One-liner Thanksgiving 用一句话描述你的感恩

文摘   2024-11-28 17:00   上海  

《〈《 向左滑动阅读中文版本 

Editor's note: 

I stumbled upon Neil Pasricha’s "The Book of Awesome" at the Shanghai Book Fair this summer.  

It’s a delightful celebration of everyday moments that make me nod in recognition and smile.  

The book’s humour and relatability completely won me over.  


Inspired, I decided to create something similar for today's Thanksgiving post, but instead of stories, I made it simple: 

A one-liner Thanksgiving.

I invited people of varied ages to contribute one sentence about what makes them thankful based on their daily experiences.

Reading all 88 entries made me chuckle at our shared humanity.

As you gather for your evening celebratory feast, I invite you to ask your loved ones about their one-liner Thanksgiving.

I hope you share a nod, smile, and laugh like we did.

Wishing you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving. ‍‍‍‍‍

eve wee-ang

1. Someone lends you their phone charger when your phone almost dies.

2. When you're about to wash the dirty pots in the sink, your mom says, "It's okay; let it soak first."

3. A pet owner says their dog usually doesn’t like strangers, but it likes you. 

4. Someone tosses you something, and you catch it perfectly.

5. Waking up too early and realizing you can sleep more. ~ Rei

6. Opening a perfectly ripe avocado.

7. When someone offers their jacket to you when you’re cold.

8. Adding the perfect amount of honey to your yoghurt.

9. When the AC to blanket warmth and cold ratio is perfect.

10. Closing all my tabs when an assignment is done.

11. Crossing off a to-do list item.

12. When you finally dig out that one piece of food stuck in your teeth. ~ Li-Ern

13. Thinking you looked gorgeous today, and people tell you so.

14. Saying something at the same time as a friend.

15. When you tripped, and nobody saw. 

16. "GetMIT", an addictive spin-off of '2024' made by an MIT undergrad.‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

17. When your friend laughs at your dumb joke.

18. Your social media post gets a record-high “like”. ~ CK

19. Finally, blowing that booger out.

20. Coming home and seeing all your Kuaidi has arrived.‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

21. Rediscovering the snack that you’ve been saving.

22. Someone helps tuck in your clothing/ bra straps discreetly.

23. Swearing in dialect in a foreign country and catching someone's laugh because they understand. ~ Lian‍‍‍‍‍

24. Your favourite underwear is out of the laundry.

25. A fierce-looking stranger smiles at you.

26. Thinking everyone has gone ahead without you but is waiting at a corner.

27. Receiving an invite when you thought you wouldn’t be invited.

28. Thinking you're the only person who sniffed something isn't right, and someone else asks if you feel something isn't right. 

