汉译英应重视句子衔接与连贯,包括 Character + Action 结构、话题不频繁转换的主述位推进理论、多用主动语态少用被动语态、新旧信息分布规律、显化句意关系等,做到以上几点,方可输出比较简明优雅的译文。
Come on!
dead heat
a tie with no single winner of a race
If a race or contest is a dead heat or is in a dead heat, two or more competitors are joint winners, or are both winning at a particular moment in the race or contest.
The US presidential election is at a dead heat.
Former President Donald Trump and Vice President Harris entered Election Day locked in a statistical dead heat, and the final result could be one of the closest in U.S. history.
During a rally in Pennsylvania on Sunday, Trump argued that the only way he could lose to Vice President Kamala Harris is if he's cheated, even though polls have shown for weeks now that the race is a dead heat.
Presidential election is a dead heat though Trump leads Harris big on economy.
National polls show both candidates in a dead heat. With voter turnout reportedly surging across the country, the next U.S. president will likely be determined by razor-thin margins in a few key battleground states.
The boat race was a dead heat, and the first prize was divided in two.
But if the race of the model-builders is a dead heat, America has one thing going for it that may make it the big AI winner—its ability to spread cutting-edge innovation throughout the economy.
完整视频 | 特朗普正式成为候选人,发表史上最长演讲:要减税、加关税、提高石油产量...
blaze a path/trail
be imbued with 充满 reminder 提醒 uphill 艰难的 in the pipeline 已筹划,已实施 tantamount to 等同于 still less 更不会,更不用说 rife with 充斥;充满 blabbermouth 长舌者,碎嘴子 nowhere near 远非 multiplying 上升 nothing short of 无异 make-or-break 生死攸关 high-flying 成功的;有前途的 heartening 受鼓舞的;高兴的 cash-strapped 手头紧的;囊中羞涩的 eke...out 辛苦经营,勉强维持生计 hold water 站得住脚 iron out 清除、解决 ratchet up 增长,推动 trump card 王牌、杀手锏 belt tightening 紧缩预算,省吃俭用,勒紧裤带 jitters 焦虑;紧张 tit for tat; tit-for-tat 以牙还牙;针锋相对;一报还一报 hand in glove with 密切合作;亲密无间 state of the art; state-of-the-art 先进的 trailblazing 开拓性的、创新大胆的 heyday 鼎盛时期;全盛时期 in the throes of godsend 天赐之物;及时雨 err on the side of 宁可 trumped-up 莫须有;捏造的
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