
文摘   2024-09-18 08:13   中国澳门  



A. It may lead to a temporary cooling of the planet.

B. It could result in a significant and permanent rise in sea levels.

C. It is causing more extreme weather events globally.

D. It will have no impact on global climate change.


A. Heavy snowfall and frost.

B. Heavy rainfall, unusually warm temperatures, and strong dry winds.

C. Hurricanes and tornadoes.

D. Flooding and droughts.


A. It could rise by 10 meters.

B. It could rise by 25 meters.

C. It could rise by 58 meters.

D. It could remain unchanged.


Increasing amounts of ice have been melting on the continent of Antarctica over the past ten years. Now, scientists are wondering if the increase in melting is temporary or if it will continue—and perhaps melt even faster—for years into the future. Nearly 1,500 experts who study Antarctica gathered in southern Chile last week to share results of their research. They discussed the extreme weather events that struck parts of the continent this year: heavy rainfall, unusually warm temperatures, and strong dry winds. The researchers say these events added to recent increases in melting. However, detailed weather data for Antarctica dates back only about 40 years. That is one reason climate scientists are unsure if the current melting is temporary or the beginning of a longer trend. NASA estimates show a possible 58-meter rise in the average worldwide sea level if all Antarctic ice melted. Studies have shown that about a third of the world's population lives below 100 vertical meters of sea level. Some of the scientists in Chile agreed that the most harmful rise in sea level can still be avoided if fossil fuel emissions decrease. Weber noted that when glaciers melt, the earth's land can rise because there is less weight pushing it down. Recent research suggests that if the melting does not happen too quickly, the rising land could nearly equal the rise in sea level. But if the melting happens too quickly, the rise in land could not meet the increase in sea level.

Question 1: What is the main concern of scientists regarding the melting ice in Antarctica?

Question 2: What extreme weather events were discussed by researchers at the meeting in Chile?

Question 3: What do NASA's estimates suggest about the potential rise in sea level if all Antarctic ice melts?


1. Antarctica: the continent around the South Pole 南极


913日消息,据《卫报》援引澳大利亚南极计划伙伴关系科学家的数据宣布,南极洲周围的海冰即将连续第二年达到创纪录的冬季最低温度。2023年,海冰状况发生了巨大变化:大陆周围的覆盖层连续六个月被破坏,冬季面积比长期平均减少了160万平方米。科学家们认为,类似的情况将在 2024 年重演,因为 9 7 日的冰量甚至比 2023 年同一天还要少。 塔斯马尼亚大学海冰研究员威尔·霍布斯博士说:我们正在谈论令人难以置信的极端事件。去年的情况令人震惊,现在又发生了。此前,加州大学圣地亚哥分校的科学家得出结论,地球极地冰的融化可能会影响地球自转速度的变化,从而导致世界时间计算的变化。专家确信,到 2029 年,人类将第一次必须减少而不是增加白天的长度。(背景知识来自于https://www.163.com/dy/article/JC1M8H5D055616Y9.html


Question 1: B

Question 2: B

Question 3: C




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