29. Someone captured a beautiful candid photo of you.

30. You don’t feel like meeting, and the person cancels first. ~ Wang‍‍‍‍

31. When you speak up in a group and one person agrees.

32. Being interrupted mid-sentence, but someone remembers and asks what you were saying.

33. When you return to a restaurant and the staff recognizes you.

34. Someone smiles at you kindly when you’re having a bad day.

35. At the breakfast joint, the staff asked, “The usual?”

36. Sending out an invite on WeChat, and people signed up.

37. Finding out that someone you just met came from the same small town as you.

38. You made a mistake, and someone says it's okay everyone makes mistakes.

39. When your kids ask you how you’re doing. ~ Antakusama

40. When someone replies, “Me too”.

41. You thought you were in trouble, and someone said it’s not a big deal.

 42. Being proposed to.

43. Discovering that my lost lipstick had been sleeping inside my winter jacket since last year. 

44. Finding a treasure in a thrift store.

45. When the boss is out of the office. 

46. On a waitlist and being informed you’ve got a slot.

47. Overheard my parents praising me.

48. Prepping the person that you're about to ask a stupid question, they said, "There's no stupid question". 

49. My wife eats it all when I make dinner and asks for more. ~ Carl‍‍‍‍

50. Nursing a cold on a weekend, and Ayi arrives to care for the kids.

51. When a teenager laughs at your jokes.

52. Being comforted when I cry.

53. It’s raining, and your Waimai arrives.

54. Driving into a full house carpark, and someone moved out of the parking lot in front of you.

55. A deadline gets postponed.

56. Being told you’ve got the last seats available.

57. Thinking you were the last to arrive, but you were not.

58. My child hugs and kisses me in front of others. 

59. Receiving a surprise bouquet with no special occasion.

60. Someone asks you to join in when you feel left out.

61. When your phone miraculously works at 1%. ~ Eric‍‍‍‍

62. A stranger asks where you got your outfit.

63. The radio plays your favourite song.

64. When your friends remember your birthday.

65. When you dropped your phone, and your screen didn't crack.

66. Being mentioned on someone’s feed praising you.

67. It's storming outside, and you’re dry and cosy at home.

68. A follower says they look forward to every post you publish.

69. Being recommended for a job.

70. Someone remembers some advice you gave them many years ago.

71. Scoring a goal in a football tournament in front of a crowd. ~ Tzn

72. Someone saved food for you because you arrived late.

73. When your teacher is absent and doesn’t give you extra work.

74. Fitting perfectly into someone’s hand-me-downs.

75. Inside jokes.

76. The weather forecast predicted rain, but it turned out clear.

77. School is cancelled due to typhoon.

78. Being reminded of a kind deed you did before.

79. When the last remaining bit of toilet paper is enough for your use in the public toilet. ~ Marina‍‍‍‍

80. Getting full marks on a difficult exam.

81. Freely playing with your best friends after exams.

82. Stumbling into a good restaurant.

83. When it’s my parent’s fault, and they know it.

84. Being surprised by people you love celebrating you. ‍‍‍‍‍‍

85. Asking a question in front of an audience, and the interviewee said, "That's a good question." 

86. Falling in front of a crowd and one kind stranger stepped forward to ask if you needed help.‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

87. When you're swamped, and someone you trust says, "Leave it to me." 

88. Dislodging a wedgie when no one’s watching. ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍



Chinese translation & Layout: Yan Yan

Illustrator: Ang Rei. Proofread: Darias Fang


今年夏天,我在上海书展上偶然发现了尼尔・帕斯里查(Neil Pasricha)所著的《人生中最美妙的事都是免费的》(The Book of Awesome)这本书。







读完所有 88 条留言,我不禁为我们共有的人性而莞尔一笑。





1. 当你的手机快没电时,有人把他们的手机充电器借给你。 




5.醒得太早,然后意识到还可以再多睡一会儿。~ Rei



8. 在酸奶里加入恰到好处的蜂蜜。 

9. 当空调温度与毛毯带来的冷暖程度恰到好处时。 

10. 完成一项作业后关掉所有打开的网页标签。 

11. 划掉待办事项清单上的一项。 

12. 终于把卡在牙缝里的那一小块食物剔出来了。~ Li-Ern

13. 觉得自己今天看起来美极了,而且别人也这么说。 

14. 和朋友同时说出一样的话。 

15. 你绊倒了,但没人看见。 

16. GetMIT,这是由麻省理工学院一名本科生制作的2024的一部令人上瘾的衍生作品。

17. 当你的朋友被你蹩脚的笑话逗得哈哈大笑时。 

18. 你在社交媒体上发的帖子获得了创纪录的高点赞数。~CK

19. 终于把鼻屎扣出来了。 

20. 回到家,看到所有的快递都已经到了。 

21. 重新发现了你一直留着的零食。 

22. 有人帮忙悄悄地把你的衣服/文胸肩带整理好。 

23. 在国外用方言骂人,结果有人听懂了并笑了起来。~Lian

24. 你最喜欢的内衣洗完晾干了。 

25. 一个看起来很凶的陌生人对你微笑。 

26. 以为大家都没等你先走了,结果却发现他们在某个角落等着。 

27. 原以为自己不会被邀请,结果却收到了邀请。 

28. 以为只有自己察觉到有些不对劲,结果别人也来问你是否感觉有些不对。 

29. 有人给你拍了一张漂亮的抓拍照片。 

30. 你不想见人,结果对方先取消了见面。~Wang

31. 在一群人当中发言时,有一个人表示赞同。 

32. 话说到一半被打断了,但有人记得并问你刚才要说什么。 

33. 当你再次光顾一家餐厅时,店员认出了你。 

34. 在你心情不好的时候,有人友善地对你微笑。 

35. 在早餐店,店员问:“还是老样子吗?” 

