A. James Earl Jones' death has led to a debate about the future of AI in acting.
B. The use of AI to recreate voices in entertainment has sparked both interest and concern.
C. Unionized video game performers have successfully negotiated AI agreements.
D. The popularity of Disney+ shows has increased due to AI-generated voices.
A. They were opposed to the use of AI in the entertainment industry.
B. They demanded higher wages for their performances.
C. They could not agree on AI protections with industry leaders.
D. They wanted to stop the use of AI in all media platforms.
A. His original voice was used without any modifications.
B. His voice was replaced by another actor's voice.
C. His voice was recreated using AI technology.
D. His voice was not featured in the show at all.
During his more than 60-year acting career, James Earl Jones' voice became a star of its own. Jones died this week at the age of 93. One of Jones' career decisions continues to be an issue of debate: his permission to let artificial intelligence (AI) reproduce his performances as Darth Vader for new projects. Skywalker Sound and Ukrainian software company Respeecher used AI to recreate Jones' Darth Vader for the 2022 show Obi-Wan Kenobi. The show appears on the streaming service Disney+. The voice of actor Mark Hamill was also “de-aged” using Respeecher. Hamill played Luke Skywalker in the first Star Wars movie. His AI-manufactured voice was used in the series' television show The Mandalorian. Disney+ launched the show in 2019. Voice actors say they fear AI could reduce the number of jobs because the technology can reproduce one performance into many. The concern led American unionized video game performers to go on strike in July. For some observers, Jones' decision to permit AI to reproduce his voice raises questions about voice acting as an art. But the decision also could help develop AI agreements that fairly pay actors for AI-based performances. Hollywood's video game performers called for a strike after more than 18 months of negotiations over a new interactive media agreement with industry leaders. The negotiators could not reach an agreement on artificial intelligence protections. Members of the union have said they are not opposed to AI. They say they are worried, however, that technology could replace them. Concerns over such use of AI were among the reasons that film and television workers went on strike last year. The work stoppages went on for four months.
Question 1: What is the main idea of the news report?
Question 2: Why did unionized video game performers go on strike in July?
Question 3: What role did James Earl Jones' voice play in the 2022 show Obi-Wan Kenobi?
1. reproduce: to produce a copy of something, or to be copied in a production process 复制;翻印;复写
据好莱坞资讯发布官方微博@守望好莱坞 消息,美国传奇演员詹姆斯·厄尔·琼斯于当地时间9月9日在美国纽约州达奇斯县的家中安详去世,享年93岁。据其经纪人透露,当时,家人陪伴在他身边。琼斯曾出演了《拳王奋斗史》《奇爱博士》《沙地传奇》《美国之旅》《猎杀红色十月号》等80多部电影。在辉煌的职业生涯中曾获得两项艾美奖、一项金球奖、一项格莱美奖。他还获得了奥斯卡荣誉奖和托尼终身成就奖,百老汇的一座剧院以他的名字重新命名。(背景知识来自于https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1809787640266579980&wfr=spider&for=pc)
Question 1: B
Question 2: C
Question 3: C
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