Starting Your Home Garden

文摘   2024-12-04 17:12   上海  

Enjoy fresh herbs straight from your kitchen window, no matter the season. Living in an apartment doesn’t mean you have to give up the joys of gardening. Starting a home garden in an apartment is easier than you might think. With a little sunlight, a few pots, and some basic care, you can cultivate a thriving indoor garden that brings joy and flavor to your space. 

If you’re looking to create a low-maintenance home garden, herbs are a perfect choice. Not only do they add greenery, but they also provide fresh ingredients for cooking.

For those in Shanghai, there are native plants that thrive indoors, requiring little more than occasional watering and sunlight. Two standout options are Chinese Chives (韭菜 Allium tuberosum) and Shiso (紫苏 Perilla frutescens).

Chinese Chives 

Chinese chives are not only a staple in local cuisine but also incredibly easy to grow in containers. They thrive in low light, making them ideal for apartments. You can place them on a windowsill or balcony where they’ll get indirect sunlight. They require minimal maintenance—just water them when the soil feels dry. Once established, these chives will keep growing all year round, adding a fresh, garlicky flavor to your dishes.


Shiso, another local herb, is equally versatile. Known for its distinct aroma and flavor, this plant flourishes indoors with minimal care. Shiso prefers a sunny spot but can adapt to partial shade. Like Chinese chives, it doesn’t need much water and grows well in pots, making it perfect for small spaces.To help you further, here are some recommended tools available on Taobao that will make starting your home garden less overwhelming. 

Automatic Plant Waterer [Bird Dripper]

This easy-to-install apparatus has a porous rubber dripper at its base that helps you water your plants worry-free over the next 24 hours. Simply fill water via the open beak, and you’re ready to go!

Irrigation Observation Window

For small potted plants, it is a great way to get kids interested in getting their hands dirty and learning along the way. This transparent screen helps one keep track of the growth of the plant in the soil. Pro tip: It’s a lot more fun planting a root vegetable and watching it grow through this screen.

Bean Sprout Machine 

Given that Shanghai experiences cold temperatures for at least seven months of the year, sprouting legumes can be challenging. Don’t worry; we’ve found you the perfect portable-sized machine that makes sprouting beans quick and easy.

If, like me, you’ve long desired an indoor herb garden, take this as a sign and start today! 

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