把握时代大势 共促世界繁荣
Abreast of the Trend of the Times and Jointly Promoting Prosperity Around the
the APEC CEO Summit
November 15, 2024
of the Business Community,Ladies
and Gentlemen, Friends,很高兴到访利马这座美丽的城市。时隔8年,再次踏上这片充满活力的热土,倍感亲切。I
am very pleased to visit the beautiful city of Lima. It is truly heart-warming
to set foot on this dynamic country again after eight years.中国和拉美虽远隔万里,但浩瀚的太平洋没有阻断我们的交流。早在16世纪下半叶,满载着丝绸和瓷器的“中国之船”就远航拉美,开创了中拉友好交往的先河。Although
China and Latin America are thousands of miles apart, we have carried forward
our exchanges in spite of the vast Pacific Ocean. As early as in the second
half of the 16th century, the China Ships, laden with silk and porcelain,
reached the far coast of Latin America, starting friendly interactions between
China and the region.几百年后的今天,包括中拉在内的亚太国家已经深度融入经济全球化,成为一荣俱荣、一损俱损的利益共同体、命运共同体。同时,世界进入新的动荡变革期,单边主义、保护主义蔓延,世界经济碎片化加剧,经济全球化遭遇逆流,面临逆水行舟、不进则退的严峻考验。亚太经济何去何从,需要我们作出抉择。Several
hundred years later, today, China and Latin America and the entire Asia-Pacific
are deeply woven into the fabric of economic globalization. We are now an
interdependent community with common interests and a shared future. On the
other hand, the world is in a new period of turbulence and transformation.Unbridled unilateralism and protectionism and an increasingly fragmented world
economy threaten to reverse the trend toward economic globalization. The grave
challenge for us is like sailing up a river -- we either forge ahead or drift
downstream. Where will the Asia-Pacific economy be going? It is a decision we
must make.经济全球化是社会生产力发展的客观要求,是科技进步的必然结果,是浩浩荡荡的历史潮流,虽然遭遇过逆风和回头浪,但其发展大势从未改变。以各种名目阻碍经济合作,执意将相互依存的世界割裂开来,是开历史倒车。Economic
globalization is an objective requirement of growing social productive forces.
It is a natural outcome of advancement in science and technology and a mighty
historical trend. Despite headwinds and undertows, economic globalization has
always been the general trend. The attempt to block economic cooperation under
all sorts of pretexts and break up the interdependence of the world is nothing
but backpedaling.当前,经济全球化动力和阻力胶着,但动力仍然胜过阻力。新一轮科技革命和产业变革深入发展,世界经济数字化、绿色化、智能化进程不断加快,为经济全球化再度加速蓄积了强劲动能。Economic
globalization is caught now in a tug of war between driving and obstructive
forces, but the driving forces still prevail. New technological revolution and
industrial transformation are getting more profound, and the world is moving
faster to embrace a digital, green and smart economy. All this is building up
powerful energy for further expedition of economic globalization down the road.我们要正确引导经济全球化方向,不能走少数国家独占霸权的老路。我们要推动经济全球化更多释放正面效应,进入更有活力、更加包容、更可持续的新阶段。We
should steer economic globalization in the right direction. We must reject the
beaten path that a few countries have taken to pursue dominance and hegemony.
We should see to it that economic globalization generates more positive
outcomes and is taken to a new phase that is more dynamic, inclusive and
and Gentlemen, Friends,越是困难时刻,越要坚定信心。我们要携手推动普惠包容的经济全球化,更好惠及不同国家、不同群体。Tougher
times call for greater confidence. We should join hands to promote a
universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization to the benefit of
various countries and communities.一是坚持创新驱动,推动世界经济强劲增长。要向科技创新要生产力,充分发挥人工智能等新兴技术的赋能作用,以新一轮科技革命为世界经济注入强劲动力。坚持科技成果造福全人类理念,帮助发展中国家加强科技能力建设,助力知识和技术全球流动。First,
we should take innovation as the driving force for stronger growth of the world
economy. Innovation is the source of productivity. We should make full use of
artificial intelligence and other emerging technologies to rev up the world
economy and stimulate its growth with the current technological revolution.
Advances in science and technology should benefit the entire humanity. We
should help developing countries with their capacity building in science and
technology and promote global flow of knowledge and technologies.二是坚持与时俱进,推动全球经济治理体系改革。要坚持共商共建共享原则,推动全球经济治理体系更好反映世界经济格局新现实,不断提升“全球南方”的代表性和发言权,确保各国在国际经济合作中权利平等、机会平等、规则平等。要维护以世界贸易组织为核心的多边贸易体制,推动构建开放型世界经济体系,维护全球产业链供应链稳定通畅。Second,
we should keep pace with the times and reform the system of global economic
governance. We should follow the principles of "plan together, build
together and benefit together" to ensure that the global economic
governance system better reflects the new reality of the world economic map.
