老外跟你说Are you smoking,可不是问“你抽烟吗”!要注意了!

文摘   2024-11-13 12:06   湖南  

英语中的俚语和习语常常让我们这些非母语者捉摸不透,有时一句话的字面意思和实际含义简直天差地别。今天,我们就来聊聊一个常见的误解:当老外跟你说“Are you smoking”,他可能并不是在关心你的健康状况,问你是不是在抽烟。那么,这句话到底是什么意思呢?别急,接下来我们就一探究竟,并顺便学习几个与抽烟相关的地道英语表达。

“Are you smoking?”是什么意思?

在英语中,“Are you smoking?”这句话,如果用在非字面意思上,通常表示对方对你的说法或行为感到非常惊讶、难以置信,类似于中文中的“你在开玩笑吧?”或“这也太夸张了吧?”。


You just won the lottery? Are you smoking?

He said he could finish this project in an hour? Are you smoking?


如果你想问别人是否抽烟,正确的英语表达是“Do you smoke?”。


Do you smoke? I noticed you have a lighter in your pocket.

I quit smoking a year ago. How about you? Do you smoke?


“烟瘾大”在英语中可以用“have a heavy smoking habit”或“be a chain-smoker”来表达。其中,“chain-smoker”指的是那种一根接一根不停地抽烟的人。


He has a heavy smoking habit and it's really bad for his health.

My dad is a chain-smoker and I've been trying to convince him to quit for years.


I need a smoke. (我得抽根烟。)

Do you have a light? (你有火吗?)

I'm trying to quit smoking. (我正在尝试戒烟。)

Smoking is bad for your health. (抽烟有害健康。)

I smoke occasionally. (我偶尔抽烟。)

I can't stand the smell of smoke. (我受不了烟味。)

I'm out of cigarettes. (我的烟抽完了。)

Let's take a smoke break. (我们抽根烟休息一下吧。)

I used to smoke a lot, but I quit. (我以前抽得很凶,但已经戒了。)

Smoking is not allowed here. (这里禁止抽烟。)