36. 在微信上发出邀请,然后有人报名了。 

37. 发现刚认识的某个人和你是老乡。 

38. 你犯了个错误,有人说没关系,每个人都会犯错。 

39. 当你的孩子问你过得怎么样时。~Antakusama

40. 当有人回复说:“我也是”。 

41. 你原以为自己有麻烦了,结果有人说没什么大不了的。 

42. 被求婚。 

43. 我发现去年弄丢的口红原来一直躺在我的冬季外套里。

44. 在一家旧货店发现了一件宝贝。

45. 当老板不在办公室的时候。 

46. 在候补名单上,然后被告知你得到了一个名额。 

47. 无意中听到我父母在表扬我。 

48. 预先告知对方你要问一个愚蠢的问题,而他们说:“没有愚蠢的问题。” 

49. 我做晚餐时,我妻子把饭菜全吃光了,还想要吃更多。~ Carl

50. 在周末感冒卧床,保姆来帮忙照顾孩子。 

51. 当一个青少年被你的笑话逗笑时。 

52. 当我哭泣时得到安慰。 

53. 下雨了,而你的外卖送到了。 

54. 开车进入一个停满车的停车场时,有人正好从你前面的停车位开走了。 

55. 截止日期被推迟了。 

56. 有人告知你得到了最后一个座位。 

57. 以为自己是最后一个到的,但其实不是。 

58. 我的孩子在众人面前拥抱并亲吻我。 

59. 在没有特殊场合的情况下收到一束充满惊喜的花束。 

60. 当你感觉被冷落时,有人邀请你加入。 

61. 当你的手机电量只剩1%时还能奇迹般地正常使用。~ Eric

62. 一个陌生人问你在哪里买的这身行头。 

63. 收音机播放着你最喜欢的歌曲。 

64. 当你的朋友们记得你的生日。 

65. 当你手机掉了,但屏幕没有裂开时。 

66. 在某人的动态中被提及并受到赞扬。 

67. 外面狂风暴雨,而你在家里干爽又舒适。 

68. 一位粉丝说他们期待你发布的每一条动态。 

69. 有人给你推荐一份工作。 

70. 有人记得你多年前给他们的一些建议。 

71. 在一场足球锦标赛中,当着众人的面进了一个球。~ Tzn

72. 你来晚了,但有人给你留了饭。 

73. 当你的老师缺勤,而且没有给你们布置额外的作业。 

74. 完美地穿上了别人传给你的旧衣服。 

75. 只有内部人员才懂的笑话。 

76. 天气预报预报有雨,但结果却是晴天。 

77. 由于台风,学校停课了。 

78. 有人提醒你之前做过的一件善事。 

79. 在公共厕所里,剩下的最后一点卫生纸够你用了。~ Marina

80. 在一场难度很大的考试中得了满分。 

81. 考试结束后和你最好的朋友们尽情玩耍。 

82. 偶然走进一家不错的餐厅。 

83. 我的父母有错,恰好他们也知道这一点。 

84. 因你所爱的人向你表示祝贺,让你感到惊喜。 

85. 在观众面前提了一个问题,而受访者说:“这是个好问题。” 

86. 在众人面前摔倒了,一位好心的陌生人走上前来询问你是否需要帮助。 

87. 当你忙得不可开交时,你信任的人说:“交给我吧。” 

88. 在没人看见的时候把内裤夹屁股的情况弄好了。



 中文翻译&排版: 燕燕

插画师: 汪瑞  校对: 房佳妮

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