The representation and voice of the Global South should be enhanced
continuously, and all countries should be ensured of equal rights, equal
opportunities and equal rules in conducting international economic cooperation.
We should uphold the WTO-centered multilateral trading regime, push for an open
world economic system, and keep the global industrial and supply chains stable
and smooth.三是坚持以人为本,推动解决发展失衡问题。世界繁荣稳定不可能建立在贫者愈贫、富者愈富的基础上,各国共同发展才是真发展。要注重在经济发展中保障民生,培育包容普惠的发展环境。要走以人为本、发展更加平衡、机会更加均等的经济全球化之路,让不同国家、不同阶层、不同人群共享发展成果。Third,
we should always take the people-centered approach and seek to settle
imbalances in development. Global prosperity and stability cannot be achieved
when the rich get richer and the poor poorer. True development means common
development of all countries. We should ensure people's well-being while
seeking economic growth, and foster a development environment that is inclusive
and beneficial for all. We should pursue economic globalization that is
people-centered and delivers more balanced development and more equal opportunities,
so that different countries, classes and communities can all benefit from
development. 中方期待各方积极参与全球发展倡议,为加速落实联合国2030年可持续发展议程、促进各国平衡充分发展贡献力量。China hopes that all parties will take an active part in the
Global Development Initiative to help expedite the implementation of the 2030
Agenda for Sustainable Development and promote balanced and full development of
all countries.Ladies
and Gentlemen, Friends,亚太经合组织诞生于冷战结束前夕和新一轮经济全球化逐渐勃兴之时,一直以推动经济全球化为己任,为促进亚太地区贸易和投资自由化便利化、促进成员经济互利互惠、增进本地区人民利益福祉作出了巨大贡献。亚太地区经济保持了强劲增长,创造了举世瞩目的“亚太奇迹”。APEC
was born on the eve of the end of the Cold War when a new round of economic
globalization was gradually emerging, and has since taken it as its mission to
promote economic globalization. It has contributed immensely to boosting trade
and investment liberalization and facilitation in the Asia-Pacific, economic
mutual benefit between member economies, and the interests and well-being of
the people in our region. Asia-Pacific economies have maintained robust growth
and created the remarkable Asia-Pacific miracle.亚太的成功源于我们始终致力于维护地区和平稳定,源于我们始终坚持真正的多边主义和开放的区域主义,源于我们始终顺应经济全球化大势、坚持互利共赢和相互成就。The
success of the Asia-Pacific is due to our firm commitment to peace and
stability in the region, to our continuous practices of true multilateralism
and open regionalism, and to our deep faith in the trend toward economic
globalization as well as mutual benefit and mutual success.放眼未来,亚太要继续做推动经济全球化的火车头。我们要守正创新,擦亮开放亚太、包容亚太的金字招牌,打造绿色亚太、数字亚太的新招牌,推动构建亚太命运共同体,打造亚太发展的下一个“黄金三十年”。The
Asia-Pacific should remain the locomotive of economic globalization in the
future. We should stay on the right course and seek to break new ground at the
same time. While further burnishing the Asia-Pacific hallmark of openness and
inclusiveness, we should make new brand-building efforts to foster a green and
digital Asia-Pacific, build an Asia-Pacific community with a shared future, and
usher in another 30 golden years of development for our region.Ladies
and Gentlemen, Friends,今年7月,中国共产党召开了二十届三中全会,对进一步全面深化改革、推进中国式现代化作出系统部署。全会提出要在5年内完成300多项重要改革举措,这将为中国经济社会发展注入强大动力,也将为世界发展带来新的更多机遇。Last
July, the Communist Party of China held the Third Plenary Session of its 20th
Central Committee, and adopted a comprehensive plan for further deepening
reform across the board to advance Chinese modernization. More than 300 important
reform measures were introduced at the meeting, and they will be fully
implemented within five years. This will provide not only strong impetus for
China's economic and social development, but also more opportunities for global
China will deepen reform comprehensively and continue to provide robust
momentum for the world economy. China will build a high-standard socialist
market economy, foster a fairer and more dynamic market environment, and make
resource allocation as efficient and productive as possible. China is
endeavoring to achieve breakthroughs in key areas such as reforming the fiscal
and tax systems, building a unified national market and advancing new
urbanization. It is taking targeted steps to boost consumption and increase
domestic demand so as to improve the effectiveness of reforms. 中国出台了一系列重磅改革举措,将有力推动经济持续回升向好,有充足信心实现今年经济增长目标,继续发挥世界经济增长最大引擎作用。China has
adopted a full range of major reform measures, which will give a vigorous boost
to the rebounding and growth of the economy. We have full confidence in meeting
the growth targets for this year and remaining the biggest engine of world
economic growth.——中国将推动高质量发展,继续引领世界经济提质增效。今年上半年,中国高技术制造业和高技术服务业的投资增速双双达到两位数以上,经济结构和增长模式不断优化。中国将因地制宜发展新质生产力,促进实体经济和数字经济深度融合,积极发展服务业,加强现代化基础设施建设,提升产业链供应链韧性。--
