
科技   2024-09-29 17:53   越南  

9月28日凌晨 5 30 分左右,工厂的手机配件喷漆车间开始起火,10时左右扑灭。



印度媒体报道称,9月28日周六上午,塔塔电子位于泰米尔纳德邦克里希纳吉里的 iPhone 工厂发生大火。凌晨 5 点 30 分左右,工厂的手机配件喷漆车间开始起火。据称起火时,整个工厂约有 1500 名工人在上班。火灾当天10时左右已经完全扑灭,并对挥发性物质进行了管控,没有烟雾继续产生。

泰米尔纳德邦一名官员在9 月 29 日表示,火灾造成两名现场员工呼吸困难并送医,已经确诊没有大碍,身体正常恢复,会迅速出院。同时印度当局将开始对前一天塔塔电子的火灾的原因进行调查。






塔塔集团是印度最大、最受尊敬的企业集团之一,其历史可追溯到 1868 年。该集团由贾姆谢特吉·塔塔创立,总部位于孟买,业务遍及六大洲的 100 多个国家。塔塔的业务范围广泛,涉及钢铁、汽车、信息技术、电信、电力、化工、酒店和消费品等行业。







为了推动越南半导体产业发展,同时为中资、台资企业进入越南市场提供舞台,旭日大数据、越南智造在众多半导体封测产业链厂商的建议下,与越南政商界一起,于2024年10月31日-11月02日,在越南胡志明SECC国际会展中心举办SEMICON VIETNAM 2024(2024越南国际集成电路及半导体产业展览会)Vietnam Int'l Exhibition For Integrated Circuit And Semiconductor Industry。
◆ 越南半导体与集成电路产业发展国际合作论坛
◆ 越南半导体与集成电路供应链国际协作研讨会
◆ 半导体与集成电路新技术越南应用商机推介会
◆ 越南国际光电、激光及显示触控技术展览会 
◆ 越南半导体与集成电路国际合作发展高峰论坛
◆ 定时定量邀约越南买家1:1贸易对接活动
◆ 可定制实地考察、拜会接洽、市场体验
◆ 本展会立足于越南电子制造业外贸中心基地,紧扣越南工业4.0发展国家战略推动力,专注于打造成为越南半导体与集成电路产业高新技术电子供应链定制与采购综合服务平台及产品、技术材料、元器件、生产设备等产业供应链全方位配套的供需商机高效衔接展会项目。
承办执行:越南胡志明市工业配套促进中心、胡志明市半导体产业协会、越南电子与电路板半导体培训中心、越南全球展业股份公司、 越南光线世界有限公司、越南骆驼会展贸促有限公司
越南电视台、胡志明市电视台、越南工商论坛报、越南投资报、越南经济时报、越南电子自动化杂志、越南电子工艺杂志、越南电路板与电子系统杂志、越南电子技术杂志、越南百科大学电子计算机杂志、越南电子通讯技术杂志、越南智造、越南主流网媒(VnExpress、24h、Thanh Nien、Vietnamnet、Dan Tri,Bao Moi...)及各社交媒介。
◆ 半导体材料:硅片及硅基材料、硅晶圆、硅晶片、单晶硅、硅片、锗硅材料、S01材料、太阳能电池用硅材料及化合物半导体材料、石英制品、石墨制品、防静电材料、光刻胶及其配套试剂、晶圆胶带、光掩膜版、电子气体、特种化学气体、CMP抛光材料、封装基板、引线框架、键合丝、包封材料、陶瓷基板、封测材料等。
◆ 晶圆制造及封装:晶圆制造、SiP 封装、硅晶圆及IC封装载板、印制电路板、封装基板和设备及组装和测试等、封装设计、测试、设备与应用制造与封测、EDA、MCU、印制电路板、封装基板半导体材料与设备等。
◆ 集成电路制造技术:晶圆制造/代工、模拟集成电路、数/模混合集成电路;相关微处理器、存储器、FPGA、分立器件、光电器件、功率器件、传感器件等技术器件;集成电路终端产品。
◆ 半导体设备制造:封装设备、扩散设备、焊接设备、清洗设备、测试设备、制冷设备、氧化设备、贴片机、单晶炉、氧化炉、研磨机、光刻机、刻蚀机、抛光机、离子注入设备、CVD/PVD设备、涂胶/显影机、回流焊、波峰焊、探针台、洁净室设备等。
◆ 封装与测试配套:测试探针台、探针卡、测试机、分选机、封装设备、封装基板、引线框架键合丝、引线键合、烧焊测试、激光切割、研磨液、封片膜(胶)高温胶带、层压基板、贴片胶、上料板、焊线流量控制、石英石墨、碳化硅等。
