学术英语经典表达 004 | zoom in ​审视;考察

教育   2024-12-08 21:29   浙江  

    学术英语,又称学术用途英语(English for Academic Purposes,EAP),泛指学术语境下开展各类学习和交流所需的英语,是专门用途英语(English for Specific Purposes,ESP)的重要分支。



学术英语经典表达 004

zoom in


zoom in 和zoom out是摄像技术用语。

zoom in 指(照相机等)用变焦距镜头使景物放大,即将景物推近

zoom out 表示用变焦距镜头使景物缩小,即将景物拉远。

  1. We are not only able to identify the many stages and routines that make up the translation process, but are also able to zoom in on aspects that seem to be of particular relevance in literary translation.

  2. We will then zoom in on one aspect of the method: the type of unit that the comparative part of a study would be applied to, along with some of its justifications (Chapter 6).

  3. Having prepared the grounds for a target-oriented approach to translation, let us zoom in now on the suggested method and the discovery procedures it entails and elaborate on its basic notions, mentioned briefly in the course of the skeletal presentation of the method in Chapter 1.

  4. Mary Snell-Hornby, zooming in on Interpreting Studies, suggests that “former ‘disciples’ of Translation Studies such as Miriam Shlesinger and Franz Pöchhacker became pioneers of Interpreting Studies” (2006: 163) – a view with which I must humbly beg to differ.)

  5. On the one hand, it helped us to zoom in on some specific skills and competences that our students would need in their professional careers, and, on the other, it facilitated a beneficial and necessary dialogue between theory and practice, which our students also seemed to enjoy.

  6. To visualise this situation, we can zoom in on one example.

  7. Although the most obvious candidates for this type of distributed cognition are publishers, editors and translators, I would like to zoom in on those cognitive agents that are not strictly speaking part and parcel of the business of literature but whose impact on the writing process is nonetheless significant.

  8. This section zooms in on the crucial role played by editors in the writing process, a role that is often overlooked and undervalued.

  9. In future work we also intend to zoom in on the sentences with high creativity potential as was done by Guerberof-Arenas and Toral (2020) and examine in more detail the creative shifts in the post-edited and revised version.


  1. 学术英语经典表达 001 | foreground 突出 强调
  2. 学术英语经典表达 002 | call into question 表示质疑
  3. 学术英语经典表达 003 | take stock of 审视、反思、总结

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