2️⃣1️⃣ 一转眼间
提到一转眼,我们的第一反应是“in the blink of an eye”,对吧?但是英文版用的是in the batting of an eye。
As if by a miracle, the orphan lived and matured. In the batting of an eye, she had grown to be thirteen.
⚽️ “bat” 的本意是“击球”,引申为“快速的动作”。
“in the batting of an eye” 和 “in the blink of an eye” 是同义表达,但更少见,更具文学色彩。
此外,bat 的用法不仅限于时间,还可以用在其他语境,比如 轮到击球:
🌰 Australia, put in to bat, made a cautious start.
He heard the bad news without batting an eyelid.
2️⃣2️⃣ 如何形容翠色逼人?
🌲 什么是“翠色逼人”,感觉就是明亮的绿色,给人一种仿佛扑面而来的视觉冲击感。
为了住处两山多篁竹,翠色逼人而来, 老船夫随便为这个可怜的孤雏拾取了一个近身的名字,叫作“翠翠”
Because of the compelling deep, emerald green of bamboo stands covering the mountains on either side by the stream where they lived, the old ferryman, without a second thought, named the girl after what was close at hand: Cuicui, or “Jade Green.”
📚 有没有一本书让你一旦开始就根本停不下来?如果想用英文向外国朋友推荐一本你觉得非常有趣的书,可以用以下五种表达来形容“引人入胜”、“爱不释手”或者“扣人心弦”的感觉!
① ✨ It’s a real page-turner!
page-turner 的字面意思是“让人不停翻页的书”,表示“非常有吸引力,让人读了还想读的书”。
② 📖 I can’t seem to put it down!
put down 是“放下”的意思。can’t put it down 表示书非常吸引人,让你停不下来。
③ 💡 It’s a compelling read.
compelling 形容故事或书籍内容“非常有趣、扣人心弦”。
read 作名词,表示“阅读的过程或体验”。
④ 🔗 It’s a riveting book!
riveting 来自名词 rivet(铆钉),形象地比喻某事像铆钉一样紧紧吸引住你的注意力。
⑤ 📚 It’s unputdownable.
unputdownable 由 un-(不……)、put down(放下) 和形容词后缀 -able 组合而成,表示“令人无法放下的书”。
without a second thought:原文“随便”不是随便起了个名字,大概是不假思索的意思吧second thought 是表示再考虑,也许还会改变主意(think it over; may change mind)。
without a second thought 不假思索
She’ll spend a hundred dollars on a dress without a second thought.
have second thoughts 改变主意;开始怀疑
You're not having second thoughts about getting married, are you?
on second thoughts (表示要改变主意)又一想,转念一想
Can I have a cup of coffee, please? - actually, on second thoughts, I'll have a beer.
聪明的我,不懂的地方先看英文。比如近身,英语里翻译成了close at hand。我想应该是说选了个触手可及一睁眼就看到的方便的名字。close at hand有这两个意思,一个具体一个抽象:
There are good cafes and a restaurant close at hand.
One glance told her of the danger close at hand.
2️⃣3️⃣ 青山绿水用到哪个形容词?
Cuicui grew up under the sun and the wind, which turned her skin black as could be. The azure mountains and green brooks that met her eyes turned them clear and bright as crystal.
The azure mountains and green brooks that met her eyes turned them clear and bright as crystal:英文句式直观再现了这种“景物主语化”的特点,同时强调“青山绿水”如何通过视觉感官影响人物的眼睛,令其如水晶般清明透亮。这种处理方式保留了诗意,又准确传递了原意。
The winter morning was as clear as crystal.
冬日的早晨, 清澈如水晶。
红色 red
粉红 pink; soft red; rose bloom
玫瑰红 rose madder; rose
桃红 peach blossom; peach; carmine rose
樱桃红 cherry; cerise
宝石红 ruby red黄色 yellow
玉米黄 maize
芥末黄 mustard
橄榄黄 olive yellow
象牙黄 ivory
淡黄 jasmin(e); primrose绿色 green
深草绿 jungle green
灰湖绿 agate green
海水绿 marine green
苔藓绿 moss green bracken green
青色 cerulean blue blue green蓝色 blue
蔚蓝 azure; sky blue
宝石蓝 sapphire; jewelry
宝蓝 royal blue
钴蓝 cobalt blue king’s blue《飘》:The sky above turned slowly from azure to the delicate blue-green of a robin's egg, and the unearthly stillness of rural twilight came stealthily down about her. 天空渐渐由浅蓝变为知更鸟蛋般淡淡的青绿,田园薄暮中那超尘绝俗的宁静也悄悄在她周围降落。
紫色 purple; violet
紫水晶色 amethyst
紫藤色 lilac
乌紫 raisin
淡紫 pale purple lavender; lilac; orchid
📒 这里补充公文里的青山绿水相关表达:
地球是人类唯一的家园。中国愿同非洲一道,倡导绿色、低碳、循环、可持续的发展方式,共同保护青山绿水和万物生灵。 | The Earth is the only place which we mankind call home. China will work with Africa to pursue green, low-carbon, circular and sustainable development and protect our lush mountains and lucid waters and all living beings on our planet. |
青山绿水 | green hills and clear waters |
我们坚持绿水青山就是金山银山的理念。 | We have acted on the idea that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets. |
近年来,我们坚持绿水青山就是金山银山的理念,促进经济社会发展全面绿色转型,努力建设天蓝、地绿、水清的美丽中国。 | In recent years, we have, acting on the belief that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets, pursued all-round green transition in economic and social development; and we have endeavored to build a Beautiful China with blue skies, green lands and clear waters. |
👀 本文内容来自我的原版书专题,包括笔记和各种资源内容。详情🔎点击下方图片了解哦。