◆ 第三代半导体:第三代半导体碳化硅SiC、氮化镓GaN、晶圆、衬底、封装、测试、光电子器件(发光二极管LED、激光器LD、探测器紫外)、电力电子器件(二极管、MOSFET、JFET、BJT、IGBT、GTO、ETO、SBD、HEMT等)、微波射频器件(HEMT、MMIC)等。
◆ 智慧电源技术:微波射频、半导体LED、离子电源、共享智慧充电、通信电源、光伏/风电/储能电源设计、功率变换器磁技术等。
◆ IC设计:IC及相关电子产品设计、IC产品与应用技术、IC测试方法与测试仪器、IC设计与设计工具、IC制造与封装、EDA、IP设计、嵌入式软件、数字电路设计、模拟与混合信号电路设计、集成电路布局设计等。
◆ 电子元器件:电阻、电容器、电位器、电子管、散热器、机电元件、连接器、半导体分立器件/IGBT、电声器件、 激光器件、电子显示器件、光电器件、传感器、电源、开关、微特电机、电子变压器、继电器、印制电路板、印刷电路用基材基板、无源器件、5G核心元器件、元电源管理、储存器、PCB板、电机风扇、电声器件、显示器件、二极管、三极管等。
◆ 前沿创新应用:AI芯片、显示芯片、驱动芯片、电源管理芯片、电器芯片、传感器芯片、物联网芯片、通信芯片、交通电子芯片、计算机及控制芯片、存储器芯片、5G芯片、车规级芯片、音视频处理芯片等。
◆ 双向合作项目:该领域新技术/新产品科研成果、研发与设计、项目投资、技术转让、OEM/ODM代工、联营产销、代理经销、品牌连锁加盟、检测技术服务等合作。
「 目标观众 」
◆ 半导体产业集成电路设计、制造、封装测试、半导体材料、设备等中上下游企业高层及技术负责人;
◆ 业界技术集成商、技术研发商、技术应用商、进出口商、贸易商、渠道商、经销商、品牌代理商、专业市场、体验中心等;
◆ 邀请当地数字经济技术应用商家和机构到会采购,包括5G、人工智能、大数据、物联网、工业互联网、智能制造、智能汽车、智能交通、智慧城市、智慧照明、智能家居、数字健康、智慧医疗、智能终端、无人机、数字新基建、数字政府、数字商业、数字园区等应用机构和单位;
◆ 力邀越南当地近万名专业采购商和观众,聚焦行业全产业链上中下游目标受众群体,覆盖航空航天、安防消防、轨道交通、计算机硬件与服务、IT产业、通信/信息处理/存储、数据管理中心、传感及测试测量、工业及电气、机械制造、先进制造、能源/电力/冶金、太阳能光伏/电池、石油化工、造船、汽车、医疗、教育、消费电子/娱乐、照明与显示、广告传媒、前沿科技材料、金融保险等领域及相关配套企业的管理层、设计&研发、生产制造、采购&经销、招投标、项目管理、质检等方面的负责人;相关政府、贸促、研发、投资、检测及认证、技术培训、商协会、同业联盟、专业媒体等机构代表。
◆ 代理服务:越南签证、人员跨境商旅接待、展品跨境物流、特装搭建、展具租赁、广告服务等;
◆ 随团商旅计划(行程单备索):国内机场直飞越南往返6天,参展人员费另计;
◆ 符合《中小企业国际市场开拓资金》申请条件的企业请于当地商务部门申报出展补贴;
◆ 参展报名截止:展前60天以上,展位先定先安排;
◆ 展务资料备索:《招展函》/《展位图》/《参展申请表》/《赞助方案》/《出展行程单》等。

A fire broke out in Tata Electronics' iPhone paint shop, and the metalworking parts factory was shut down

Editor: Lucien

India media reported a fire at Tata Electronics' iPhone factory in Krishnagiri, Tamil Nadu, on Saturday morning. At around 5:30 a.m., a fire broke out in the factory's mobile phone accessories paint shop. About 1,500 workers were allegedly at work throughout the plant at the time of the fire. The fire was completely extinguished on the same day, and the volatile substances were controlled, and no smoke continued to be generated.

