第一作者:Mengyue Zhang
通讯作者:刘元 研究员
非水相液体(NAPLs)之间的结构差异会导致不同的氧化率,从而限制了 NAPLs 与氧化剂之间的传质,严重影响了传统原位化学氧化法的修复效果。为应对这一挑战,我们提出了一种用于修复受多重 NAPL 污染的地下水的新方法,即利用相转移催化(PTC)将氧化剂从地下水转移到 NAPLs,从而增强异质传质。同时,通过使用高锰酸盐和过一硫酸盐(PP)进行双功能氧化,实现 “氧化原位活化”。本研究将所提议的方法称为 PTC-PP。其中,三氯乙烯(TCE)和苯是具有代表性的多重 NAPL 系统。实验结果表明,与单氧化剂系统相比,聚丙烯能显著提高多 NAPL 系统中苯的降解效率,至少提高了 60.8%;与单独使用聚丙烯相比,当聚丙烯与 PTC 结合使用时,苯的降解效率进一步提高(17.6%)。在 PTC-PP 系统中,溶解的 Mn(II)和 MnO4 还原产生的 MnO2 有效地活化了过一硫酸盐,其中胶体 MnO2 是最有效的活化剂。因此,在 NAPL 和水相中都形成了 SO4--、O2--和 1O2,而在水相中则形成了 -OH,在苯的氧化过程中发挥了关键作用。在 PTC-PP 的相转移过程中,转移到苯中的 MnO4- 的比例超过了转移到 TCE 中的比例。这一发现表明,氧化剂的非定向相转移对同时促进 TCE 和苯的降解构成了挑战。不过,在加入 KMnO4 后再使用过硫酸盐,TCE 和苯的去除率均大于 75.7%。这些发现为 PTC-PP 在地下水修复中的应用奠定了理论基础。
Fig. 1. The performance of TCE and benzene degradation by PTC-PP. (a) Changes in TCE and benzene concentrations; and (b) mass balance (10 h) of TCE and benzene in different oxidation systems. The initial concentrations of KMnO4 and PMS were 6.7 and 13.3 mM, respectively. The initial mole ratio of PTC to KMnO4 was 3:20. The volumes of NAPL-TCE and NAPL-benzene added to each vial were 0.100 and 0.098 mL, respectively.
Fig. 2. Phase transfer of PTC and oxidants. Partition percentages of PTC between NAPL-TCE, NAPL-benzene and aqueous phases in the (a) PTC-KMnO4, (b) PTC-PMS and (c) PTC-PP systems. (d) Transfer proportion of PTC-PP from the aqueous phase to different NAPL phases. The initial concentrations of KMnO4 and PMS were 6.7 and 13.3 mM, respectively. The initial mole ratio of PTC to KMnO4 was 3:20. The volume of different NAPL added to each vial was 0.3 mL.
Fig. 3. Mantel test of phase transfer ratio of remediation reagents and main physicochemical parameters of representative NAPLs in (a) PTC + KMnO4 system and (b) PTC-PP system, respectively.
Fig. 4. Byproducts of KMnO4 reduction and in-situ PMS activation. (a) Changes in removal efficiency of benzene. XPS Mn 2p spectra of the filtrate from the TCE oxidation system using KMnO4 (b) without and (c) with PTC. (d) Benzene removal efficiency in PMS activation systems with different byproducts of MnO4− reduction at 120 min.
Fig. 5. Generation and contribution of ROS in PTC-PP oxidation systems. EPR spectra for the (a) aqueous and (b) NAPL phases in the multi- NAPL system degraded by PTC-PP. (c) Benzene removal efficiencies with quenching agents in PTC-PP systems. MeOH was used as a scavenger for both •OH and SO4•−, and TBA was used as the scavenger for •OH.
Fig. 6. Further enhancement of TCE and benzene degradation by sequentially applied PTC-PP. (a) Changes in TCE and benzene concentrations; and (b) mass balance (10 h) of TCE and benzene in PTC-PP systems with PMS added at different times. The initial concentrations or volumes of PTC, oxidants and NAPLs were the same as in the systems in Fig. 1.
本研究提出了一种名为 PTC-PP 的新方法,用于强化修复受多重 NAPL 污染的地下水。研究结果直接证明了氧化剂相转移过程以及水相和 NAPL 相中 PMS 的原位活化。PP 可以通过 PTC 有效地转移到 NAPL 中。在含有 TCE 和苯的二元 NAPL 氧化体系中,由于苯的溶解度高且疏水性弱于 TCE,因此转移到 NAPL 相苯中的 PTC 和氧化剂多于转移到 NAPL 相 TCE 中的 PTC 和氧化剂。因此,在 NAPL 相苯的 EPR 光谱中,SO4--、O2-- 和 1O2 信号比在 NAPL 相 TCE 的光谱中更为明显。-OH是苯降解的主要 ROS。在同时使用 PTC-PP 的情况下,苯的去除率比单一氧化剂系统提高了 78.4%,依次加入 PP 后,TCE 和苯的降解效率大于 75.7%。这些发现凸显了 PTC-PP 方法在提高多重 NAPL 污染地下水修复效率方面的巨大潜力。
Mengyue Zhang, Yuan Liu, Shujie Hu, Di Wu, Lei Zheng, Hong Liu, Jun Dong, Novel phase transfer catalysis coupled with bifunctional oxidation for enhanced remediation of groundwater polluted with multiple NAPL: Performance and mechanisms, Water Research, 2025, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2024.122698