A Monthly Gathering for New Mothers & Caregivers

文摘   2024-09-12 18:20   北京  

La Leche League (LLL) International is a global organization that provides information, encouragement, and support regarding breastfeeding to all interested mothers and caregivers. Breast milk is the ideal food for babies as it provides unique nutrients and antibodies and promotes healthy growth and development.

Amazingly, the nutritional content of breast milk changes as the baby grows and matures. When an infant is born, their stomach is tiny. They need nutrition that is concentrated and rich with immune-boosting properties. A mother’s first milk, colostrum, is the perfect nutrition for a baby. It may seem like a small amount, but it is packed with the exact type of nourishment a newborn needs in the right quantity.

Beijing United Family Hospital and LLL have a long relationship spanning over 20 years. We are committed to promoting breastfeeding education and support for pregnant women and the community. These meetings allow pregnant women, new mothers, partners, and all baby caregivers to learn more about the importance of breastfeeding for both mother and child.

After delivery, breastfeeding helps the uterus contract, stopping bleeding and aiding the placenta in expulsion. The hormone oxytocin is released with skin-to-skin contact, including breastfeeding. It promotes the development of love, trust, and attachment, forming the first steps for a secure and nurturing relationship between mother and child.

LLL gatherings are not limited to discussions on breastfeeding. After the main presentation, participants are welcome to discuss any topics related to newborn parenting. Monthly LLL meetings are free of charge. Some books on childbirth, breastfeeding, parent-child education, and nutrition are also available for soon-to-be moms and new mothers to borrow at the meetings.

We welcome all expectant mothers, nursing mothers, breastfeeding babies, and their families to join us!

Dates, Times, and Locations
Chinese Session
Sunday, September 15 at 10:30 am
Beijing United Family Women's & Children's Hospital
Building 1, 170A Beiyuan Road

English Session

Saturday, September 28 at 10:30 am
Saturday, October 26 at 10:30 am
Beijing United Family Hospital
5th floor, 2 Jiangtai Road

To register or for questions, scan the QR code:

Welcome to visit La Leche League International's website for more information:https://www.muruhui.org/

The Psychological Benefits of Breastfeeding: Fostering Maternal Well-Being and Child Development - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10631302/

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