威廉王子 | 2024年第四届“地球奋斗奖”颁奖典礼致辞

教育   2024-11-14 22:27   浙江  

2024年,第四届“地球奋斗奖”创新峰会与彭博慈善基金会合作,自豪地宣布了最新一批入围者2024年“地球奋斗奖”这些创新者来自世界各地,从近 2,500 名候选人中脱颖而出,角逐五项价值 1 万英镑的奖项。今年的颁奖典礼于11月6日在南非开普敦举行,威廉王子发表讲话,宣布五个获奖者,每个类别一个,将获得 100 万英镑,用于资助并推广他们的解决方案。




Good evening and hello to everyone joining us live across Africa. Sanibonani, Dumelang, Ekaabo, Saanu, Akawaaba. We are delighted to have you with us for the four annual Earthshot Prize Award ceremony from the beautiful city of Cape Town.

晚上好,欢迎大家来到非洲直播现场。【Sanibonani, Dumelang, Ekaabo, Saanu, Akawaaba等都是非洲各国问候用语】。我们很高兴在美丽的开普敦与大家一起参加第四届“地球奋斗奖”颁奖典礼。

As with every trip to Africa, I have received the most warm and generous welcome over the last few days. When I founded the Earthshot Prize in 2020, my ambition was to champion the spirit of ingenuity that put a man on the moon within 10 years. Our aim was to find solutions to repair our planet and provide real hope for the future.


We want to make this the decade in which we transform the world for good. One solution at a time from the ground up. It was an idea that first came to me on African soil. During a trip to Namibia and Tanzania, I was lucky enough to see some of the stunning wildlife that caused this continent home.


But what really struck me was the incredible impact local people were having on the environment around them. Thanks to their Ingenuity and creativity, biodiversity was returning, animals were being protected and jobs were being created.


I saw firsthand the extent to which people were dedicating their time, talent and vision to fixing environmental challenges. But they weren't getting the support they needed to speed their solutions, to scale or to have them replicated worldwide.


However, I believe our world can be rich in possibility in hope and in optimism. That is why the Earthshot Prize exists, to champion the game changers, the inventors, the makers, the creatives, the leaders to help them build upon the amazing things they've already achieved, to speed their innovations, to scale and to inspire the next generation to create the future we all need.


The sense of optimism I first witnessed on that trip to Namibia planted a seed that brought us here today. So I'm delighted to see the Earthshot Prize return to the continent where it all started. The continent that despite contributing the least to global warming is amongst the most vulnerable to its impact.


Since we began we've received over 5,000 nominations, each of those solutions tell a story of hope and possibility. In 2024, alone nearly 400 were conceived here in Africa, each of those solutions should be seen as a reminder that Africa is a hub of creativity and innovation that will solve our planet's toughest environmental challenges.


To that end, the Earthshot Prize isn't just a celebration of winners, it's a collaborative movement for change. And I now invite you to join the movement for climate Innovation that's happening around the world. Because that's why we're here, to champion the dreamers, the thinkers and the innovators from every walk of life who share an ambition to build a better, more sustainable world.


We'll do everything we can to support them and help speed their solutions to scale. Because when they succeed, we all succeed. When they thrive, we all thrive.And when they win, we all win.


Dankie, Enkosi, Daalu, Asante. Thank you!

【Dankie, Enkosi, Daalu, Asante等也是非洲各国的问候语】谢谢!

有趣、有料、有干货! 学习英语,领悟翻译,沟通世界!