A Tamil Nadu official said on September 29 that the fire caused two on-site employees to have difficulty breathing and were taken to hospital, and that they had been diagnosed with no major problems and were recovering normally and would be discharged quickly. At the same time, India authorities will begin an investigation into the cause of the fire in Tata Electronics the day before.

Neither Tata nor Apple responded to requests for comment because of the holiday, though Tata said after the fire was investigating the cause and would take steps to protect employees and other stakeholders.

The fire-damaged plant is close to Tata Electronics' factory where production of finished iPhones is being expanded, and it is now a CNC machining plant that specializes in the production of frames and metal parts for iPhones.

In the process of mobile phone manufacturing, accidents in metal parts processing factories are very normal, and in the early years, Chinese mainland enterprises also had similar accidents in the production process, including metal dust explosions, paint department fires, chemical leaks, etc. In the process of undertaking the transfer of global manufacturing, Chinese mainland has also suffered many casualties and occupational diseases due to production safety accidents, which has brought a heavy burden to employees and the social environment.

Although the Tata Group did not give a date for the resumption of the plant, the Tata Group has extensive experience in metalworking and chemical production and management, and the impact of the fire on the company's operations and Apple's business should be manageable.

The Tata Group is one of the largest and most respected conglomerates in India, with a history dating back to 1868. Founded by Jamshetji · Tata and headquartered in Mumbai, the group operates in more than 100 countries across six continents. Tata operates in a wide range of industries including steel, automotive, information technology, telecommunications, power, chemicals, hospitality and consumer goods.

At present, Tata Electronics and Foxconn India are implementing the construction of Apple's request to double production capacity, and Apple hopes to reach more than 20% of Apple's mobile phone production capacity in India by the end of this year, and 30% of the first phase target next year in 2025. So far, both companies have built new factories and production lines in India.

In addition, Foxconn recently announced that it will continue to invest $1 billion in India to produce mobile phone display modules in response to the lack of capacity supply caused by Samsung Group's abandonment of new mobile phone display modules in India and the production capacity in Viet Nam. Foxconn said that after the completion of this module factory, it will provide Foxconn and Tata with supporting production capacity for mobile phone display modules.

Earlier this month, Samsung terminated the oscillation of its display module program between India and Viet Nam, placing a total investment of about $3 billion in Bac Ninh province in Viet Nam, which is also close to Samsung's other mobile phone production center factory, the Taiyuan plant.

Due to the different demands of China and the United States on trade interests and the supply chain shutdown caused by the epidemic, the European and American markets have begun to be more cautious about over-reliance on manufacturing capacity in Chinese mainland and even the entire Greater China region, and some customers have explicitly asked relevant supply chain companies to transfer manufacturing capacity to third-party markets to avoid related risks.

In addition to upgrading its manufacturing industry to meet the needs of its large population, India also intends to seek to become an outsourcer of manufacturing capacity in the global supply chain, and encourage capital such as the Tata Group to take more responsibility for social reform and industrial revitalization. At the same time, the India government also strives to become a link in the global supply chain in the process of undertaking industrial transfer to meet the global market demand.

The ASEAN market, represented by Viet Nam, is basically in the position of foreign processing and entrepot trade in the process of undertaking the transfer of manufacturing industry due to the lack of total GDP, and there is no strong intervention of local capital, so the investment environment is more transparent and relaxed, and there is no pressure on the India market to compete with local enterprises.

