
科技   2024-09-23 19:42   越南  






Xiaomi asked India to withdraw its anti-monopoly investigation report, and the influence of international capital is getting stronger and stronger
India sources said Xiaomi Group has asked India's antitrust authority to withdraw its report on the grounds that it contains the company's trade secrets. The India Competition Commission (CCI) has not made the investigation report public, but has shared it with the parties involved in the case. If the India Competition Commission withdrew the report, this required the relevant party to return the report and then further review the report to cut its content. 

Previously, according to Reuters, an antitrust investigation conducted by the Competition Commission of India (CCI) found that Amazon and Flipkart violated local competition laws by giving preferential treatment to certain sellers, giving priority to certain products, and selling products at significant discounts, harming the interests of other companies. Regulatory reports show that Samsung, Xiaomi and other smartphone companies colluded with Amazon and Walmart's Flipkart to exclusively sell products on the e-commerce companies' India websites, in violation of antitrust laws.
The anti-monopoly investigation began in August 2021, and the commissioner submitted an anti-monopoly investigation report dated August 9 this yearCCI's 1,027-page report on Amazon also mentioned that the India subsidiaries of five companies, Samsung, Xiaomi, Motorola, Realme and OnePlus, "colluded with Amazon and its affiliates to release phones exclusively on the platform," in violation of competition law. In its 1,696-page report on Flipkart, the Competition Commission of India said Samsung, Xiaomi, Motorola, vivo, Lenovo and Realme's India subsidiaries had committed similar acts.
The commission said the anti-competitive practices not only distorted the market by restricting the availability of these phones on specific platforms, but also put other sellers at a disadvantage. For a long time, due to the profit share of supply to large mobile phone chain stores as high as 20% ~ 25%, and the profit share of independent mobile phone retail stores from 15% ~ 20%, India mobile phone manufacturers are unwilling to release new models offline first to lose too much profit, so India smartphone retailers have been complaining that they cannot provide new models like online platforms, resulting in customers bypassing physical stores to buy, offline mobile phone retailers sales are difficult to grow, It can only be used as a market role for inventory management of mature models.
In July, India's antitrust authority also submitted an investigation report on Apple, pointing out that Apple may have abused its dominant position in the iOS app store market, and India could impose heavy fines on Apple based on Apple's sales and production data in India. However, India subsequently withdrew the antitrust report on Apple in a rare move because Apple also complained that the report disclosed the company's trade secrets.
Xiaomi also said in its application to the Competition Commission of India that the investigation report on Flipkart contained sensitive business data of Xiaomi that should have been blacked out when shared with parties involved in the case. One of Xiaomi's concerns about the Flipkart report is that it includes sales data by phone model, which is sensitive information.
Since 2020, the trade environment between China and India has deteriorated, and India has repeatedly  filed charges or initiated reviews against Chinese companies such as Xiaomi, OPPO, vivo and Huawei on the grounds of "suspected money laundering" and "tax evasion". However, after several years of difficult operation, Chinese mobile phone brands still continue to gain a foothold in India.
Among them, the pricing of Chinese mobile phone brands is more competitive, which is the reason why India users still choose Chinese mobile phone brands. In addition, after years of government support and the control and operation rights of Chinese-funded mobile phone manufacturing enterprises in India, local foundry enterprises in India have also begun to improve their production costs, and Chinese brand mobile phones manufactured by India enterprises still have cost advantages.
In fact, because the India mobile phone industry is still very dependent on China's supply chain in chips, displays, cameras and other core electronic components and modules, especially the non-Apple and Samsung industrial chain systems, which basically belong to the products of Chinese standard specifications, so whether India is produced by Chinese-funded enterprises or assembled by India foundry enterprises, it only replaces a work site and does not redistribute the entire supply value chain.
After years of support, India's electronics industry is indeed getting bigger and bigger, and the India government and capital have also tried hard to win the semiconductor friendly shore policy of United States and won support.
At the same time, recently, some European semiconductor companies to avoid the crisis of energy shortage and logistics disruption caused by regional conflicts, as well as United States semiconductor companies that need the security of the friendly semiconductor supply chain, have begun to choose to invest in India and use India's middle-class and above human resources to provide services for their semiconductor capacity manufacturing industry.
India's huge population base, as well as a large number of intellectual talents emerging after the equal rights of knowledge and technology, also need the opportunity to cross the class, the global semiconductor industry investment in India, is also in line with the interests of this part of the active knowledge group. This group of people is also the main group that exports India's cognition, absorbing these talents for employment, and allowing these people to speak for international capital, which is also conducive to the convenience and security of these international capital's investment in India.
