越南义安立讯新工厂开始生产苹果Apple Watch,产能增长3倍

科技   2024-10-14 19:21   越南  



近日越南媒体报道称,越南立讯精密扩建的Apple Watch新工工厂,近日正式开始生产出货,生产方为立讯精密(义安)有限公司(以下简称义安立讯)。据国内网友发布的收货信息也显示,2024年越南制造的Apple Watch已经销往中国市场。

2023年,立讯精密集团决定扩大VSIP义安工业园义安立讯的二期投资,规模较一期扩大3倍。义安立讯在2022 年 10 月获得了该项目的投资证书,并于去年 8 月底获得了最新(第二份)调整证书,总投资 1.5 亿美元(约11亿人民币),项目位于义安VSIP工业园区内,占地 36.2 公顷。

项目预计将提供2.2万个工作岗位。该项目设计年产能为1.088亿件,包括电子元器件7400万件、耳机套1200万件、家用电子产品40万件(扫地机器人)、电信产品190万件(摄像头、无线路由器)、手表620万只、家用电子产品23万件(门铃)、耳机1200万副、电脑1200万台。其中602万只手表中,包括了苹果Apple Watch和华为手表订单。
苹果从2020年开始在越南生产无线耳机AirPods和iPad平板电脑,同时要求供应商在越南建立Apple Watch和Mac笔记本电脑的生产线。虽然由于疫情原因进度有所推迟,但立讯和富士康还是在2022年就开始小批量生产Apple Watch和Mac笔记本电脑,并正式获得了苹果的出货批准。
苹果此前对供应链企业表示,希望到2025年大约20%的iPad和Apple Watch ,加上5%的MacBook和65%的AirPods将在越南生产。
为了推动越南半导体产业发展,同时为中资、台资企业进入越南市场提供舞台,旭日大数据、越南智造在众多半导体封测产业链厂商的建议下,与越南政商界一起,于2024年10月31日-11月02日,在越南胡志明SECC国际会展中心举办SEMICON VIETNAM 2024(2024越南国际集成电路及半导体产业展览会)Vietnam Int'l Exhibition For Integrated Circuit And Semiconductor Industry。




◆ 越南半导体与集成电路产业发展国际合作论坛

◆ 越南半导体与集成电路供应链国际协作研讨会

◆ 半导体与集成电路新技术越南应用商机推介会

◆ 越南国际光电、激光及显示触控技术展览会 



◆ 越南半导体与集成电路国际合作发展高峰论坛






◆ 定时定量邀约越南买家1:1贸易对接活动





◆ 可定制实地考察、拜会接洽、市场体验





◆ 本展会立足于越南电子制造业外贸中心基地,紧扣越南工业4.0发展国家战略推动力,专注于打造成为越南半导体与集成电路产业高新技术电子供应链定制与采购综合服务平台及产品、技术材料、元器件、生产设备等产业供应链全方位配套的供需商机高效衔接展会项目。





承办执行:越南胡志明市工业配套促进中心、胡志明市半导体产业协会、越南电子与电路板半导体培训中心、越南全球展业股份公司、 越南光线世界有限公司、越南骆驼会展贸促有限公司


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The new factory of Nghe An Luxshare in Viet Nam began production of Apple Apple Watch

Editor: Lucien

Recently, Viet Nam media reported that the new Apple Watch factory expanded by Viet Nam Luxshare Precision recently officially began production and shipment, and the manufacturer is Luxshare Precision (Nghe An) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Nghe An Luxshare). According to the receipt information released by domestic netizens, Apple Watch made in Viet Nam has been sold to the Chinese market in 2024. 

In 2023, Luxshare Precision Group decided to expand the second phase of the investment in Nghe An Luxshare in VSIP Nghe An Industrial Park, which is 3 times larger than the first phase. Ngee An Luxshare obtained the investment certificate for the project in October 2022 and the latest (second) adjustment certificate at the end of August last year, with a total investment of US$150 million (about 1.1 billion RMB), and the project is located in the Nghe An VSIP Industrial Park, covering an area of 36.2 hectares.
According to the previously prepared project report, the project plans to build a factory from December 2023 to September 2024, install equipment and put into trial operation from June 2024 to February 2025, and is currently in the stage of small batch trial production, and will be fully operational in March 2025.
The project is expected to provide 220,000 jobs. The project has a designed annual production capacity of 108.8 million pieces, including 74 million electronic components, 12 million earphone covers, 400,000 household electronic products (sweeping robots), 1.9 million telecommunications products (cameras, wireless routers), 6.2 million watches, 230,000 household electronic products (doorbells), 12 million earphones, and 12 million computers. Among the 6.02 million watches, Apple Apple Watch and Huawei Watch orders are included.
Apple began producing wireless headphones AirPods and iPad tablets in Viet Nam in 2020, while requiring suppliers to set up production lines for Apple Watches and Mac laptops in Viet Nam. Although the progress has been delayed due to the epidemic, Luxshare and Foxconn still began to produce Apple Watch and Mac laptops in small batches in 2022 and officially obtained Apple's shipment approval.
Previously, most of Apple's products were mainly assembled and shipped in Chinese mainland, so some structural designs and structural parts were completely freely played by Chinese mainland manufacturers, although it accelerated Apple's product iteration speed, but also made Apple's supply chain in Chinese mainland longer and longer, more and more enterprises entered Apple's supply chain, and Apple's product assembly and maintenance were becoming more and more difficult.
However, since 2018, Chinese mainland's global trade environment has changed, some products sold to Europe and the United States cannot enjoy preferential tariffs with other free trade economic zones, coupled with the supply chain shutdown caused by the epidemic, Apple has to reorganize most of its products, the most important of which is to optimize the structural design, try to integrate key technologies and processes as much as possible, and encapsulate them in several large modules, such as motherboard modules, camera optical modules, battery and chassis modules, etc. While reducing the difficulty of production, it also makes the assembly of finished products more tolerant, which not only improves production efficiency, but also reduces the difficulty of maintenance of subsequent products.
Apple's strategy has undoubtedly achieved great success, whether it is iPhones produced in India, or wireless headphones AirPods and iPad tablets produced in Viet Nam, they have quickly caught up with the level of original Chinese mainland factories in terms of production speed and production quality.
Apple previously told supply chain companies that it hopes that by 2025, about 20% of iPads and Apple Watches, plus 5% of MacBooks and 65% of AirPods, will be produced in Viet Nam.
Southeast Asia's share of global trade has grown rapidly so far this year, with other countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, India and Viet Nam all seeing strong export growth, while Viet Nam's manufacturing sector grew by 11.4%. With the uncertainty of global political and geopolitical conflicts, the WTO has recently highlighted the growing importance of so-called "connected countries" in global trade and supply chains, especially Mexico and Viet Nam, and to a lesser extent India. 
