年目标:工业配套产业要满足其国内需求的70%、产业本土化率要达到45%以上、高技术工业产品价值在加工制造业中的比重要达到45%以上,越南将成为现代工业国家,产业竞争力强以及跻身世界15大出口国行列。越南的半导体市场在2020年至2025年间将增长16.5亿美元,年增长率为6.52%,期间其市场规模将增加约65亿美元,成为亚洲地区半导体产业发展最快的地区之一。越南制定的《到2030年和远期到2045年越南半导体芯片产业发展战略》草案已进入审批阶段,旨在推动发展半导体产业乃至电子工业,并希望吸引全球半导体企业到越南生产与研发,目标到2030年半导体芯片生产国产化率要达到50%。目前越南仅有约5500名半导体领域工程师(其中胡志明市占比90%),仅能满足其产业配套技术人才的20%市场需求,现越南已开展跨国机构合作开展人力资源培养项目,以实现其到2030年培养5W名工程师的雄心勃勃的目标。目前越南芯片制造商尽管仍依赖从其他国家进口材料,但其拥有硅砂、稀土等丰富的自然资源和原材料(越南稀土储量约有2200万吨位列全球第二),并设立了国家技术创新基金等融资基金机构支持半导体产业的发展。截止到2023年低,全球各国已承诺在越南半导体领域投资约50亿美元。目前中国供应链外迁越南风潮云涌,许多中国企业以代工组装、换牌贴标等模式将工厂转移到越南,已有200多家上市公司在越南投资项目及上千家企业设立分支机构,并普遍采取“中国半成品/零配件+越南产业工人+越南产地证出口+越南本土市场垂直分销”等运作方式力促保持原有的全球供应链外贸份额。鉴于越南半导体与集成电路产业发展市场的成长性和爆发力,由越南政府支持主办的越南国际集成电路及半导体产业展览会(SEMICONVIETNAM)是衔接越南创新与科技发展战略国策的重要对外合作贸促项目,以“连接全球价值链,推动可持续电子产业发展”为主题,力邀美欧日韩、中国、东盟国家、印度等在电子领域拥有技术优势的国家参展,旨在为所有参展商在越南半导体与集成电路产业现代化发展进程蕴含的外贸商机及跨境投资、技术协作等方面提供绝佳的合作撮合机会,同期举办各项半导体与集成电路产业技术跨境贸促交流、B2B供需对接会、电子前沿科技技术推介、实地考察、优质技术产品评选等商务活动。本展会立足于越南电子制造业外贸中心基地,紧扣越南工业4.0发展国家战略推动力,专注于打造成为越南半导体与集成电路产业高新技术电子供应链定制与采购综合服务平台及产品、技术材料、元器件、生产设备等产业供应链全方位配套的供需商机高效衔接展会项目。越南南部地区的胡志明市及其周边省份区域,经过十多年的电子产品发展历程,在产品研发、生产、组装、代工出口、外贸基地、物流等上下游产业链积聚了较强的产业基础,集中了越南全国52%以上的电子生产组装产能企业及85%集成电路&半导体研发人才,业已成为越南全国电子工业制造中心、消费大区及标杆城市。时间:2024年10月31日-11月02日地点:越南胡志明SECC国际会展中心*半导体材料:硅片及硅基材料、硅晶圆、硅晶片、单晶硅、硅片、锗硅材料、S01材料、太阳能电池用硅材料及化合物半导体材料、石英制品、石墨制品、防静电材料、光刻胶及其配套试剂、晶圆胶带、光掩膜版、电子气体、特种化学气体、CMP抛光材料、封装基板、引线框架、键合丝、包封材料、陶瓷基板、封测材料等。*晶圆制造及封装:晶圆制造、SiP封装、硅晶圆及IC封装载板、印制电路板、封装基板和设备及组装和测试等、封装设计、测试、设备与应用制造与封测、EDA、MCU、印制电路板、封装基板半导体材料与设备等。*集成电路制造技术:晶圆制造/代工、模拟集成电路、数/模混合集成电路;相关微处理器、存储器、FPGA、分立器件、光电器件、功率器件、传感器件等技术器件;集成电路终端产品。*半导体设备制造:封装设备、扩散设备、焊接设备、清洗设备、测试设备、制冷设备、氧化设备、贴片机、单晶炉、氧化炉、研磨机、光刻机、刻蚀机、抛光机、离子注入设备、CVD/PVD设备、涂胶/显影机、回流焊、波峰焊、探针台、洁净室设备等。*封装与测试配套:测试探针台、探针卡、测试机、分选机、封装设备、封装基板、引线框架键合丝、引线键合、烧焊测试、激光切割、研磨液、封片膜(胶)高温胶带、层压基板、贴片胶、上料板、焊线流量控制、石英石墨、碳化硅等。*第三代半导体:第三代半导体碳化硅SiC、氮化镓GaN、晶圆、衬底、封装、测试、光电子器件(发光二极管LED、激光器LD、探测器紫外)、电力电子器件(二极管、MOSFET、JFET、BJT、IGBT、GTO、ETO、SBD、HEMT等)、微波射频器件(HEMT、MMIC)等。*智慧电源技术:微波射频、半导体LED、离子电源、共享智慧充电、通信电源、光伏/风电/储能电源设计、功率变换器磁技术等。*IC设计:IC及相关电子产品设计、IC产品与应用技术、IC测试方法与测试仪器、IC设计与设计工具、IC制造与封装、EDA、IP设计、嵌入式软件、数字电路设计、模拟与混合信号电路设计、集成电路布局设计等。*电子元器件:电阻、电容器、电位器、电子管、散热器、机电元件、连接器、半导体分立器件/IGBT、电声器件、激光器件、电子显示器件、光电器件、传感器、电源、开关、微特电机、电子变压器、继电器、印制电路板、印刷电路用基材基板、无源器件、5G核心元器件、元电源管理、储存器、PCB板、电机风扇、电声器件、显示器件、二极管、三极管等。*前沿创新应用:AI芯片、显示芯片、驱动芯片、电源管理芯片、电器芯片、传感器芯片、物联网芯片、通信芯片、交通电子芯片、计算机及控制芯片、存储器芯片、5G芯片、车规级芯片、音视频处理芯片等。*双向合作项目:该领域新技术/新产品科研成果、研发与设计、项目投资、技术转让、OEM/ODM代工、联营产销、代理经销、品牌连锁加盟、检测技术服务等合作。+半导体产业集成电路设计、制造、封装测试、半导体材料、设备等中上下游企业高层及技术负责人;+业界技术集成商、技术研发商、技术应用商、进出口商、贸易商、渠道商、经销商、品牌代理商、专业市场、体验中心等;+邀请当地数字经济技术应用商家和机构到会采购,包括5G、人工智能、大数据、物联网、工业互联网、智能制造、智能汽车、智能交通、智慧城市、智慧照明、智能家居、数字健康、智慧医疗、智能终端、无人机、数字新基建、数字政府、数字商业、数字园区等应用机构和单位。+力邀越南当地近万名专业采购商和观众,聚焦行业全产业链上中下游目标受众群体,覆盖航空航天、安防消防、轨道交通、计算机硬件与服务、IT产业、通信/信息处理/存储、数据管理中心、传感及测试测量、工业及电气、机械制造、先进制造、能源/电力/冶金、太阳能光伏/电池、石油化工、造船、汽车、医疗、教育、消费电子/娱乐、照明与显示、广告传媒、前沿科技材料、金融保险等领域及相关配套企业的管理层、设计&研发、生产制造、采购&经销、招投标、项目管理、质检等方面的负责人;相关政府、贸促、研发、投资、检测及认证、技术培训、商协会、同业联盟、专业媒体等机构代表。150+参展商·250+展位·7000+专业观众6+国家参展·10+越南交易团支持指导:越南工贸部、越南科技部、越南胡志明市人民委员会协办单位:越南胡志明市工贸厅、越南百科大学、越南光中软件园、韩国光学工业发展协会主办单位:越南胡志明市工业配套促进中心、越南胡志明市高新技术开发区管委会执行主办:越南电子与电路板半导技培中心、越南全球展业股份公司、越南光线世界有限公司、越南骆驼会展贸促有限公司、旭日大数据公司中国主办:广西骆驼出海会展服务有限公司、广西越中会展商务有限公司,旭日大数据越南电视台、胡志明市电视台、越南工商论坛报、越南投资报、越南经济时报、越南电子自动化杂志、越南电子工艺杂志、越南电路板与电子系统杂志、越南电子技术杂志、越南百科大学电子计算机杂志、越南电子通讯技术杂志、越南主流网媒(VnExpress、24h、ThanhNien、Vietnamnet、DanTri,BaoMoi...)及各社交媒介。定时定量邀约越南买家 1:1 贸易对接活动海选精准越南潜在买家,匹配邀约面洽交易展会现
场 1:1 贸易速配,供需双方匹配洽谈定制式采购对接会、特约买家面洽私享会单一展商量身
定制越南渠道商全方案服务 可定制实地考察、拜会接洽、市场体验考察当地厂商技术应用及产销品类结构当地半导体制
