STOTEN | 华南师范大学应光国:纺织废水和受纳河流中全氟烷基和多氟烷基物质(PFAS)的非靶向和靶向筛查及风险评估

文摘   2024-12-16 15:55   浙江  

图文摘要 | Graphical abstract

导读 | Introduction


PFAS are known to be persistent and incompletely removed in textile wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Here we investigated PFAS in two WWTPs and a receiving river of a textile industrial park in Guangxi, China, by using both target and non-target analyses over a two-year period. The target analysis identified 11 specific PFAS, while the non-target analysis revealed a list of 648 different PFAS. Notably, perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) was the most prevalent compound. The investigated WWTPs exhibited a poor removal efficiency for PFAS and the average removal rate was only 22.0%, indicating that the current treatment processes are inadequate in effectively mitigating PFAS contamination. Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and two homologue PFAS were identified to have high ecological risks in the receiving river, and their presence in WWTPs has been poorly reported. The findings highlight the wide use and persistence of PFAS in current textile WWTPs, indicating potential long term risks to the receiving environment.

一、靶向分析 | Target analysis



11 PFAS were detected in WWTPs and 7 in receiving river, of which mainly consisted of short-chain PFAS (C≤8). PFOA was predominant in both WWTPs and receiving river. Furthermore, the significantly higher concentrations of PFOA and other PFAS in the wastewater treatment process could possibly be due to the transformation of some unknown precursors and intermediates. 

The average PFAS removal rates for the WWTPs were 40.1%, 36.0%, and -32.0%, respectively, indicating that traditional A/O processes exhibit relatively low removal efficiency for PFAS.

图1 靶向分析PFAS的浓度及分布规律。(A): PFAS浓度。(B、C、D): PFAS在处理过程中的浓度变化。(仅显示浓度相对较高且变化显著的PFAS) (E): PFAS的相对贡献。

Fig.1 Concentrations and distribution patterns of PFAS by target analysis. (A): Concentrations of 11 quantified PFAS. (B, C and D): The concentration changes of PFAS in the treatment process. (Only displayed PFAS with relatively high concentrations and significant changes.) (E): Patterns of the relative contribution of target PFAS.

二、非靶向分析 | Nontarget analysis

共鉴定出648个PFAS,置信水平为L1 - L5,其中有40种PFAS被鉴定为置信水平为L1 - L3。一些PFAS的响应在芬顿处理后不降反升,这表明芬顿法对于PFAS去除有限。在受纳河流中,河流下游的响应略高于河流上游。

A total of 648 PFAS were identified at confidence levels L1 - L5. Among these chemicals, 40 PFAS were identified at confidence levels L1 - L3. The standardized intensity levels of some PFAS did not decrease but rather increased to varying degrees after the Fenton process, this suggests that the Fenton process may not be very effective in treating these specific PFAS identified through non-target screening. In the receiving river, the standardized intensity levels in downstream water were slightly higher than in upstream water.

图2 通过非靶向筛查鉴定出的PFAS (PFAS无缩写的用DSSTox物质识别号表示)。

Fig.2 Occurrence and relative intensities of identified PFAS (PFAS without abbreviation were expressed as DSSTox Substance ID) through non-target screening.


Impact of effluent on receiving river



In 2021, after the corresponding textile factory of Plant A received more orders than in 2020, 21 PFAS were detected in influent, effluent and downstream, suggesting the discharge of WWTP introduces many compounds not naturally present in the river, shows a poor efficiency of PFAS treatment.

There was a strong positive correlation between effluent and downstream, speculated that wastewater discharge affect the receiving rivers. At the same time, there is no correlation between upstream and downstream rivers, indicating that the pollution of rivers mainly comes from wastewater discharges.

图3 两年内不同污水处理厂与受纳河流的维恩图(A、B、C)和相关网络图(D、E、F)。

Fig.3 Venn Diagrams (A, B, and C) and correlation network (D, E, and F) of different WWTPs to receiving river in two years.

