Effects of spatio-temporal variations of solar light on the multiscale optical and electrical characteristics of ultrathin tandem solar cells
• 具有巨大应用潜力的超薄叠层太阳能电池
• 多尺度光学、光伏特性耦合理论模型
• 太阳时域特性对超薄叠层太阳能电池的影响
• 光谱和入射角变化对叠层电池的影响机制
• 超薄叠层电池系统在实际条件下有稳定的高输出功率
Research gap
Ultrathin tandem solar cells have potential for a wide range of applications due to flexibility, high power-to-weight ratio, price competitiveness (low-cost and low capex). However, unlike standard tests under air-mass1.5 (AM1.5) 1 sun illumination, differences in spectral irradiance and incidence angle caused by spatio-temporal variation of solar light have significant effects on the tandem solar cells, especially on the ultrathin tandem solar cells, which are much more sensitive to incidence angle due to the sub-micro/micro textured structures. We develop a multiscale optical model and photovoltaic characteristic model for detailed description of photon propagation and carrier transport in the ultrathin tandem solar cells, respectively. Though analyses on the effect of inverted pyramid photonic crystal architecture on light absorption of the ultrathin tandem solar cells, the optimal structural parameters of inverted pyramid photonic crystal architecture are obtained, which leads to an improvement of the power conversion efficiency of ultrathin tandem solar cell by 0.82 % compared to the tandem solar cells with pristine thickness (∼180 μm). Based on the optimized ultrathin tandem solar cells, detailed mechanisms of the effects of variation in regional and daily spectral irradiances on the PV characteristics are unravelled. Compared to daily spectral irradiance variations, regional spectral irradiance variations have a greater effect on the structural dimensions and performance of ultrathin tandem solar cells. However, in the daily solar light variations, incidence angle variation has a significant effect on ultrathin tandem solar cells, and this effect is primarily reflected in the bottom sub-cells. The unravelled mechanism of the effect of incidence angle variation helps us propose a recommendation to improve the daily output power of the ultrathin tandem solar cells (2312.30 W·h/m2) in the analyses under real-world condition.
Ultrathin tandem solar cells
Solar light variations
Multiscale optics
PV characteristic model for tandem solar cell
图1 钙钛矿/硅叠层太阳能电池结构示意图
图2 钙钛矿/硅叠层太阳能电池多尺度光学模拟流程图
图3 太阳光光谱强度分布差异(a)不同地区(b)不同时间
图4 2月8日在Antofagasta的环境条件以及超薄钙钛矿/硅叠层太阳能电池的光伏特性
周一鹏,西北工业大学副教授,博士毕业于西安交通大学动力工程及工程热物理专业,2019-2021年在多伦多大学(Sajeev John团队)进行博士后研究工作。研究方向包括基于光子晶体的多尺度光学分析,钙钛矿及其叠层光伏电池,建筑一体化光伏,以及太阳能全光谱利用。主持及参与多项国家及省部级重点项目,目前以第一/通讯作者在Applied Energy、Energy Conversion & Management、Material Today Chemistry、Renewable Energy等期刊发表论文超过20篇,并进行多次受邀报告。
关于Applied Energy
《Applied Energy》是世界能源领域著名学术期刊,在全球出版巨头爱思唯尔 (Elsevier) 旗下,1975年创刊,影响因子10.1,CiteScore 21.2,本刊旨在为清洁能源转换技术、能源过程和系统优化、能源效率、智慧能源、环境污染物及温室气体减排、能源与其他学科交叉融合、以及能源可持续发展等领域提供交流分享和合作的平台。开源(Open Access)姊妹新刊《Advances in Applied Energy》影响因子13.0,CiteScore 23.9。全部论文可以免费下载。在《Applied Energy》的成功经验基础上,致力于发表应用能源领域顶尖科研成果,并为广大科研人员提供一个快速权威的学术交流和发表平台,欢迎关注!