接洽预约安排Divide the 142.4 billion "cake", and semiconductor companies attack FCBGA packagingThe FCBGA packaging market is starting to boomThe industry believes that after a long period of inventory reduction, the balance between semiconductor supply and demand has improved, and market demand has gradually recovered.Among them, the FCBGA packaging market will be driven by AI to become the main driver of growth and begin to flourish. The industry believes that the global FCBGA packaging technology market will continue to grow rapidly in the next few years, and the market size is expected to exceed 20 billion US dollars (about 142.4 billion yuan) by 2026.In the face of such a potential opportunity, more and more companies have begun to increase their efforts to develop FCBGA packaging technology and continuously promote its innovation and upgrading.Samsung Electro-Mechanics expects its high-end flip-chip ball grid array (FCBGA) substrates for servers and artificial intelligence to account for more than 50% of sales by 2026.In addition to Samsung, IDM companies such as Micron, Infineon, and NXP have conducted extensive research and development in the field of FCBGA packaging, while specialized packaging and testing companies such as ASEGroup, JCET, and Amkor have also developed various FCBGA technologies. In addition, many large international semiconductor companies, including Intel, Qualcomm, NVIDIA, AMD and Samsung, are also using FCBGA technology.FCBGA (FlipChipBallGridArray) is a packaging technology in which a chip is turned upside down and attached to a package substrate, and then the package is fixed to the substrate using spherical solder joints.FCBGA first appeared in the early 1990s. In 1997, Intel Corporation first applied FCBGA packaging technology to processors, which was an important milestone in the history of FCBGA technology.In 1999, Intel introduced the first chip to use FCBGA packaging technology, the Pentium III500 processor.The main advantages of FCBGA packaging technology include:Higher density: Because FCBGA packaging technology can fit more chip pins in the same package area, it can achieve higher integration and smaller package size.Better heat dissipation: FCBGAs allow the chip to be connected directly to a heatsink or heatsink, improving the efficiency of heat transfer.Higher reliability and electrical performance: Because it can reduce factors such as resistance and capacitance between the chip and the substrate, thereby improving the stability and reliability of signal transmission, and can also improve the speed and accuracy of signal transmission.FCBGA packaging technology has the advantages of high integration, small size, high performance, low power consumption, etc., FCBGA is suitable for a variety of chips, which are often used in high-performance chips such as CPUs, microcontrollers and GPUs, and are also suitable for network chips, communication chips, memory chips, digital signal processors (DSPs), sensors, audio processors, etc.2024 Vietnam International Integrated Circuit and Semiconductor Industry Exhibition1. Overview and background of the conferenceAt present, Viet Nam has signed 16 bilateral or multilateral free trade agreements, established extensive free trade relations with major economies in the world, and built Viet Nam's global free trade area network.With the new changes in global geopolitics and trade pattern, Viet Nam relies on the labor cost advantage of demographic dividend and preferential policies for foreign investment, and has laid the foundation for rapid economic development through its export-oriented economic model for more than 20 years, attracting global electronics industry giants to Viet Nam to establish advanced technology electronic production bases, and the pace of high-tech production from China to Viet Nam has intensified, making Viet Nam quickly become one of the electronic