Sunrise Big Data helps the global semiconductor industry chain layout in Viet Nam
Shenzhen Sunrise Big Data has long served the world's electronics manufacturing enterprises, and has promoted the industrial transfer of China's electronics manufacturing industry five times: including from Shenzhen, Dongguan and Huizhou to the hinterland of Heyuan and Qingyuan in Guangdong; from the Pearl River Delta to Jiangxi, Hunan, and central Hubei; from the Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Delta to Chongqing, Sichuan and other western regions; Transfer from Chinese mainland to India, etc.
After the Sino-US trade friction and the closure of China-India trade after 2018, Glorious Sun Big Data was entrusted by domestic brand terminal manufacturers to investigate the market opportunities and risks of the ASEAN market accepting the transfer of China's electronics manufacturing industry, among which Viet Nam has become a priority destination for China's electronics manufacturing industry due to the success of Samsung and Apple's supply chain.
However, there is a huge difference from the previous industrial transfers, and Sunrise Big Data found that the independence and particularity of the Viet Nam market are destined to invest in Viet Nam's manufacturing industry, with greater opportunities and higher returns, but also to pay more capital and greater efforts.
Recently, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh of Viet Nam issued Decision No. 1018 (1018/Q Đ-TTg) on the promulgation of Viet Nam's semiconductor industry development strategy (short-term to 2030 and long-term outlook to 2050).
The first stage (2024-2030): to selectively attract foreign direct investment (FDI) by taking advantage of geographical advantages and human resources advantages in the semiconductor industry, develop into one of the global semiconductor human resource centers, and form the basic capabilities of the semiconductor industry from research, design, production, packaging and testing.
The goal is to selectively attract FDI investment, and set up at least 100 design enterprises, 1 small semiconductor chip manufacturing plant and 10 semiconductor product packaging and testing factories; to develop special semiconductor products for multiple industries; The average annual income of Viet Nam's semiconductor industry is more than 25 billion US dollars, with an added value of 10-15%, and the average annual income of the electronics industry is more than 225 billion US dollars, with an added value of 10-15%; The scale of human resources in Viet Nam's semiconductor industry has reached more than 50,000 engineers and university graduates, with an appropriate structure and number to meet development needs.
In order to promote the development of Viet Nam's semiconductor industry and provide a stage for Chinese-funded and Taiwan-funded enterprises to enter the Viet Nam market, Sunrise Big Data and Viet Nam Intelligent Manufacturing will be held at the SECC International Convention and Exhibition Center in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam, from October 31 to November 02, 2024, together with the political and business circles of Viet NamSEMICON VIETNAM 2024 (202 Viet Nam 4 International Integrated Circuit and Semiconductor Industry Exhibition) Vietnam Int'l Exhibition For Integrated Circuit And Semiconductor IndustryThis is the first large-scale semiconductor professional exhibition held by the global semiconductor industry in Viet Nam, aiming at the wave of industrial transfer to benchmark Viet Nam's global supply chain, Viet Nam's semiconductor and circuit board development business opportunities connection exhibition, semiconductor supply chain overseas promotion and marketing exhibition and trade platform, Sino-Vietnamese semiconductor and circuit board foreign trade matchmaking, and Viet Nam's national key trade promotion activities in the electronics industry in the next ten years as the goal, providing the latest investment Viet Nam information for global semiconductor enterprises to enter the Viet Nam market, and creating a professional exhibition, business and forum service platform.
(1) Preset scale
150+ exhibitors, 250+ booths, 10,000+ professional visitors, 6+ countries exhibitors, 10+ Viet Nam trading delegations;
(2) Concurrent activity plan
◆ Viet Nam International Cooperation Forum on the Development of Semiconductor and Integrated Circuit Industry
◆ Viet Nam Semiconductor and Integrated Circuit Supply Chain International Collaboration Seminar
◆ Viet Nam Application Business Opportunities Promotion Conference for Semiconductor and Integrated Circuit New Technologies
◆ Viet Nam International Optoelectronics, Laser and Display Touch Technology Exhibition
(3) Supporting activity plan
◆ Viet Nam Summit Forum on International Cooperation and Development of Semiconductors and Integrated Circuits
→ the current situation of industrial development and market space
→ the upstream and downstream supply chain structure of the industry
→ technology application level market hobby
→ technology market access investment and trade barriers
→ potential for the international integration and development of the supply chain