四、生态风险 Ecological risk

通过靶向分析和半定量分析的15种PFAS中,PFOA和PFOS为高、中等生态风险。在基于非靶向筛查结果的ToxPi评估中,一对PFAS同系物 (DTXSID30240816和DTXSID90240817) 的得分高于PFOS。表明这些化合物可能至少构成中等风险,甚至可能构成高风险

Among the 15 PFAS assessed through target and semi-quantified analyses, PFOA and PFOS exhibited high and medium ecological risk levels. For ToxPi analysis based on the non-target results, a pair of homologues (DTXSID30240816 and DTXSID90240817) exhibited scores higher than PFOS. Scores higher than PFOS indicate that these compounds may pose at least a medium risk, potentially even a high risk.

图4(A和C)两年下游水体中确定的PFAS(1- 3级)的优先级。(B、D)下游水体中鉴定出的PFAS (Level 1-Level 3) 前12 ToxPi评分及其得分比例。

Fig. 4 (A and C) The prioritization of identified PFAS (Level 1-Level 3) in downstream water of two years. (B and D) Top 12 ToxPi Scores of identified PFAS (Level 1-Level 3) and their score proportion in downstream water.

总结 | Conclusions


The results from this study showed wide presence of PFAS in the textile wastewater and receiving river. The A/O wastewater treatment process applied in the industrial park had a relatively low average removal rate for PFAS in textile wastewater (22%). This study demonstrated a strong linkage between downstream water and WWTP effluent, suggesting that textile WWTPs are the primary source of PFAS pollution for the receiving river. Preliminary risk assessment showed that PFOS and PFOA could pose high and medium risks in the receiving river. Additionally, a pair of homologues exhibited even higher risk levels than PFOS. This research enriches our understanding of the effectiveness of A/O and Fenton treatment processes and provides valuable insights into the presence, removal and risk of different PFAS in textile wastewater.

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本文内容来自ELSEVIER旗舰期刊Sci Total Environ第927卷发表的论文:

Xiao, S., Liu, T., Hu, L.-X., Yang, B. and Ying, G.-G. (2024) Non-target and target screening and risk assessment of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in textile wastewater and receiving river. Science of The Total Environment 927, 171876.


共同第一作者:肖晟 本科生


华南师范大学环境学院2021级本科生。主要研究方向为全氟和多氟烷基化合物的靶向和非靶向筛查研究。在Science of the Total Environment、Environmental Pollution、Journal of Hazardous Materials等国际期刊发表多篇论文。

共同第一作者:刘亭 博士研究生


华南师范大学环境学院2020级博士研究生。主要研究方向为基于靶向和非靶向分析的水体全氟和多氟烷基化合物(PFAS)及其转化产物污染研究。以第一作者在Science of the Total Environment、Journal of Hazardous Materials、Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety等国际期刊发表论文4篇。

通讯作者:应光国 教授


教授,博士生导师,华南师范大学环境研究院院长,国家杰出青年基金获得者,国家百千万人才工程国家级人选,“百人计划”入选者。担任《Environmental Science: Processes & Impact》、《Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry》、《生态毒理学报》等期刊编委。从事水土环境污染研究,重点研究抗生素、抗性基因、激素、农药等新型污染物的污染特征、环境行为与生态健康效应。发表我国首份流域尺度抗生素、激素排放与污染地图,评价其与细菌耐药性、内分泌干扰效应的联系,相关论文发表于环境领域权威期刊《Environmental Science & Technology》,成为环境科学领域的热点论文,受到我国政府和国内外媒体的广泛关注。组织和承担了国家自然科学基金项目、“水专项”东江项目、环保公益项目、广东省重点研发计划项目等。编写中文专著1部、英文专著5部,发表SCI论文300余篇,他引15000余次,入选ELSEVIER环境科学中国高被引学者榜单,入选美国信息科学研究所基本科学指数环境/生态高引用率科学家目录。

近年在 Sci Total Environ 发表的其他论文:

Liu et al., 2022. Non-target and target screening of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in landfill leachate and impact on groundwater in Guangzhou, China. Sci Total Environ 844, 157021.

Han et al., 2022. Non-target, suspect and target screening of chemicals of emerging concern in landfill leachates and groundwater in Guangzhou, South China. Sci Total Environ 837, 155705.

Han et al., 2024. Discovering transformation products of pharmaceuticals in domestic wastewaters and receiving rivers by using non-target screening and machine learning approaches. Sci Total Environ 948, 174715.


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责任编辑:姜   威 王   芳

排版编辑:李媛媛 韦鸶琦

资料收集:余   亮 王顺慧