foundry manufacturing centers in Asia and the "new favorite" of the global supply chain transfer foothold. It is on the rise in the process of restructuring the global electronics industry chain.At present, the Viet Nam electronics industry is booming, and the export volume of electronic products has jumped from the 47th place in 2001 to the 10th place in 2020 Viet Nam United States. Viet Nam is becoming a global manufacturing base for electronic mobile phones, and its mobile phone exports currently rank second in the world, accounting for 20% of global manufacturing shipments.Due to Viet Nam's weak domestic industrial base and lack of a complete supply chain system, although Viet Nam's annual export of electronic products exceeds 100 billion US dollars, its electronic components and software are basically imported, and 95% of the export value is controlled by foreign-funded processing enterprises and their supply chain affiliated suppliers.At the same time, Viet Nam, as one of the 30 economies in the world's most attractive emerging consumer market, has a population of more than 100 million people aged 18-60 years old with the main consumer group accounting for more than 60% of the total population, and the annual demand for electronic products is nearly 10 billion US dollars, providing a broad space for the expansion of the incremental market for foreign trade enterprises in the industry.Viet Nam has successively promulgated and implemented the National Strategy for the Fourth Industrial Revolution by 2030 and the Strategy for Innovation and Technology Development by 2030, including the electronics industry, information and telecommunications as one of the ten key priority investment and development industries in the Viet Nam Industrial Development Strategy (2030-2045 period), encouraging foreign investors to invest in electronics industry clusters and designated industrial zones with necessary infrastructure and physical facilities, and striving to establish 100,000 digital technology companies by 2030.The "Viet Nam Industrial Trade Restructuring Proposal 2021-2030" puts forward the goal of 2023: industrial supporting industries to meet 70% of its domestic demand, industrial localization rate to reach more than 45%, the value of high-tech industrial products in the processing and manufacturing industry to reach more than 45%, Viet Nam will become a modern industrial country with strong industrial competitiveness and rank among the world's top 15 exporters.Viet Nam's semiconductor market will grow by US$1.65 billion between 2020 and 2025, with an annual growth rate of 6.52%, during which its market size will increase by about US$6.5 billion, making it one of the fastest growing semiconductor industry in Asia. The draft "Viet Nam Semiconductor Chip Industry Development Strategy by 2030 and Long-term to 2045" formulated by Viet Nam has entered the approval stage, aiming to promote the development of the semiconductor industry and even the electronics industry, and hopes to attract global semiconductor companies to Viet Nam for production and R&D, with the goal of achieving a localization rate of 50% by 2030.At present, Viet Nam has only about 5,500 engineers in the semiconductor field (including 90% in Ho Chi Minh City), which can only meet 20% of the market demand for technical talents in its industry, and now Viet Nam has launched a human resource training program in cooperation with multinational institutions to achieve its ambitious goal of training 5W engineers by 2030.At present, although Viet Nam chip manufacturers still rely on imported materials from other countries, they have rich natural resources and raw materials such