Electrification of multi-energy hubs under limited electricity supply: De-/centralized investment and operation for cost-effective greenhouse gas mitigation
• Decarbonization via electrification is effective, economic, advisable, challenging.
• Limited centralized electricity alters optimal design of new de-/centralized assets.
• Multi-objective MILP finds pareto-optimal V2G EVs and mix of converters, storages.
• Full year hourly resolution allows for detailed grid and asset operational analysis.
• Cost and emission breakdown reveal dominance of embodied emission and upfront cost.
Electrification of residential's heating and private mobility is often seen as a cure-all solution to the sector's immense greenhouse gas (GHG) emission problem. However, the necessary supply of affordable, secure, and sustainable centralized electricity is commonly assumed unlimited in related planning efforts. Hence, it remains unclear how beneficial electrification is under limited supply. Therefore, we investigate how jointly planned de-/centralized asset upgrades and Vehicle-2-Home enabled electric vehicles can overcome such limitations exemplarily for five residential building types in Switzerland. Thereto, the proposed, novel optimizations of Multi-energy Systems based on the Energy Hub concept, which extend the classical decentralized Energy Hub perspective to include investments into centralized assets, simultaneously select, design, and operate such assets and vehicles to minimize lifecycle-emissions and -costs while covering thermal, electrical and mobility demands under scenarios of A) unlimited, B) three partially limited, and C) no (stand-alone) centralized electricity. The optimizations prove the centralized supply limitations to be crucial, as achievable CO2eq mitigations halve on average from A) >60% over B) 45% to only C) 30%. Further, a substantially altered and wide mix of assets is optimal to overcome the identified sole supply bottleneck of electrical energy scarcity during winter. Transitioning from low-cost to low-emission solutions, natural gas based centralized gas turbines and decentralized combined heat and power plants (CHPPs) combined with air-source heat pumps are displaced by biogas CHPPs, ground source heat pumps and centralized photovoltaics, while local photovoltaics and Vehicle-2-Home usage are constants. Surprisingly, all partially limited scenarios including nuclear phase-out and additional cross-border electricity trade stops yield similar results, which enable emission mitigations of 50% over the non-electrified reference without additional annualized cost. Stronger emission mitigation proves prohibitively costly. Overall, considering limited supply avoids overestimation of achievable emission mitigation, underestimation of total costs as well as identification of too simplistic asset portfolios.
Energy hub
Electric mobility
Multi-objective optimization
Energy trilemma
Energy dependence
Fig. 1. System overview of residential energy supply system with centralized electricity supply systems on the left and decentralized systems on the right. Dashed outline includes all optimized assets and energy flows. The existing Trad. Grid is only optimized for operation.
Fig. 2. Power (left) and energy (right) limitations per capita (left y-axis) and for Switzerland (right y-axis) on the supply of centralized electricity in the partially limited supply scenarios: std, nN, nNnE.
Fig. 3. Stationary and mobile energy demand variation over time for the five investigated building types per capita (left y-axes) and extrapolated national values for Switzerland (right y-axes).Values in the legend indicate annual demands. Stationary Demands for Dwe 4 , avg and Dwe 4 , sum naturally overlap perfectly. Underlying hourly-resolved demand profiles are summed on a weekly basis for better readability in plots (a) and (c).
关于Applied Energy
《Applied Energy》是世界能源领域著名学术期刊,在全球出版巨头爱思唯尔 (Elsevier) 旗下,1975年创刊,影响因子10.109,CiteScore 20,高被引论文ESI全球工程期刊排名第4,谷歌学术全球学术期刊第53,本刊旨在为清洁能源转换技术、能源过程和系统优化、能源效率、智慧能源、环境污染物及温室气体减排、能源与其他学科交叉融合、以及能源可持续发展等领域提供交流分享和合作的平台。开源(Open Access)姊妹新刊《Advances in Applied Energy》现已正式上线。在《Applied Energy》的成功经验基础上,致力于发表应用能源领域顶尖科研成果,并为广大科研人员提供一个快速权威的学术交流和发表平台,欢迎关注!