主 题:Thomson's Palemon and Lavinia, Iconic Narrative, and Silkwork Pictures as Transmedial Storytelling Platforms
主讲人:Sandro Jung
时 间:2024年11月13日(星期三)15:00-17:00
地 点:中北校区原物理楼404会议室
主 办:华东师范大学国际汉语文化学院
桑德罗·荣格(Sandro Jung):复旦大学英语与比较文学的二级特聘教授、博士/博士后导师以及校级外国语言文学研究所的所长。杭州师范大学的马云特聘教授、上海外国语大学的荣誉教授以及河西学院的特聘教授。荣格教授曾任美国东中部十八世纪研究学会会长,曾获亚历山大·冯·洪堡基金会资深学者奖,并获得两项欧盟玛丽·居里长期奖学金。担任A&HCI索引期刊《ANQ》(Routledge/Taylor & Francis)主编长达12年,还兼任另一A&HCI期刊《The Explicator》的副主编。荣格教授的研究兴趣集中于十八、十九世纪的文学、文化和媒介研究,图书与接受史、翻译学和视觉文化。发表超过210篇学术作品,其中包含140多篇A&HCI索引期刊文章。主要专著包括《大卫·马利特,英格兰的苏格兰人:联合王国时代的诗歌、政治与赞助》(2008年)、《片段诗歌:十八世纪的实验性创作模式》(2009年)、《詹姆斯·汤姆森的<四季>、印刷文化与视觉诠释,1730-1842》(2015年)、《苏格兰插图文学的出版与市场推广,1760-1825》(2017年),以及《精美的小版画:十八世纪的书籍插图》(2018年)。荣格教授的最新专著《十八世纪插图与文学物质文化》由剑桥大学出版社于2023年出版,下一部专著《跨国的鲁滨逊:插图与阅读史》将于明年由剑桥大学出版社出版。
Palemon and Lavinia, lovers featuring in an interpolated tale in James Thomson's "Autumn" (1730), enjoyed multi-medial lives in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. In visually embodied form, they embellished objects ranging from jewellery, ceramic jugs, and oil paintings to fireplace tiles, printed fabrics, furniture, and fire-screens. These objects functioned as material texts and extended the reading experience of Thomson's tale, but they also reshaped it by embedding it within cultural practices of consumption that differed, depending on the owners' and users' gender and social status, as well as literacy. This lecture will discuss how female needleworkers introduced Palemon and Lavinia in their silk-embroidered pictures by adapting two printed visual remediations of the lovers based respectively on a book illustration by William Hamilton and a separately issued print by William Lawrenson the former published in 1802, the latter having already been issued in 1780. Rather than copying these printed visual interpretations of the lovers' encounter and courtship accurately, the silkwork images represent reimaginings of both the visual and typographical sources, altering the iconic narratives of the compositions and expanding them to advance rewritings of the tale and the lovers' relationship that are especially framed by the needleworkers' identity-formational practice of moral self-representation. These transmedia narratives will be shown to offer discrete interpretations and extensions of Thomson's tale. At times, they recast the Georgic inscription of the tale in terms of a sentimental politics that obscures the (apparent) social difference between Palemon and Lavinia. At others, they introduce Lavinia's father as a mnemonic link between the two lovers that authorizes the union and the young people's love. At yet others, they extend the designs spatially and diachronically by anticipating the result of the courtship, that is the union of Palemon and Lavinia.