as silica sand and rare earths (Viet Nam's rare earth reserves are about 22 million tons, ranking second in the world), and have set up financing funds such as the National Technology Innovation Fund to support the development of the semiconductor industry. As of the end of 2023, countries around the world have committed about US$5 billion to invest in Viet Nam's semiconductor sector.2. Introduction to the exhibitionAt present, China's supply chain is moving to Viet Nam, many Chinese enterprises have transferred their factories to Viet Nam in the mode of OEM assembly, brand change and labeling, etc., and more than 200 listed companies have invested in Viet Nam investment projects and thousands of enterprises have set up branches, and generally adopt the operation mode of "Chinese semi-finished products/spare parts + Viet Nam industrial workers + Viet Nam certificate of origin export + Viet Nam local market vertical distribution" to promote the maintenance of the original global supply chain foreign trade share.In view of the growth and explosive power of Viet Nam's semiconductor and integrated circuit industry development market, the Viet Nam International Integrated Circuit and Semiconductor Industry Exhibition (SEMICONVIETNAM), supported by the Viet Nam government, is an important foreign cooperation and trade promotion project in line with Viet Nam's strategic strategy of innovation and science and technology, with the theme of "connecting the global value chain and promoting the development of sustainable electronics industry", and strongly invites the United States, Europe, Japan, South Korea, China, ASEAN countries, India and other countries with technological advantages in the field of electronics to participate in the exhibition. It aims to provide excellent cooperation and matching opportunities for all exhibitors in the foreign trade business opportunities, cross-border investment and technical cooperation contained in the modernization and development process of Viet Nam's semiconductor and integrated circuit industry, and hold various business activities such as cross-border trade promotion exchanges of semiconductor and integrated circuit industry technology, B2B supply and demand matchmaking, electronic cutting-edge technology technology promotion, field trips, and high-quality technology product selection at the same time.Based on the base of Viet Nam's electronics manufacturing foreign trade center, this exhibition closely follows the national strategic driving force for the development of Viet Nam's Industry 4.0, and focuses on building a comprehensive service platform for the customization and procurement of high-tech electronic supply chain in Viet Nam's semiconductor and integrated circuit industry, as well as a comprehensive supply and demand business opportunities for products, technical materials, components, production equipment and other industrial supply chains.The wave of industrial transfer is benchmarked against Vietnam's global supply chainVietnam Semiconductor and Circuit Board Development Business Opportunities Connection ExhibitionSemiconductor Supply Chain Overseas Promotion and Marketing Exhibition and Trade PlatformChina and Vietnam Semiconductor and Circuit Board Foreign Trade MatchmakingVietnam Electronics Industry National Key Trade Promotion Activities in the Next DecadeHo Chi Minh City and its surrounding provinces in southern Viet Nam, after more than ten years of electronic product development, have accumulated a strong industrial foundation in the upstream and downstream industrial chains such as product research and development, production, assembly, OEM export, foreign trade