主 题:理论的幽灵:批评理论在日本
主 讲:桑田光平 Kohei Kuwada
主 持:卓悦 Yue Zhuo
时 间:2024年11月13日(星期三)13:00-15:00
地 点:中北校区格致楼(原物理楼)404会议室
主 办:华东师范大学国际汉语文化学院
桑田光平 (Kohei Kuwada)现任东京大学研究生院文理科教授。他的研究方向为法国现当代文学和艺术以及日本现代诗歌。专著有《罗兰·巴特 —〈事件〉阅读》(2011 年,日文版),及多篇关于帕斯卡尔·基尼亚尔、热拉尔·马瑟、彼埃尔·勒韦尔迪、阿尔贝托·贾科梅蒂、奥古斯特·罗丹、巴尔蒂斯以及其他当代作家和艺术家的论文。最近的出版包括《东京自衛--时间的影子:东京 1964/202X 的跨文化反思》(2023 年,日文版)。桑田光平也是著名翻译家,译作有弗朗索瓦·库塞(François Cusset)的《法国理论》(French Theory)、帕斯卡尔·基尼亚尔(Pascal Quignard)的《游荡的阴影》(Les Ombres Errantes)、热拉尔·马瑟(Gérard Macé)的《简单的思想》(Pensées Simples)以及一些艺术展览目录。
Kohei Kuwada is a Professor at Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo. His research interests are focused on modern and contemporary French literature and art as well as on modern Japanese poetry. He published a book on Roland Barthes (Roland Barthes ––A Look at the Incidents, 2011, in Japanese) and many articles on Pascal Quignard, Gérard Macé, Pierre Reverdy, Alberto Giacometti, Auguste Rodin, Balthus and other contemporary writers and artists. He has recently co-edited Tokyo Jiei ––Shadows of time: Cross-cultural Reflexion on Tokyo 1964/202X (2023, in Japanese). The original inspiration for this book was a graduate seminar offered in the 2019 Spring/Summer semester. Ahead of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics, the seminar aimed to present the changes in the Tokyo of 2019 from the Tokyo of 1964, when the first Olympics/Paralympics were held, in terms of its cultural genres such as literature, art, architecture, music, manga, photography, and theater. He translated François Cusset’s French Theory, Pascal Quignard’s Les Ombres Errantes, Gérard Macé's Pensées Simples, and some art exhibition catalogues.