
科技   2024-10-12 20:35   越南  












为了推动越南半导体产业发展,同时为中资、台资企业进入越南市场提供舞台,旭日大数据、越南智造在众多半导体封测产业链厂商的建议下,与越南政商界一起,于2024年10月31日-11月02日,在越南胡志明SECC国际会展中心举办SEMICON VIETNAM 2024(2024越南国际集成电路及半导体产业展览会)Vietnam Int'l Exhibition For Integrated Circuit And Semiconductor Industry。


◆ 越南半导体与集成电路产业发展国际合作论坛
◆ 越南半导体与集成电路供应链国际协作研讨会
◆ 半导体与集成电路新技术越南应用商机推介会
◆ 越南国际光电、激光及显示触控技术展览会 
◆ 越南半导体与集成电路国际合作发展高峰论坛
◆ 定时定量邀约越南买家1:1贸易对接活动
◆ 可定制实地考察、拜会接洽、市场体验
◆ 本展会立足于越南电子制造业外贸中心基地,紧扣越南工业4.0发展国家战略推动力,专注于打造成为越南半导体与集成电路产业高新技术电子供应链定制与采购综合服务平台及产品、技术材料、元器件、生产设备等产业供应链全方位配套的供需商机高效衔接展会项目。
承办执行:越南胡志明市工业配套促进中心、胡志明市半导体产业协会、越南电子与电路板半导体培训中心、越南全球展业股份公司、 越南光线世界有限公司、越南骆驼会展贸促有限公司
越南电视台、胡志明市电视台、越南工商论坛报、越南投资报、越南经济时报、越南电子自动化杂志、越南电子工艺杂志、越南电路板与电子系统杂志、越南电子技术杂志、越南百科大学电子计算机杂志、越南电子通讯技术杂志、越南智造、越南主流网媒(VnExpress、24h、Thanh Nien、Vietnamnet、Dan Tri,Bao Moi...)及各社交媒介。




With an increase of 11.4%, the expansion rate of Viet Nam's manufacturing shocked the world

Editor: Lucien
The latest statistics show that in the third quarter of 2024, Viet Nam's economy increased by 7.4% year-on-year, of which the manufacturing industry increased by 11.4% year-on-year, leading the global market; In addition, driven by the growth of the manufacturing industry, the export value also increased by 15.3% year-on-year. 
If 11.4% is not an idea, then compare it to the global economy, the WTO's October 10 Global Trade Outlook update said that global merchandise trade is expected to grow by 2.7% in 2024, a modest increase, and may continue into 2025. Among them, the Asian region has the fastest growth this year, which is expected to be 4%. Viet Nam's growth rate is almost four times that of the world and three times that of the entire Asian region.
According to Li Xing, while orders from Europe and the United States were frantically placed to Chinese mainland in the first half of the year, Viet Nam also became the direction of global orders. Due to concerns about the elections in the European and American markets in the second half of the year and changes in new trade policies and regulations, orders placed in the European and American markets to Chinese mainland factories slowed down significantly in the second half of the year, while third-party markets such as Viet Nam, India, and Mexico that have signed free trade tariff agreements ushered in a peak period of orders.
This is also fully illustrated by the order delivery situation in Viet Nam in the third quarter. Unlike in the past, where most of Viet Nam's export growth depended on electronic products, Viet Nam's export order deliveries in the third quarter of this year, such as textiles and footwear products, increased by 16.7% year-on-year, indicating that almost all industries in Viet Nam received a large number of export orders. And all this is still after the typhoon disaster in the electronics processing area in northern Viet Nam, although the storm did not cause too much damage to the electronics manufacturing industry with heavy assets.
The news from the industrial chain shows that since the opening of the epidemic in Chinese mainland, a large number of electronics manufacturing supply chain enterprises have poured into Viet Nam to look for investment opportunities, although some upstream processing and manufacturing projects involving environmental protection and fire protection approval are progressing slowly, but some downstream hardware processing, injection molding and terminal product assembly and processing, etc., investment and construction of factories into mass production are relatively fast, and many factories have begun to receive orders for production normally in the second quarter of this year.
While expanding production capacity in Viet Nam, these companies have also shifted the overseas orders originally undertaken in Chinese mainland to Viet Nam for production, which is also an important reason for the acceleration of manufacturing growth in Viet Nam in the third quarter.
For example, in Chinese mainland, more than ninety percent of the brand enterprises with robots as the category of sweepers, vacuum cleaners, lawn mowers, and electric hardware tools have entered Viet Nam since the first half of last year, and most of them have officially mass-produced orders since the second quarter of this year. The remaining brands that have not come to Viet Nam to build factories have also begun to place orders for ODM manufacturers that have already built factories in Viet Nam to organize production capacity, and from Viet Nam to the European and American markets from the third quarter of this year.
Other consumer electronics products such as TWS earphones, tablet computers, smart fans/hair dryers, smart sockets and AIOT Internet of Things products, the production bases built by Chinese ODM manufacturers in Viet Nam have also begun to ship a large number of European and American markets, and have successively undertaken orders from Europe and the United States in the first half of next year.
Driven by these orders, Viet Nam's imports of upstream supporting materials and parts from China have also increased significantly.
Viet Nam's imports from China reached about US$105 billion in the first nine months of 2024, and China is Viet Nam's largest source of imports.
From the current Viet Nam processing and manufacturing market, due to the production of high-end products with networking functions in Viet Nam, it is necessary to obtain strict review by the Viet Nam communications regulatory department in order to obtain the relevant import approval and production license approval of networking module components, so this part of the high-end products is currently unable to come to Viet Nam for production, other low-end consumer electronic products, have begun to organize production capacity in Viet Nam.
In addition, the upstream processing part, which has strict approvals for construction, fire protection and environmental protection, is still difficult to enter Viet Nam and basically relies on imports from China.
However, on October 10, the Standing Committee of the National Assembly of Viet Nam issued opinions on amending and supplementing four laws, including the Planning Law, the Investment Law, the Public-Private Cooperation Law and the Tendering Law, proposing special investment procedures for investment in high-tech industries, including high-tech industrial parks and economic zones, projects in the fields of innovation and research and development (R&D); Semiconductor industry, manufacturing components and electronic circuit projects, etc.
After the successful revision of the relevant laws, the investment and construction permit can be obtained within 15 days from the date of registration of the investor, and the relevant investor can immediately invest and start construction without having to apply for relevant documents such as environment, construction and fire protection; At the same time, investors only need one set of documents to apply for permits in all areas such as environmental, building and fire protection, and get back to investors after 30-60 days. The relevant laws will be presented to the National Assembly for consideration and discussion at the opening session on 21 October.
This also shows that the Viet Nam government is not satisfied with the current high growth rate, and is still trying its best to optimize the investment environment, take advantage of the opportunity of global supply chain restructuring, attract foreign investment, especially the spillover part of China's manufacturing industry, and continue to choose to invest in Viet Nam.
In fact, global institutions are still very optimistic about Viet Nam's recent investment growth, in addition to attracting China's manufacturing spillover, Viet Nam's local economy's digitalization and green energy transformation will also drive Viet Nam's economy to continue to grow upward, so most institutions have raised Viet Nam's GDP growth rate to more than 7% this year.
