
文摘   2024-12-28 14:33   新加坡  



The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness

作者:乔纳森·海特(Jonathan Haidt) 

出版社:企鹅出版 (Penguin Press)

乔纳森·海特(Jonathan Haidt)的这本书以严谨精炼的笔触呈现了一项详尽的研究调查,在两种趋势之间建立起联系——一种趋势是青少年焦虑程度加剧,另一种趋势是使用智能手机的年龄越来越小。学校已经采纳他的建议,禁止在上课时间使用手机。但父母们也应该关注他的发现,认识到父母的手机使用习惯会导致孩子以及父母自身的焦虑。

A thorough research survey presented as a tautly argued tract, Jonathan Haidt’s book draws a line between two trends—greater levels of adolescent anxiety and the use of smartphones at increasingly younger ages. Already schools have taken his advice to forbid devices during class time. But parents should also take heed of his finding that their own phone habits contribute to the anxiety of their children—and themselves.



Charlie Hustle: The Rise and Fall of Pete Rose, and the Last Glory Days of Baseball

作者:基思·奥布莱恩(Keith O’Brien)


皮特·罗斯(Pete Rose)是一位超级棒球巨星,而且活跃在世人还把棒球运动当回事儿的时代——他是棒球场上的安打之王,在家乡辛辛那提,他通常也是叱咤风云的王者。基思·奥布莱恩细致再现了罗斯在自己周遭创造的世界,这里充斥着利用他人牟利的人和为此推波助澜的人,导致他走上了一条不归路,因对自己球队的比赛下注而被终身禁止参加棒球比赛。从这里开始,一个关于自大和豪赌的道德故事呈现出更大的悲剧维度。

Pete Rose was a baseball superstar in an age when that meant something—he was not only the sport’s hit king, he often seemed to be the king of his hometown of Cincinnati, too. Keith O’Brien meticulously reconstructs the world that Rose created around himself, a milieu of exploiters and enablers that led to his lifetime ban from baseball for betting on his own team’s games. A morality tale about hubris and gambling takes on a larger tragic dimension here.


《选择》 Choice: A Novel

作者:尼尔·穆克吉(Neel Mukherjee)



Which is better: to play one’s small part in trying to solve global crises or to opt out of the society that created them? Neel Mukherjee’s formally adventurous novel—composed of three linked, parable-like tales set in contemporary London and India—confronts the moral quandaries of our time with an intensity and intelligence that demands the reader’s full attention. This is fiction that provokes in the very best way.



Countdown: The Blinding Future of Nuclear Weapons

作者:萨拉·斯科尔斯(Sarah Scoles)

出版社:Bold Type

在这部老派报道作品中,萨拉·斯科尔斯揭示了美国核武器方案的面貌以及维护和开发核武器的男男女女的动机。她采访的那些头脑清醒的公务员跟疯狂的“奇爱博士”(Dr. Strangelove)并不是一路人,他们比任何人都更了解风险和责任。他们担心两种威胁:国外的核扩散和国内科学教育标准的下降。

In a work of old-fashioned reporting, Sarah Scoles sheds light on the state of America’s nuclear-weapons program and the motivations of the men and women who maintain and develop it. Hardly Dr. Strangelove types, the sober-minded civil servants she interviews understand the risks and responsibilities better than anyone. They worry about two threats: proliferation abroad and falling scientific educational standards at home.



A Day in September: The Battle of Antietam and the World It Left Behind

作者:斯蒂芬·布迪安斯基(Stephen Budiansky) 


1862年9月17日是美国历史上最惨烈的一天。短短几个小时的功夫,就有3,675名北方联邦军(Union)和南方联盟军(Confederate)的士兵阵亡,另有多达3,000人身负重伤。斯蒂芬·布迪安斯基通过九个人的经历分析了这场战役的方方面面,其中包括罗伯特·李(Robert E. Lee)将军和乔治·麦克莱恩(George McClellan)将军、护士克拉拉·巴顿(Clara Barton)和亚伯拉罕·林肯(Abraham Lincoln)。林肯在发布《解放奴隶宣言》(Emancipation Proclamation)之前,一直在等待叛军的挫败,以此作为发布宣言的契机。

Sept. 17, 1862, was one of the deadliest days in U.S. history. In a matter of hours, 3,675 Union and Confederate soldiers were killed; as many as 3,000 more were mortally wounded. Stephen Budiansky analyzes every aspect of the battle through nine individuals, including Gens. Robert E. Lee and George McClellan; the nurse Clara Barton; and Abraham Lincoln, who was waiting for a rebel setback before issuing the Emancipation Proclamation.



The Extinction of Irena Rey: A Novel

作者:詹妮弗·克罗夫特(Jennifer Croft)



A group of eight translators from different countries search through the forests of Poland for the megalomaniacal author Irena Rey in this brilliant debut novel. Jennifer Croft, a translator herself, fills her dizzying quest narrative with a Nabokovian profusion of literary allusions, coded symbols and linguistic tricks. But the real attraction is riotous storytelling. A flair for comic invention is matched by an adoration for the written word.



The Notebooks of Sonny Rollins

作者:桑尼·罗林斯(Sonny Rollins)著,萨姆·里斯(Sam V.H. Reese)编

出版社:New York Review Books


What does it take to become a great artist? The jazz saxophonist Sonny Rollins was renowned for his innovative improvisations. Yet this slim compilation of journal entries from the 1950s to the 2000s reveals a methodical and deliberate mind working through difficult problems of music and technique. The same theme of self-improvement runs through aphoristic entries featuring observations about life, society and Rollins’s own psychology.


《拒绝》 Rejection: Fiction

作者:托尼·图拉西穆特(Tony Tulathimutt) 

出版社:William Morrow


The extremely online will find their poet laureate in Tony Tulathimutte, whose collection of connected stories introduces a rogues’ gallery of trolls, grifters and social-media lurkers. Demonstrating a fluency in millennial vernacular—the stories play out across emails, texts and Reddit posts—“Rejection” conjures an unnerving horror show of generational grievance. How, then, is it also so deliriously funny?



Shock Values: Prices and Inflation in American Democracy

作者:卡萝拉·宾德(Carola Binder)


“通货膨胀始终是一种货币现象,在任何地方都是如此,”米尔顿·弗里德曼(Milton Friedman)说。物价水平的上升令政客们感到苦恼,但通货膨胀往往是由政治决策推动的。卡萝拉·宾德的这本书从殖民时代一直谈到今天,记述了美国人为战胜通货膨胀而作出的许多尝试。她在书中很少对政策做出评判,而是让批评者发声,在这个赤字高企的时代,批评者的声音应该被听到。

“Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon,” according to Milton Friedman. Rises in price levels bedevil politicians but are frequently driven by political decisions. Carola Binder’s book ranges from the colonial era to today, chronicling Americans’ many attempts to outsmart inflation. She makes few judgments on policy but gives voice to critics whose ideas, in an age of high deficits, should be heard.



Vows: The Modern Genius of an Ancient Rite

作者:谢里尔·门德尔松(Cheryl Mendelson)

出版社:Simon & Schuster


Cheryl Mendelson’s short work is a few books in one, all of them admirable. She traces the development of the modern Western wedding vow from its origin in medieval rites. She reflects on her own two marriages. And she explores, with sympathy and understanding, our contemporary resistance to the demanding nature of a categorical vow—a free choice that binds us and, if we let it, changes us as well.

By DJ Books Staff / Edited by Johnson Ma


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