◆ Regularly and quantitatively invite Viet Nam buyers to 1:1 trade matchmaking activities
→ audition accurately Viet Nam potential buyers, and match the invitation to negotiate the transaction
→ 1:1 trade speed dating at the exhibition site, and the supply and demand sides are matched and negotiated
→ customized procurement matchmaking meeting and special buyer face-to-face private meeting
→ a single exhibitor tailor-made Viet Nam channel provider full program service
◆ Field visits, visits, and market experience can be customized
→ inspect the technology application and production and sales category structure of local manufacturers
→ the production and marketing system of the local semiconductor manufacturing industry
→ inspect the supply chain supporting business conditions of the local electronics industrial park
→ customized and carried out a series of personalized door-to-door contact appointment arrangements
◆ Based on the foreign trade center base of Viet Nam's electronics manufacturing industry, this exhibition closely follows the national strategic driving force for the development of Viet Nam's Industry 4.0, and focuses on building a comprehensive service platform for high-tech electronic supply chain customization and procurement in Viet Nam's semiconductor and integrated circuit industry, as well as a comprehensive supply and demand business opportunities for products, technical materials, components, production equipment and other industrial supply chains.
Organizational structure
Support and guidance: Ministry of Industry and Trade of Viet Nam, Ministry of Science and Technology of Viet Nam, People's Committee of Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
Co-organizers: Technology Application Center of Viet Nam Academy of Sciences, Viet Nam Encyclopedia University, Viet Nam Guangzhong Software Park, Korea Optical Industry Development Association, Shenzhen High-tech Enterprise Collaborative Innovation Promotion Association, Glorious Sun Big Data
Organizers: Department of Industry and Trade of Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam, Management Committee of Ho Chi Minh City High-tech Development Zone, Viet Nam
Undertaking and execution: Viet Nam Ho Chi Minh City Industrial Supporting Promotion Center, Ho Chi Minh City Semiconductor Industry Association, Viet Nam Electronics and Circuit Board Semiconductor Training Center, Viet Nam Global Exhibition Joint Stock Company, Viet Nam Light World Co., Ltd., Viet Nam Camel Convention and Trade Promotion Co., Ltd
Support media
Viet Nam TV, Ho Chi Minh City TV, Viet Nam Business Tribune, Viet Nam Investment News, Viet Nam Economic Times, Viet Nam Electronic Automation Magazine, Viet Nam Electronic Technology Magazine, Viet Nam Circuit Board and Electronic System Magazine, Viet Nam Electronic Technology Magazine, Viet Nam Encyclopedia University Electronic Computer Magazine, Viet Nam Electronic Communication Technology Magazine, Viet Nam Intelligent Manufacturing, Viet Nam Mainstream Online Media (VnExpress, 24h, Thanh Nien, Vietnamnet, Dan Tri, Bao Moi... and social media.
Exhibition content:
◆ Semiconductor materials: silicon wafers and silicon-based materials, silicon wafers, silicon wafers, monocrystalline silicon, silicon wafers, silicon germanium materials, S01 materials, silicon materials and compound semiconductor materials for solar cells, quartz products, graphite products, anti-static materials, photoresists and their supporting reagents, wafer tapes, photomasks, electronic gases, special chemical gases, CMP polishing materials, packaging substrates, lead frames, bonding wires, encapsulation materials, ceramic substrates, packaging and testing materials, etc.
◆ Wafer manufacturing and packaging: wafer manufacturing, SiP packaging, silicon wafer and IC packaging substrates, printed circuit boards, packaging substrates and equipment, assembly and testing, packaging design, testing, equipment and application manufacturing and packaging and testing, EDA, MCU, printed circuit boards, packaging substrates, semiconductor materials and equipment, etc.
◆ Integrated circuit manufacturing technology: wafer fabrication/foundry, analog integrated circuits, digital/analog mixed integrated circuits; related microprocessors, memories, FPGAs, discrete devices, optoelectronic devices, power devices, sensor devices and other technical devices; Integrated circuit end products.
◆ Semiconductor equipment manufacturing: packaging equipment, diffusion equipment, welding equipment, cleaning equipment, testing equipment, refrigeration equipment, oxidation equipment, placement machine, single crystal furnace, oxidation furnace, grinding machine, lithography machine, etching machine, polishing machine, ion implantation equipment, CVD/PVD equipment, gluing/developing machine, reflow soldering, wave soldering, probe station, clean room equipment, etc.
◆ Packaging and testing facilities: test probe station, probe card, testing machine, sorting machine, packaging equipment, packaging substrate, lead frame bonding wire, wire bonding, welding test, laser cutting, slurry, covering film (glue) high temperature tape, laminated substrate, patch glue, feeding plate, wire flow control, quartz graphite, silicon carbide, etc.