base, logistics, etc., concentrating more than 52% of Viet Nam's electronic production and assembly capacity enterprises and 85% of integrated circuit & semiconductor R&D talents, and has become Viet Nam's national electronics industry manufacturing center, consumption area and benchmark city.Second, the exhibition settingTime: October 31-November 02, 2024 Venue: SECC International Convention and Exhibition Center, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam*Semiconductor materials: silicon wafers and silicon-based materials, silicon wafers, silicon wafers, monocrystalline silicon, silicon wafers, silicon germanium materials, S01 materials, silicon materials for solar cells and compound semiconductor materials, quartz products, graphite products, anti-static materials, photoresists and their supporting reagents, wafer tapes, photomasks, electronic gases, special chemical gases, CMP polishing materials, packaging substrates, lead frames, bonding wires, encapsulation materials, ceramic substrates, packaging and testing materials, etc.*Wafer manufacturing and packaging: wafer manufacturing, SiP packaging, silicon wafer and IC packaging substrates, printed circuit boards, packaging substrates and equipment, assembly and testing, packaging design, testing, equipment and application manufacturing and packaging and testing, EDA, MCU, printed circuit boards, packaging substrates, semiconductor materials and equipment, etc.* Integrated circuit manufacturing technology: wafer fabrication/foundry, analog integrated circuits, digital/analog mixed integrated circuits; related microprocessors, memories, FPGAs, discrete devices, optoelectronic devices, power devices, sensor devices and other technical devices; Integrated circuit end products.*Semiconductor equipment manufacturing: packaging equipment, diffusion equipment, welding equipment, cleaning equipment, testing equipment, refrigeration equipment, oxidation equipment, placement machines, single crystal furnaces, oxidation furnaces, grinding machines, lithography machines, etching machines, polishing machines, ion implantation equipment, CVD/PVD equipment, gluing/developing machines, reflow soldering, wave soldering, probe stations, clean room equipment, etc.*Packaging and testing facilities: test probe station, probe card, testing machine, sorting machine, packaging equipment, packaging substrate, lead frame bonding wire, wire bonding, welding test, laser cutting, slurry, covering film (glue) high temperature tape, laminated substrate, SMD glue, feeding plate, wire flow control, quartz graphite, silicon carbide, etc.*Third-generation semiconductors: third-generation semiconductors silicon carbide SiC, gallium nitride GaN, wafers, substrates, packaging, testing, optoelectronic devices (light-emitting diode LEDs, laser LDs, detector ultraviolet), power electronic devices (diodes, MOSFET, JFET, BJT, IGBT, GTO, ETO, SBD, HEMT, etc.), microwave radio frequency devices (HEMT, MMIC), etc.*Smart power technology: microwave radio frequency, semiconductor LED, ion power supply, shared smart charging, communication power supply, photovoltaic/wind power/energy storage power supply design, power converter magnetic technology, etc.*IC design: IC and related electronic product design, IC products and application technology, IC test methods and test instruments, IC design and design tools, IC manufacturing and packaging, EDA, IP design, embedded software, digital circuit design, analog and mixed-signal circuit design, integrated circuit layout design, etc.