China will advance high-quality development and continue to lead the efforts to
improve the performance of the world economy. In the first half of this year,
investment in China's high-tech manufacturing and service sectors achieved
double-digit growth, and its economic structure and growth model improved
steadily. China will continue to nurture new quality productive forces in line
with actual conditions, promote deep integration of the real economy and
digital economy, boost the service sector, further modernize infrastructure,
and make industrial and supply chains more resilient. 中方致力于推进高质量共建“一带一路”,同各参与方共同打造陆海联动和协同发展的互联互通网络。China is committed to
high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, and will work with all participants to
put in place a network of connectivity featuring integrated land-sea
transportation and coordinated development.——中国将坚定不移走绿色发展之路,继续为全球绿色转型提供重要动力。近年来,中国经济社会发展的“含绿量”持续提升,在世界范围内率先实现土地退化“零增长”,新增绿化面积占全球的四分之一。中国积极推动新能源产业发展,推动绿色矿产国际合作,已经成为世界能耗强度降低最快的国家之一。--
China will stay firmly on the path of green development and continue to be an
important force for global green transition. In recent years, the "green
quotient" in China's social and economic development has continued to
rise. China has become the first country around the world with "zero
increase" in land degradation, and its newly-added area of afforestation
accounts for a quarter of the global total. China is actively expanding new
energy sectors and facilitating international cooperation on green mining. It
has achieved one of the world's fastest rates of energy intensity reduction. 仅在2023年,中国风电和光伏产品帮助其他国家减排二氧化碳约8.1亿吨,助力各国获得清洁、可靠、用得起的能源,为全球应对气候变化作出重要贡献。China's wind and solar power products have helped other countries reduce about
810 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions, and enabled them to access clean,
reliable and affordable energy. All this has been an important part of the
global effort to address climate change.——中国将建设更高水平开放型经济新体制,继续和世界分享中国发展机遇。开放是中国式现代化的鲜明标识。今年以来,中国全面取消制造业领域外资准入限制措施,首次在全国范围内对跨境服务贸易建立负面清单管理制度,推动电信、互联网、教育、文化、医疗等领域有序扩大开放,主动对接《全面与进步跨太平洋伙伴关系协定》和《数字经济伙伴关系协定》等国际高标准经贸规则,稳步扩大制度型开放。--
China will build new, open and higher-standard economic systems and continue to
share China's development opportunities with the world. Opening up is a
defining feature of Chinese modernization. Since the start of this year, China
has lifted all restrictions on foreign investment in manufacturing, and
established for the first time a nationwide negative-list system for
cross-border trade in services. We have taken systematic steps to further open
the telecom, Internet, education, culture, medical service and other sectors.
We have also taken the initiative to apply high international standards of
economic and trade rules, including those in the Comprehensive and Progressive
Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) and the Digital Economy
Partnership Agreement (DEPA), as part of our plan to steadily enhance
institutional opening up. 中国积极推广144小时过境免签政策,进一步便利了中外人员往来,“中国旅行”爆火出圈。下一步,中国将出台更多自主开放和单边开放政策,扩大面向全球的高标准自由贸易区网络,让中国开放的大门越开越大。We have expanded the coverage of the 144-hour
visa-free transit policy to facilitate inbound visits to China, and
"Travel to China" is getting very popular around the world. Going
forward, China will introduce more policies for voluntary and unilateral
opening up, expand its globally-oriented network of high-standard free trade
areas, and open its door even wider to the world.Ladies
and Gentlemen, Friends,中国古人说,“落其实者思其树,饮其流者怀其源”。中国的发展离不开亚太,也将进一步造福亚太。拉美有谚语说,“船的力量在帆上,人的力量在心上”。我很高兴地了解到,当下“从钱凯到上海”已经成为秘鲁流行语,成为对“中国之船”跨越500年的回响。As
an ancient Chinese scholar said, "When eating fruits, one should remember
the tree; When drinking water, one should remember the source." China's
development is inseparable from the Asia-Pacific, and it will in turn further
benefit the region. As a Latin American proverb goes, "Just as a ship is
powered by its sails, people are inspired by their hearts." I am pleased
to learn that "From Chancay to Shanghai" has become a fashionable
saying in Peru, an echo to the China Ships that arrived here over 500 years
ago. 这也深刻表明,只要我们践行开放联通精神,太平洋就能变为促进繁荣增长的通途。让我们加强团结合作,共迎全球性挑战,共建人类命运共同体,为推进世界共同繁荣、开创人类更加美好未来汇聚更大合力。This fully shows that as long as we act in the spirit of openness and
connectivity, the vast Pacific will become a thoroughfare for more prosperity
and growth. Let us enhance our solidarity and cooperation, stand up together to
the global challenges, jointly build a community with a shared future for
mankind, and form a mighty force for the common prosperity of the world and a
brighter future for humanity.