◆ Third-generation semiconductors: third-generation semiconductors silicon carbide SiC, gallium nitride GaN, wafers, substrates, packaging, testing, optoelectronic devices (light-emitting diode LEDs, lasers LD, detector ultraviolet), power electronic devices (diodes, MOSFET, JFET, BJT, IGBT, GTO, ETO, SBD, HEMT, etc.), microwave RF devices (HEMT, MMIC), etc.
◆ Smart power technology: microwave radio frequency, semiconductor LED, ion power supply, shared smart charging, communication power supply, photovoltaic/wind power/energy storage power supply design, power converter magnetic technology, etc.
◆ IC design: IC and related electronic product design, IC products and application technology, IC test methods and test instruments, IC design and design tools, IC manufacturing and packaging, EDA, IP design, embedded software, digital circuit design, analog and mixed-signal circuit design, integrated circuit layout design, etc.
◆ Electronic components: resistors, capacitors, potentiometers, tubes, radiators, electromechanical components, connectors, semiconductor discrete devices/IGBTs, electroacoustic devices, laser devices, electronic display devices, optoelectronic devices, sensors, power supplies, switches, micro motors, electronic transformers, relays, printed circuit boards, substrate substrates for printed circuits, passive devices, 5G core components, power management, memory, PCB boards, motor fans, electroacoustic devices, display devices, diodes, transistors, etc.
◆ Cutting-edge innovative applications: AI chips, display chips, driver chips, power management chips, electrical chips, sensor chips, Internet of Things chips, communication chips, transportation electronic chips, computer and control chips, memory chips, 5G chips, automotive-grade chips, audio and video processing chips, etc.
◆ Two-way cooperation projects: cooperation in the field of new technology/new product scientific research achievements, R&D and design, project investment, technology transfer, OEM/ODM foundry, joint production and marketing, agent distribution, brand chain franchise, testing technology services, etc.
「 Target Audience 」
◆ Senior executives and technical leaders of midstream and downstream enterprises in the semiconductor industry such as integrated circuit design, manufacturing, packaging and testing, semiconductor materials, equipment, etc.;
◆ Industry technology integrators, technology research and development providers, technology application providers, importers and exporters, traders, channel providers, distributors, brand agents, professional markets, experience centers, etc.;
◆ Invite local digital economy technology application businesses and institutions to participate in the procurement, including 5G, artificial intelligence, big data, Internet of Things, industrial Internet, intelligent manufacturing, smart cars, intelligent transportation, smart cities, smart lighting, smart homes, digital health, smart medical care, smart terminals, drones, digital new infrastructure, digital government, digital business, digital parks and other application institutions and units;
◆ Invite nearly 10,000 local professional buyers and visitors in Viet Nam to focus on the upstream, midstream and downstream target audiences of the entire industry chain, covering aerospace, security and fire protection, rail transit, computer hardware and services, IT industry, communication/information processing/storage, data management center, sensing and test and measurement, industry and electrical, machinery manufacturing, advanced manufacturing, energy/power/metallurgy, solar photovoltaic/battery, petrochemical, shipbuilding, automobile, medical, education, consumer electronics/entertainment, lighting and display, advertising media, Leaders of cutting-edge science and technology materials, finance and insurance and related supporting enterprises, design&R&D, manufacturing, procurement & distribution, bidding, project management, quality inspection, etc.; Representatives of relevant government, trade promotion, R&D, investment, testing and certification, technical training, business associations, industry alliances, professional media and other institutions.
Ask about the exhibition fee
◆ Agency services: Viet Nam visa, cross-border business travel reception, cross-border logistics of exhibits, special equipment construction, exhibit rental, advertising services, etc.;
◆ Business travel plan with the group (itinerary on request): 6 days round trip from domestic airport direct flight to Viet Nam, exhibitor fee is additional;
◆ Enterprises that meet the application conditions of "International Market Development Funds for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises" should apply for exhibition subsidies at the local commerce department;
◆ Deadline for registration for exhibitions: more than 60 days before the exhibition, booths will be arranged on a first-served basis;
◆ Exhibition information is available upon request: "Exhibition Invitation Letter" / "Booth Map" / "Exhibition Application Form" / "Sponsorship Plan" / "Exhibition Itinerary", etc.
Don't miss the opportunity
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2024 Viet Nam International Integrated Circuit and Semiconductor Industry Exhibition