*Electronic components: resistors, capacitors, potentiometers, tubes, radiators, electromechanical components, connectors, semiconductor discrete devices/IGBTs, electroacoustic devices, laser devices, electronic display devices, optoelectronic devices, sensors, power supplies, switches, micro motors, electronic transformers, relays, printed circuit boards, substrate substrates for printed circuits, passive components, 5G core components, power management, memory, PCB boards, motor fans, electroacoustic devices, display devices, diodes, transistors, etc.*Cutting-edge innovative applications: AI chips, display chips, driver chips, power management chips, electrical chips, sensor chips, Internet of Things chips, communication chips, transportation electronic chips, computer and control chips, memory chips, 5G chips, vehicle-grade chips, audio and video processing chips, etc.*Two-way cooperation projects: cooperation in the field of new technology/new product research achievements, R&D and design, project investment, technology transfer, OEM/ODM foundry, joint production and marketing, agency distribution, brand chain franchise, testing technology services, etc.+Senior executives and technical leaders of midstream and downstream enterprises in the semiconductor industry such as integrated circuit design, manufacturing, packaging and testing, semiconductor materials, equipment, etc.;+ Industry technology integrators, technology research and development providers, technology application providers, importers and exporters, traders, channel providers, distributors, brand agents, professional markets, experience centers, etc.;+ Invite local digital economy technology application businesses and institutions to participate in the procurement, including 5G, artificial intelligence, big data, Internet of Things, industrial Internet, intelligent manufacturing, smart cars, intelligent transportation, smart cities, smart lighting, smart homes, digital health, smart medical care, smart terminals, drones, digital new infrastructure, digital government, digital business, digital parks and other application institutions and units.+Invite nearly 10,000 local professional buyers and visitors in Viet Nam, focusing on the upstream, midstream and downstream target audiences of the entire industry chain, covering aerospace, security and fire protection, rail transit, computer hardware and services, IT industry, communication/information processing/storage, data management center, sensing and test measurement, industry and electrical, machinery manufacturing, advanced manufacturing, energy/power/metallurgy, solar photovoltaic/battery, petrochemical, shipbuilding, automobile, medical, education, consumer electronics/entertainment, lighting and display, advertising media, Leaders of cutting-edge science and technology materials, finance and insurance and related supporting enterprises, design&R&D, manufacturing, procurement & distribution, bidding, project management, quality inspection, etc.; Representatives of relevant government, trade promotion, R&D, investment, testing and certification, technical training, business associations, industry alliances, professional media and other institutions.150+ exhibitors· 250+ booths· 7000+ professional visitors, 6+ national exhibitors· 10+ Viet Nam trading delegations3. Participating organizations1. Organizational structureSupport and guidance: Ministry of Industry and Trade of Viet Nam, Ministry of Science and Technology of Viet Nam, People's Committee of Ho Chi Minh City, Viet NamCo-organizers: Viet Nam Ho Chi Minh City Department of Industry and Trade, Viet Nam Encyclopedia University, Viet Nam Guangzhong Software Park, Korea Optical Industry Development AssociationOrganizers: Viet Nam Ho Chi Minh City Industrial Supporting Promotion Center, Viet Nam Ho Chi Minh