
职场   2024-11-12 21:00   山西  

在外企的职场环境中,"extraordinary" 这个词经常被用来形容超出常规的表现或成就。比如,当领导称赞某个项目时,他们可能会说:“The results of the project are extraordinary,” 表示这个项目的成果非常出色。这不仅反映了团队的努力,也强调了工作的重要性。

Extraordinary 是一个形容词,用于描述某事物非常出众、非凡或异乎寻常。

  • Extraordinary: Very unusual or remarkable; going beyond what is usual, regular, or customary.

  • Extraordinary: 非凡的,特别的,异常的

Extraordinary 的同义词和相关表达包括:

  • Remarkable: 显著的,卓越的

  • Exceptional: 例外的,特别的

  • Unusual: 不寻常的

  • Outstanding: 突出的

  • Phenomenal: 现象级的,极好的

在职场中,extraordinary 常与以下词汇搭配使用,形成固定表达:


  • Extraordinary achievements: 非凡的成就
    The team delivered extraordinary achievements this quarter.

  • Extraordinary circumstances: 特殊情况
    We adapted our strategy to meet extraordinary circumstances.

  • Extraordinary performance: 卓越的表现
    Her extraordinary performance earned her a promotion.

  • Extraordinary talent: 非凡的才华
    The company seeks extraordinary talent to drive innovation.

  • Extraordinary efforts: 非凡的努力
    His extraordinary efforts led to the project's success.


场景 1: 项目成功

在项目总结中,extraordinary 常用于强调成果的优异性。

英文: The extraordinary results of the marketing campaign exceeded our expectations.
中文: 营销活动的非凡成果超出了我们的预期。

场景 2: 个人表现

在员工评估时,extraordinary 用于称赞个人的出色表现。

英文: His extraordinary contributions to the team have been recognized by management.
中文: 他对团队的非凡贡献得到了管理层的认可。

场景 3: 解决问题

在面对挑战时,extraordinary 可用于描述采取的特殊措施。

英文: We implemented extraordinary measures to address the urgent situation.
中文: 我们采取了非凡的措施来应对紧急情况。

场景 4: 人才招聘

在招聘过程中,extraordinary 用于寻找优秀的候选人。

英文: We are looking for extraordinary candidates who can bring fresh ideas.
中文: 我们正在寻找能带来新想法的非凡候选人。

围绕 extraordinary,以下相关词汇可以帮助你更精准地表达非凡或特殊的状态:

  • Remarkable: 引人注目的
    Her remarkable skills make her a valuable asset to the team.

  • Exceptional: 异常的
    His exceptional leadership qualities have transformed the team dynamics.

  • Outstanding: 杰出的
    The outstanding performance of the department has set a benchmark.

  • Unique: 独特的
    She has a unique approach to problem-solving that benefits the team.

  • Incredible: 难以置信的
    The incredible results of our initiative surprised everyone.

希望通过这篇文章,你能够全面掌握 extraordinary 的用法,并在工作中自如地应用。Remember, recognizing and celebrating extraordinary efforts is key to fostering a positive work environment!

Red K, 硅谷外企工程师,致力于外企原汁英语学习干货分享,职场解惑。让每个与职场英语打交道的人,都能从中受益。