
职场   2024-12-22 21:38   广东  


公摊的英文意思是:Shared/common area 或 shared/common space allocation。

公摊面积 是指建筑物中由业主共同占有和使用的公共部分所占的建筑面积。Common area 指楼宇中为住户共同使用的区域;而 shared space allocation 更具体地指购房者分摊的这部分面积。


The common area includes staircases, elevator shafts, and corridors.

The proportion of shared space directly affects the net usable area of a property.

得房率(Net Usable Area Ratio)

得房率是指套内建筑面积(net usable area)与房屋建筑总面积的比例。即:得房率 = 套内面积 ÷(套内面积 + 公摊面积)× 100%。


  1. 房屋面积与公摊

  • 套内建筑面积(Net usable area): The area that the homeowner can actually use.

  • 建筑面积(Gross floor area): The total area of the property, including shared spaces.

  • 得房率(Net usable area ratio): The percentage of net usable area to the gross floor area.

  • 购房与房贷

    • 首付(Down payment): The initial payment made when buying a property.

    • 房贷(Mortgage loan): A loan taken to finance the purchase of a property.

    • 贷款利率(Loan interest rate): The percentage charged on a mortgage.

    • 按揭还款(Mortgage repayment): Regular payments made to repay the loan.

  • 购房费用与税费

    • 契税(Deed tax): A tax paid when a property is transferred.

    • 物业管理费(Property management fee): A fee for maintaining shared spaces in a residential building.


    Buyer: What’s the ratio of the net usable area to the gross floor area for this apartment? 买家:这套房子的得房率是多少?

    Agent: The net usable area ratio is approximately 80%, which means the shared space accounts for 20% of the total area. 经纪人:得房率约为80%,公摊面积占总面积的20%。


    Buyer: I’m considering a mortgage loan. What’s the current interest rate? 买家:我正在考虑房贷,目前的贷款利率是多少?

    Bank Representative: The interest rate for a 30-year fixed mortgage is 5.5%. 银行代表:30年固定房贷利率是5.5%。


    Buyer: If the property price is $300,000 and the down payment is 20%, how much will I need for the initial payment。 买家:如果房价是30万美元,首付比例是20%,那我需要多少首付款?

    Agent: You’ll need $60,000 as a down payment, and the rest can be financed through a mortgage. 经纪人:你需要6万美元作为首付,其余部分可以通过房贷支付。


    Red K, 硅谷外企工程师,致力于外企原汁英语学习干货分享,职场解惑。让每个与职场英语打交道的人,都能从中受益。