City High-tech Development Zone Management CommitteeExecutive organizers: Viet Nam Electronic and Circuit Board Semiconductors Technical Training Center, Viet Nam Global Exhibition Industry Joint Stock Company, Viet Nam Light World Co., Ltd., Viet Nam Camel Exhibition and Trade Promotion Co., Ltd., Glorious Sun Big Data CompanyHosted by China: Guangxi Camel Overseas Convention and Exhibition Service Co., Ltd., Guangxi Yuezhong Convention and Exhibition Business Co., Ltd., Glorious Sun Big DataViet Nam TV, Ho Chi Minh City TV, Viet Nam Business Tribune, Viet Nam Investment News, Viet Nam Economic Times, Viet Nam Electronic Automation Magazine, Viet Nam Electronic Technology Magazine, Viet Nam Circuit Board and Electronic System Magazine, Viet Nam Electronic Technology Magazine, Viet Nam Encyclopedia University Electronic Computer Magazine, Viet Nam Electronic Communication Technology Magazine, Viet Nam mainstream online media (VnExpress, 24h, ThanhNien, Vietnamnet, DanTri,BaoMoi... and social media.Concurrent programme programmeVietnam Semiconductor and Integrated Circuit Industry Development International Cooperation ForumVietnam Semiconductor and Integrated Circuit Supply Chain International Cooperation SeminarSemiconductor and Integrated Circuit New Technology Vietnam Application Business Opportunities Promotion SeminarVietnam International Optoelectronics, Laser and Display Touch Technology ExhibitionVietnam Semiconductor and Integrated Circuit International Cooperation Development Summit ForumVietnam Semiconductor and Integrated Circuit Industry Development Status Market SpaceVietnam Semiconductor and Integrated Circuit Industry Upstream and Downstream Supply Chain StructureVietnam Semiconductor and Integrated Circuit Technology Application Level Market PreferenceVietnam Semiconductor and Integrated Circuit Technology Market Access Investment and Trade BarriersVietnam Semiconductor and Integrated Circuit Supply Chain International Integration Development PotentialInvite Vietnamese buyers at regular intervals and in fixed quantities. 1:1 trade matchmaking activities. Select accurate potential Vietnamese buyers, match invites for face-to-face negotiations. 1:1 trade matching at the trade show site. Match supply and demand parties for customized procurement matchmaking meetings, special buyer face-to-face negotiations, and tailor-made Vietnamese channel full-solution services for single exhibitors.Customizable field visits, visits, market experience, local manufacturers' technology applications and production and sales category structure, local semiconductor manufacturing production and marketing system survey, local electronic industrial park supply chain supporting business information customization, and a series of personalized door-to-door contacts and appointment arrangements.5. Description of participation1. Agency services: Vietnam visa, cross-border business travel reception, cross-border logistics of exhibits, special decoration, exhibition equipment rental, advertising2. Business travel plan with the group (itinerary is available on request): 6 days round-trip from domestic airport to Vietnam, and the cost of exhibitors is calculated separately.3. Enterprises that meet the application conditions of the "International Market Development Fund for Small and Medium Enterprises" should apply for exhibition subsidies at the local business department.4. Deadline for exhibition registration: more than 60 days before the exhibition, booths will be arranged first.5. Exhibition materials are available on request: "Exhibition Recruitment Letter"/"Booth Map"/"Exhibition Application Form"/"Sponsorship Plan"/"Exhibition Itinerary", etc.